Friday, November 26, 2021

Once Revered; Now Reviled

The creeping politicization of our government has been happening for around three decades now.  There have always been certain departments and agencies within our government that are blatantly influenced by politics, extreme ideology, and simple bias for agenda promotion.  This is generally accepted by both national parties as the “spoils of victory” and the public understands this concept to be in play.  However, there are other areas of government that have historically been considered sacrosanct when it comes to immunization from political influence.  Foremost among these are the Department of Justice (DOJ), the Judicial System and the Supreme Court (SCOTUS), and the Department of Defense (DOD). 

These sectors of our government have traditionally been held in high esteem by the citizenry and possessed a solid reputation and high level of trust that vested within them an abundance of respect.  They were thought to be above the petty infighting and foolishness that is so prevalent in our national political arena.  Today, that esteem is tarnished and that respect is waning.  Over the long term, both national parties have abused these departments and agencies, using them for self-serving purposes that subverted their sacred missions.  Neither party is without blood on its hands.  But through the actions of the Obama and Biden Administrations, this unholy abuse of power and corruption of constitutional intent has reached a pinnacle that threatens the very foundations of this country.  When we need these entities as never before…they are perverted to a point of near paralysis.

When the top-ranking military leaders in America, up to and including the Secretary of Defense, couch their words in politispeak and allow themselves to be used as tools for a particular political agenda;  when the SCOTUS is hammered by the mainstream media and both national parties, through public pressure and coercion, in efforts to influence their pending decisions;  and when the Department of Justice is weaponized by sitting Presidents and their political appointees to selectively utilize the power of their offices for political gain…when all of this and more is occurring so often as to desensitize the public to its menace…then our country has lost the primary ingredient that makes it unique among nations of this world.

Our constitution was brilliantly written to empower the majority political party in our government to pursue, within specific and legitimate terms, the implementation of the policies that they promoted and that were publicly supported through our election process.  Through the power of the Executive and Legislative branches and through the influence of the thousands of political appointees that are selected by an elected President, the prevailing political party in America has the immense opportunity to mold this nation according to the premise of their agenda.  But this victory…this privilege to rule this nation and shape its image…comes with the caveat that certain constitutional principles, specifically those assigned to the DOJ, the DOD, and the SCOTUS, are to be honored and left to their own designs.  They are to function INDEPENDENTLY from the political aspirations of the party in control of our government.  This caveat that was for so long honored by our national parties is no longer preserved.  Not only has the public reached the point where it has ceased to be concerned with this abuse…the bald-faced and shameless manner in which these institutions are being misused has reached epic proportions.  We are nearing the point at which our country will have no existing conscience for its fiscal behavior, judicial system, national defense, and most importantly…its preservation of the individual rights and liberties functions within our government.  America is ceasing to be the land of the free.

Here are some articles that address this point:

In other federal Departments and Agencies, there are legitimate opportunities for an Executive Administration to actively promote a given political agenda based on public support through elections.  But in order to maintain public respect and credibility, that promotion must be viewed by the voters as being in the realm of reasonableness.  It must be transparent and substantiated by facts.  If it is not pursued in this fashion, then the ability of that department or agency to fulfill its appointed mission is put in jeopardy. 

A good example of this was the rogue efforts by the Internal Revenue Service to target conservative groups and individuals under the Obama Administration.  Another is the Biden Administration’s efforts to mitigate the adverse effects of the coronavirus pandemic; which have been marginalized and brought into question due to the blatant political influences within the Center for Disease Control.  The Department of Energy struggles today in its effort to expand beyond America’s dependence upon coal and petroleum because of its ham-handed devotion to an all-green environment.   A President simply cannot play political games with federal departments and agencies and still expect to maintain trust with the public.

But for the record…as arbitrary and convoluted as the Biden Administration’s pandemic response has been…I suppose it fair to say that it could have been worse: 

Be Informed…Pass the Word…Just Google centerlineright

In previous posts, I have assailed the Build Back Better legislative effort by the Democrats.  Here is some more information on this fiscal and ideological monstrosity that poses a real threat to the foundations of our country:

And please note…this proposed legislation (which has been passed by the House and is pending in the Senate) is coming on the heels of the recently approved Bipartisan Infrastructure bill that included provisions such as this:

Here are some quick notes in closing.  Taken altogether, they are good commentary on the state of our nation this day…

Taking the Jolly out of Christmas?

Are there no limits to the Woke Madness that has infected our society and culture?

The resolution of America’s abortion question is rapidly approaching:

The Republican Party’s Trump problem will not go away quietly; they are going to have to make some hard decisions:

And finally…some words of wisdom from Victor David Hanson.  If you are like me, you are simply dumbfounded by the idiocy of the Biden Administration in their efforts to explain or defend or deflect criticism from their stupid policies.  You have to believe that at some point in this unfolding comedy, the mainstream media will come to terms with the fact that they are being employed as useful idiots by this cabal of clowns in the White House and will begin to expose this simple and illogical foolishness for what it is:


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