Friday, November 19, 2021

The Moment is at Hand

I believe that a perfect storm of circumstances resulted in placing Joe Biden in the presidency of the United States.  The arrival of the pandemic which derailed the booming economy fostered by President Donald Trump’s policies; the cover provided by that pandemic that fostered colossal irregularities in voting, mostly under the guise of mail-in balloting; the polarizing arrogance of Trump that motivated many Republicans and Independents to either stay home and not vote or to take a leap of ill-advised faith with a Biden vote; and finally the ongoing reliability of the American voter to place too much faith in the irrelevance of our Chief Executive’s role in everyday affairs and their sheer laziness in adequately informing themselves of what their votes are supporting….all of these things combined to put Joe Biden in the White House. 

That same election resulted in a Democratically-controlled Senate based on a 50/50 party balance and a Democrat VP to break all ties in their favor; an historically-thin Democrat majority in the House which because of House rules, results in absolute Democrat control of that body; and an incompetent fool in the presidency that was falsely sold to the American people on the basis of normality, civility, bipartisanship, and the “I’m not Donald Trump” moniker that many voters were all too eager to accept.  To their political credit, the Democratic Party has parlayed this meager slight advantage into an impressive record of passing liberal legislation designed to transform this nation into an American version of Europe. 

Beginning with the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, that was passed in March with a price tag of $1.9 trillion; the Democrats have followed up with the recently passed and approved $1.2 trillion Bipartisan Infrastructure legislation that addresses actual infrastructure to the tune of about one-fourth of the outlay…or about $250 billion.  Now the House has passed the coup de grace Build Back Better legislation that is estimated to cost $1.75 trillion.  This bill represents the bulk of the radical, liberal, and nation-changing ideals that were too over-the-top to include in the Bipartisan Infrastructure bill.   THIS is the totally authentic liberal wish list that is essentially the blueprint to change our country in a fundamental way.  It will now move to the Senate for the final showdown in this Democratic effort to Europeanize America. 

Overstatement and hyperbole have been so devalued as to become commonplace in today’s culture; but I will nonetheless venture this statement: If the Senate passes this Build Back Better legislation, the America that we have all grown up in will be gone forever.  The damage and change will so severe and dramatic that the election of a Republican-controlled Congress in 2022 will not stop it; Joe Biden (or Kamala Harris) will still control the Executive branch of government for two more years. The election of a Republican President in 2024 will not be adequate to undo the permanent damage realized through this legislation over the three years that now lay between today and that election.  In my mind, this legislation would usher in a change to our country on the scale of the American Revolution or the Civil War. 

Now you may chuckle at this notion; you may think I have joined in the practice of overstatement and hyperbole. My wife refers to these ideas of mine as gloom and doom; I like to think of it as realism.  I will simply respond to that skepticism by encouraging you to reflect upon that which has occurred in our government since January 20 of this year when the Democrats took control of our government.  Who amongst you envisioned, on that cold day in January, that this nation would be in the shape it is in today?  Our citizenry, through its civil laziness and foolish trust, presented the radical elements of the liberal Democratic Party with an opportunity that they have seized and maximized with shocking skill and focus.  They are within an eyelash (the Build Back Better legislation) of realizing a decades-old dream that up until today appeared to be unreachable.

The chance for voters to change that course is gone.  The option of mitigating the current runaway liberal element in our government has passed us by.  Those decisions were settled last November.  We are now down to placing our hope in the hands of a very few Democrat Senators who might somehow find the wisdom and courage to vote against the organization that has put them where they are today; a Party to which they owe their entire career.  Is there one or two amongst them?  Will Senator Manchin or Senator Sinema or Senator Someone Else step up and snatch Democratic Defeat from the jaws of Democratic Victory?  The moment for that realization has arrived.

As we watch and wait for this tale to be told, let’s move on to the genesis of the future that lies before us pending the passage of Build Back Better……….

$1.9 trillion spent in March, $1.2 trillion spent in November, and now on deck…$1.75 trillion.  Here is some information about the latest spendapolooza…Build Back Better:

Here is the actual legislation:

Here is a summary:

And here are several articles relating to the legislation:

What exactly do you suppose ole Circle Back Psaki has been smoking lately:

Is there really a pressing need to raise taxes on working Americans?

Taking into consideration the following articles relating to current economic conditions, who in their right mind would think it is a good idea to spend an ADDITIONAL $1.75 TRILLION on nothing more than social experimentation?

First off…how about that inflation?

Next up, the supply chain:

And the Boy Wonder himself…Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigeig explains the labor shortage:

Here is another pearl of wisdom from Mayor Pete…Buttigeig also believes our federal transportation is racist and of course, he has a solution:

High energy prices are eating us alive and are only going to get higher.  One year ago, this nation was energy independent.  Today, our President is begging OPEC to increase production.  We have imbeciles running our government, and more are on the way:

Joe Biden did not just appoint this fool Kerry to a position in his administration; he CREATED a position in his administration to appoint him to:

Where does Biden find these people that he selects to run our government?

Of course, if we eliminate coal and go full electric, we are going to need lots and lots of batteries.  And where do battery materials come from?

HERE are some intelligent remarks regarding climate change:

Americans are not the only ones realizing that we have rank incompetency in our White House.  As I have said before…these are very dangerous times for America and the world:

Be Informed…Pass the Word…Just Google centerlineright

The cluelessness and arrogance of Joe Biden is nauseating; but not surprising.  He was, after all, the Vice-President for a man who is most likely the most arrogant human being ever created:

Here is a good message for both Obama and Trump….JUST GO AWAY!

As details continue to leak out about the worst political scandal in my lifetime, we still await accountability for those knaves who perpetrated this atrocity on our nation and our President:

Even after this long overdue exposure of rank corruption in our government, it seems that little has changed in Joe Biden’s Department of Justice:

But lest we become completely disillusioned with justice in America, there is always one more story that can reaffirm our faith in our justice system:

What do you think makes these fools in Washington, DC believe that they know more than the twelve jurors who heard every word and argument about this case they rendered a verdict on?  The arrogance and idiocy of WDC politicians…and others…is nothing less than breathtaking:

Question: BLM activists riot when a white man kills a black man.  BLM activists never riot when a black man (unless it is a black copkills a black man.  Is it not odd that BLM activists riot when a white man kills a white man?

I have been a strong advocate for Donald Trump’s policies; but an even stronger critic of Donald Trump the man.  Here is a very interesting article that addresses people who might think like I do:

And for the record…Donald Trump and the Republicans are not the only ones to have questioned election results:

Sometimes….sometimes…those election results are questioned for good reasons:

Closing out this piece, I want to direct you to a thought-provoking article about economic policy in America.  This item is particularly significant as we are on the verge of implementing massive social programs, such as those included in the three pieces of legislation discussed earlier in this blog.  Do we want a nation with opportunity for all people to work and earn and build a future for themselves and their families…or…do we want a nation where a significant number of able-bodied people remain out of the workforce and depend on the government for their survival?  Consider these words:


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