Saturday, March 19, 2022

The Song Remains the Same

The hubris and arrogance of politicians in general and the mainstream media to baldly lie to the American people with no shame whatsoever and then expect them to swallow it down hook...line...and sinker is...well, it is quite understandable.  Over the last several decades, we have essentially ignored governmental corruption at disgusting levels with the simple act of returning the scoundrels involved to their positions in power.  As for the mainstream media...sometime around the beginning of the '90s, they became quite enchanted with the Clinton cult, their youthful indulgences, their thematic Fleetwood Mac soundtracks, their fast and loose adherence to the truth, and their beginning forays into what has now become commonplace...that being George Orwell's statement that...propaganda is as much a matter of what is left out, as of what is actually said.  This practice goes hand in hand with another truth that goes...history is largely a matter of exactly who is writing the history.

Two recent episodes of modern life and politics bear these prophecies out.  One is the shameful and ongoing effort of the mainstream media to aid and abet the Democratic Party not only in committing the worst political scandal in my lifetime, but then attempting (fairly successfully) to rewrite the facts surrounding the shameful chapter in a feeble attempt to diminish, justify, or mitigate it.  We can only hope that Special Counsel John Durham will eventually pull the sheet back on this travesty and there will be some semblance of justice meted out to the guilty parties.  However, in the meantime, we must educate ourselves as to what they did, how they got away with it, and how they are continuing to lie about it.

Unable to acknowledge the lack of integrity and professionalism relating to the coverage of the Trump/Russia Hoax, the mainstream media leapt once again to the rescue of wayward Democrats in its coverage (or lack thereof) of the Hunter Biden laptop episode; a good example of the second truism cited earlier.  Now don't get me wrong...I agree with most folks that family members of the President ought to be off limits for intensive press scrutiny.  But I think we can all agree that consideration is waived when those family members either willingly insert themselves into the public news cycle or include their elected (or wannabe elected) fathers in their misbehavior.

I find it fascinating to watch how the Republican Party is handling the good fortune of having a Democrat Doofus as President, an even bigger Doofus as VP, clown show Democrat-majority leadership in Congress,  and the obvious contrast of Donald Trump's successful foreign and domestic policy initiatives with the dismal failures of the Biden Administration.  Ever wary of the reliable Republican practice of bringing a knife to a political gunfight, I live in constant fear that they will somehow snatch demoralizing defeat from the jaws of redemptive victory in the upcoming mid-term elections and, two years hence, the ensuing general elections.

Looking forward to those mid-terms...what are the chances that the Democrats can pull off some of the same election mischief that that they did in 2020?  Given the fact that the Republicans knew damn well what was coming in 2020 and failed to prevent it, it is hard to approach this November with a high degree of confidence for an improved national election environment.  There is a lot of agreement about where the problems lie.  The question is: Can they be fixed?

It is beyond the realm of stupidity to think that in the midst of Russia's Ukrainian invasion, we would be negotiating a peace agreement (?) with the planet's leading mentor of international terrorism (Iran) and their partner in crime (Russia)...but there we sit, with the Biden Administration's chosen idiots negotiating our future.  What could possibly go wrong with this picture?

The absurd nexus of the JCPOA Iran negotiations and the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine only serves to highlight how dangerous these times are for America with our pathetically-weak leadership in Washington.

Unfortunately, the realm of foreign policy is not sufficiently expansive to also contain the Biden Administration's follies in domestic policy.  They are truly a universe unto themselves.  Two obvious truths that are somehow foreign to the Biden Team is the fact that churning out billions of dollars in unnecessary federal payments will inevitably lead to inflation and, to be equally expected, would be soaring fuel prices resulting from Biden strangling our domestic energy-producing sector.

In closing, I want to link an interesting article I ran across that addresses America's position in the evolving global environment.  This piece is especially pertinent in the context of the Russia/Ukraine war.  Following this article, I am linking an old blog of my own that addresses the same subject.  It is easy for us all to become consumed with the domestic issues that impact our daily lives and lose track of the ongoing and tragic conflicts that occur across our planet on a daily basis.  A high-profile story like Ukraine grabs our attention; but there are stories similar to it every day that somehow evade our notice.  The future role of America in the realm of global politics and security is the primary challenge for our leaders and that fact should never be lost among our obsessions with domestic affairs.

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