Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Sad, Sad State of Affairs

As war rages in Ukraine, I will try not to go too hard at our incompetent President and his pathetic cast of clowns.  He is our President, he will lead our nation, and our prayers are with him and the monumental decisions he will be making.

It is important for all of us to understand and embrace the fact that we do know the facts surrounding the  Russian/Ukrainian war.  In today's world, one simply cannot accept at face value the news reported by our media.  The best we ca do is to read from different sources, consider the inherent biases of those different sources, and apply a good dose of common sense and reason to the whole deal.

It is not helpful in these troubling times that the Biden Administration chooses to be deceptive, convoluted, and openly dishonest about the facts it discloses to the public.  Here is a case in point from Biden's chief mouthpiece, Circle Back Psaki: https://thefederalist.com/2022/03/07/jen-psaki-is-a-lying-liar-who-lies-insane-gas-prices-edition/

The ideologues in Biden's circle still control our President, but their hold on him is growing tenuous.  As more and more of their fantasyland policies are exposed for the idiocy they represent, the group battling the ideologues for control of Biden grow stronger.  This group (whom I will identify as the power seekers), are trying to seize control of  Biden's policies and narratives in an effort to salvage what they can from the upcoming mid-term elections.  They understand that if they lose Congressional control, then their ability to sustain their professional careers is in jeopardy.  They can feel their power slipping away.

The ideologues openly desire for the price of oil to get so high that consumers will be forced to move into the greener market zone of electric vehicles.  For them, the Ukrainian/Russian conflict is an opportunity to promote their cause.  The power seekers, while maintaining an allegiance to the liberal green radicals due to their political funding and influence, understand that at some point in the political process the cost of foisting an idiotic agenda on people is outweighed by the political costs it may incur in the areas of maintaining political control.  

It is clear that alternative sources of energy should be researched, developed, and marketed based upon their advantages and disadvantages; that is how the free market works.  If a new energy source is affordable and efficient, it will find a place in our everyday lives; diversity in our energy source community is a GOOD thing.  But a new source's place in the energy sector must be earned on the basis of merit, not on the basis of governmental subsidy and support.  When the government picks winners and losers in our economy and culture, we all end up losing.

This green energy fantasy being promoted by the ideologues is being exposed.  Reality is setting the record straight: https://www.city-journal.org/ukraine-war-and-the-new-shale-revolution

The fundamental questions to be answered are one, which faction will control our President and two, if the power seekers prevail, how successful can they be at altering this Administrations policies in an effort to maintain political control through the mid-term elections?  Will Biden follow the liberal lunacy of the ideologues over a cliff or will he be sobered up by the power seekers trying to be the voice of reason?

We should watch the President, listen carefully to what he says and does, and then make a judgement on which group of these presidential influencers are in control.  Will Biden put a stop to importing Russian oil and gas?  Will Biden remove the shackles from America's energy sector and allow them to once again achieve energy independence for our nation, along with all the collateral benefits that go with it?  Will Biden take a different, more pragmatic approach to illegal immigration at our southern border?  Will Biden continue to wind down and distance himself from the autocratic and over the top pandemic rules that have choked our nation?  Will Biden stop advocating to indiscriminately  throw taxpayer dollars at every concern that impacts our culture and society?  Will Biden refrain from promoting discrimination through the suffocating emphasis on our economic and racial differences and instead try to promote policies that will enable people through opportunity rather than disable them through government handouts?

If we are to see from Biden indications that he is moving away from many of the bizarre policy initiatives that the ideologues are pushing, then we will see Biden begin to change his public tone.  We might see a new presidential Chief of Staff...one not quite as liberal as  Ron Klain.  If the power seekers gain the upper edge in the battle to control the strings attached to our marionette President, then these signals will be forthcoming.  If not, then our nation is barreling ever closer to that cliff that I mentioned earlier.

In closing, let me throw out some numbers that bring some clarity to Biden's stupidity.  America is importing around 600,000 barrels of oil from Russia DAILY.  At the current price of $130 per barrel, that means we are writing a check to Russia every day for about $78,000,000.  Ask yourself this question: Exactly who is funding Russia's invasion of Ukraine?  To put this issue in even better perspective, consider the fact that the Keystone Pipeline's (which was shut down by Biden in celebratory fashion) estimated level of production is around 800,000 barrels per day.  Faced with this challenge, where does our President go to get oil for America?  To Iran...to Venezuela...to Saudi Arabia.  


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