Saturday, May 21, 2022

The Mid-Terms Emerge…As the Plot Thickens

Pretty soon, very little oxygen will remain in the room after sucking up enough to fuel speculation regarding the upcoming mid-term elections.  Republicans seem to think they are riding a huge RED wave heading into November with visions of recapturing House and quite possibly Senate control.  Although several Democrat-leaning election afficionados are expressing concerns about the Democrat’s prospects this fall, the Biden Administration and the Congressional Leadership in the Democratic Party appear to be blithefully pursuing their agendas with no hesitation whatsoever.  They seem oblivious to any danger signs.  Time will in fact reveal all mysteries and this will be one of them.


Will the Republicans bring a knife to this November gun fight?  Will the Democrats self-implode by continuing their inexplicable knack for self-delusion?  What will most effectively motivate the voters…media, economy, partisanship, woke policy, abortion, foreign affairs, or…of course, the actual candidates themselves? 


And speaking of the media…is it not absolutely hilarious to see how the mainstream media continues to refuse covering the Trump-Russia Hoax and the Hunter Biden Laptop stories until indisputable facts emerge relating to each of them?  And then, once that occurs, they pile on as if they have been there all along.  Their dignity and integrity have apparently followed their ethics and self-awareness down the rabbit hole they have been digging for the last decade.


With their head cheerleader making a lateral transfer over to another wing of the Administration’s PR department (MSNBC), what will be the new and different approach to communications from Biden and Company? (Caution for extra-sensitive folks with hair triggers…SATIRE!)


History will surely record that one of the most tragic costs of the recent pandemic has been the loss of educational opportunities dealt to our nation’s children by closing down their schools based on emotional…irrational…questionable…and agenda-driven rationale.  Most remarkable of all…none of the people who were driving this magic bus have learned anything from their colossal screw-ups and are STILL clamoring for continued restrictions and federal expenditures.


Two other policy areas where unbridled fantasy is driving the Liberal/Democrat agenda are the promotion of Critical Race Theory and The Green New Deal.  In both instances, legitimate concerns that demand serious discussion about these subjects are being lost in the avalanche of hyperbole that is being shoveled all around them.


While the train wreck being engineered by the Biden Administration on American soil continues in painfully-slow motion, the world is rapidly devolving into a much more volatile planet.  There is little doubt that our adversaries across the globe are calculating (a) the weak leadership exhibited by current President and (b) how much time he has left in office.  We are living in truly dangerous times.


As law enforcement agencies all across the country prepare for the deluge of protest and potential violence that will follow it, we all await the final SCOTUS decision on abortion.  The associated leak was inexcusable and has likely foisted irreparable damage on the credibility and function of the SCOTUS.  The leaker will certainly be identified and will hopefully be brought to justice.    If you are interested in this SCOTUS decision and how it affects abortion in America, you owe it to yourself to check the second link below and listen carefully to one of the most intelligent legal journalists working today.


It is fascinating to hear different people tell the same story.  Even though the facts in both cases may be identical, the stories oftentimes are uniquely different and offer perspectives that broaden our understanding of the subject at hand.  In the following two links, you will find a “polished” critique of Joe Biden’s presidency thus far…followed by a “plainer” critique of the last year and a half.  They are both looking at the same thing, coming at it from different angles, but they certainly seem to agree on the final result.


In this atmosphere of debate swirling around disinformation, misinformation, free speech, censorship, and numerous other fundamental rights…it is critical that our kids come away with an appreciation for their gift of free speech and expression.  In an effort to extend that message, I am featuring a guest blog from my grandson.

The ideas, the words, and the opinions are his.  A small amount of editing is mine.  He had a paragraph about a particular rap artist that he is fond of and featured his favorite song by that artist.  While I was editing his blog contribution, I reviewed the lyrics of the song and found them objectionable.  Upon pointing this out to him, I discovered that he was unaware of the lyrics.  Support for and participation in free speech does not relieve society, parents, and individuals from taking time to research and examine those people, organizations, and causes they promote.  These are hard lessons that all of us…ALL OF US…are continuing to learn every day we live.


Hello…I am Jimmy Thomason’s grandson, Jack.  I am 11 years old and live in central Kentucky with my papaw, Jimmy Thomason.                                        

War in Ukraine.   I know I am late to the party for bringing this up, but I just want to talk about this whole Russia and Ukraine war. I mean…people are losing homes and food sources over this whole invasion President Putin planned and tried to cover up. People are moving out of Ukraine because Putin is sending out Russian tanks to attack homes and hotels.   I mean…why would Putin do this to them?  

Cheater.  Moving on…lets discuss Joe Biden.  Man…I think we all know what’s about to happen. What a waste that he cheated in the election with fake votes.  I don’t know how he got the fake votes through, but I am convinced that he cheated on election day.  He actually cheated twice…once on election day and another time on the day of the debate. I believe that he had an earpiece in and people were telling him what to say.  I think this because he is so old and cannot remember anything for more than 30 minutes.                                              

What is wrong with the fresh prince of Bel-Air.  All right…one event I want to briefly talk about is the 2022 Oscars. Not much to say, but what in the world is wrong with Will Smith?  He went from living the life in Bel-Air to smacking Chris rock in front of a sold-out crowd.  The second I saw that occur; I was hit with a wave of shock.   He smacked the king (in my opinion) Chris Rock and then yelled vulgarity at him.  Chris Rock was almost as shook as I was.


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