The People’s Republic of China (PRC) has directed monstrous sums of money towards the Biden Family in general, Hunter Biden in particular, and all with President Biden in mind since he left the White House as Obama’s Vice-President. I do not believe for one moment that Joe Biden would consciously sell out his country for pay. Whatever else he might be, he is not a traitor.
On the other hand, when one
considers his political career in total and carefully examines his performance
as President over the last two years, it is not at all unreasonable to consider
whether or not he has allowed himself to
be compromised by the PRC. On his best
day, Biden is not the bright bulb on the string of lights. His tenure as Vice-President was about as
insignificant as it could get (perhaps a dress rehearsal for Kamala’s time),
his presidential campaign was run from his basement with the unabashed intent
of shielding him from public view and comment, and his conduct as President has
thus far shown every indication that he is being controlled by someone or
something that “exists behind the curtain”.
It is hardly a stretch to
see this man get himself in a position with the PRC and its tenacles of power
and influence that results in his judgment in matters concerning the PRC being,
at best, tendentious. And while the
typical human reaction to being placed in this awkward position would be to
reason out the pros and cons of every decision; the obvious lack of that
particular reasoning quotient for our President is a paramount point of concern. We have all watched Biden in the public eye
for over two years now and can any one of us, with any degree of confidence,
have a high level of confidence in his judgement regarding national security?
The PRC, North Korea,
Putin in Russia, the European nations of NATO, Erdogan of Turkey, and the
Mullahs of Iran are watching our President very closely these days. They are all very much aware of our election
schedules and fully realize that the sands of the hourglass are on the downhill
side of Biden’s term as President. They
do not look at America through the twisted bias of media or politics; their
assessments are the simple calculus of power, self-interest, risk, and
reward. The next two years are fraught
with peril for our nation. May God be
with us as we travel through them.
Beginning with the two
terms of Obama, continuing surreptitiously through the Trump Administration,
and leaping out of the closet completely with the arrival of President Biden,
the extreme liberal elements in the American political spectrum are at the
zenith of their power and glory. The Democrat
Party has formed an unholy alliance with the mainstream media and high tech to
form a cabal of censorship and disinformation that would make George Orwell
blush. One must continually pose the
question: How long can this denial of reality continue? Every time a new scandal is exposed that
indicts this group of maniacal egotists, they seem to weather the storm and
continue on their magical mystery tour of wokeness and ultimate government
The moral and ethical
devolution of the media in the United States is a continuing tragedy of
monumental proportions. Conservatives
live in a conservative media bubble, while liberals reside in their liberal
media bubble. The bubbles bounce off
each other on a regular basis, but never seem to meld or blend. We exist today in a politically binary state
where compromise is taboo and the only acceptable outcome is complete
domination. Without a credible press to
accurately and reliably inform us of the facts, we are left to our own devices…which
tend to be the right or left opinions that we are already disposed towards. We conveniently find a way to validate our
own notions.
Here is the best
presentation yet of precisely how corrupt, ridiculous, and malicious the whole “Trump/Russia
Hoax” was. If you read nothing
else about this matter, please read this…all four parts. It is exemplary.
Both national parties
like to seed our judicial system with those they believe will carry
their water. Sometimes this agenda-driven
inclination results in rogue and incompetent fools who have no respect for the
system in which they operate or the law which they are pledged to uphold. The lost conception of equal justice in
America extends far, far beyond the boundaries of race and income. These two principles are important and essential,
but they have been surpassed by the political bias exhibited by federal judges
in the realm of conservative and liberal considerations. The January 6 debacle is a case in
And speaking of absurd…if
there is any degree of honesty clinging to the recent history that will be
written about the covid epidemic, the institution of American education and all
it encompasses will come in for a lot of shame, blame, and downright derision. What a lot of foolish people did to us, and
especially our children, in the name of “science” is a scandal beyond
description. The true absurdity is that
in many circles, the madness continues unabated. The American public was asked to audition
for the role of sheep…and the vast majority got the part.
I spoke earlier about how
liberal thought and dialogue was detached from reality; especially when viewed
through the prism of the Biden Administration.
There is sometimes a fine line between pure ignorance and plain
deceit. Methinks these Biden folks have
crossed that line. Or…perhaps they are simply
comfortable straddling it; standing on whichever foot is convenient at that
moment. Some cases in point:
Americans (especially
Democrats) do not seem to want this guy as our next President:
And Bill Maher (of all
people) does a decent job of explaining why:
Unfortunately, these
are the people who will provide us with an alternative:
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