Saturday, March 12, 2022

Biden Turmoil...Both Domestic and Foreign

I have made my affection for Trump policies and my disaffection for Trump the man quite clear on many occasions.  I continue to hope that the Republican Party can find a good alternative to running Trump once again in 2024.  Having said that, I will compare my assessment of all things Trump with what I tell my grandson when discussing why Tom Brady is the GOAT....just look at the record.  Any reasonable and objective evaluation of Trump's years compared to Biden's years-to-date can only yield one answer: What have we done to ourselves by putting these idiots in charge?

I am an Independent, but I am also a conservative.  As much as I have grown over the last few years to detest the Democrat Party, I have also become quite disenchanted with those individuals and entities who have canonized Donald Trump; stubbornly refusing to call out his flaws.  I count Fox News as one of those entities and would designate Sean Hannity as their lead cheerleader.  But having said that, I must concede to Fox and Sean...when you're right, you're right.   MSN Hannity CLIP

Of all things ignorant regarding the Biden Administration, right at the top of the list has to be his handling of America's energy sector.  In roughly 14 months, he has desecrated our oil and gas industries with petty and spiteful executive actions, onerous and excessive regulations, and illogical stupidity.  Our nation has gone from being energy independent and a net energy exporter to begging dictatorial thugs across the planet for oil exports, literally attempting to appease Iran in order to get their oil exports, and crawling on our hands and knees begging for Saudi Arabian oil...only to be humiliated when their leaders won't even answer a phone call from our President.

You know...the most maddening part of Biden's energy policies has got to be the absolute cluelessness he and his chosen clowns exhibit on a daily basis when discussing the adverse impact of what he has done.  These people are truly thick as a brick and could not find their asses with both hands.

It is beyond pathetic that this planet which we all inhabit stands before the very real prospect of a world war and the leader of the strongest nation on it has abdicated his moral responsibility to lead the forces of freedom on behalf of Ukraine.  France and Germany hold conference calls with Putin with utterly no regard to what America thinks.  Our President is simply too weak to get on a plane and travel overseas to assume his rightful place at the head of the NATO table.  I cannot come up with a word that adequately describes how pathetic this situation truly is.  

And if to add insult to injury...Biden sends VP Harris to Poland to represent our country on the world stage.  What could possibly go wrong with that?

Here is a collection of clear, concise articles that do a good job of summing up the current status of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.  Pay particular attention to those pieces that include the views of people living in Ukraine or having close ties with that nation.

In closing, I urge you to read the following articles by two gifted journalists.  Each of them bring a phenomenally high degree of insight, professionalism, and empathy to their work.  One addresses the ongoing Biden Administration negotiations with Iran while the other comments on the tragedy unfolding in Ukraine.

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