Monday, February 20, 2023

A Wide View of a Few Issues

The weird and wonderful world of education in America…how much more bizarre can it get?  Consider the terrible price our children paid for the covid shutdowns…all under the auspices of those who we entrusted to teach our children in the first place: the teacher’s unions and the liberal members of academia.  School choice is going to present severe challenges to our public-school institutions.  Those chickens were coming home to roost no matter what; the administrators of our children’s education have gotten to the point where they place their concerns, their well-being, and their ideals above those that best serve our kids. 


Our nation’s public-school systems are now going into a time period where they will be dysfunctional, highly unpopular, underutilized, strapped for cash, and heading into a very serious episode or two of soul-searching.  They had better wake up, acknowledge their missteps, return to the education basics, reinstitute parental involvement in schools, narrow their focus to the mission assigned to them, and institute a transparent and accountable system that can begin to restore confidence.  The very serious competition they are going to be dealing with from private educators is, in the long run, going to force them to improve.  This is good thing.


And government, please…get out of the education business.  Take your wokeness, your politics, your social engineering idealism, your historical revisionism, and your autocratic attitudes and put them where the sun don’t shine.  Let education return to the state and local levels where it can be organized and operated by those closest to the children themselves.


Fiscal irresponsibility at the federal level has unfortunately become an accepted truth to the American people.  Both national parties have given up on taking a serious approach to solving the national deficit and debt crisis.  The Democrats have gotten to the point where it is taboo in their lexicon to even mention debt or deficit in a serious way.  They have literally adopted an official party policy that sets forth the premise that all national problems, regardless of their characteristics, can be solved by directing massive federal spending in their directions.  As if there needed to be an apt illustration of these points, just pay close attention to how the approaching debt ceiling debate unfolds.  When it comes to dollars and cents (sense, also), our national leadership in both parties is vacuous.


If we are to preserve and continue Social Security and Medicare for future generations, changes will have to be made to both programs.  If these changes are not made, the programs will fail.  They are unsustainable in their current forms:


There are some serious people who say that it is time for Social Security to end.  I am not one of them, but here is their argument:


It is way past time to have a serious debate about if we want these programs and, if so…how do we restructure them to make them sustainable.  It is difficult to see how any serious debate of this type might occur in today’s political climate.  There is no political courage remaining in either national party; they have spines of jelly.


The political weaponization of our Department of Justice, several federal judges, and government in general by the Democrat Party has not only destroyed the credibility of these institutions…it has corrupted them to point where some are finding their very need for existing is being questioned.  As it should be.   The Congress of the United States must reestablish its co-equal status in government and begin to bring ideological and rogue bureaucrats to account for their past and ongoing bad behavior; behavior that is unethical, bordering on illegality, and without a doubt…sometimes criminal.


I love podcasts.  You can stream them on one window, and continue your browsing in another.  You can put them on like the radio and perform other activities while listening.  They are so…non-invasive.  Here is a great one dealing with the RussiaGate debacle foisted upon our nation by the liberal elite, the Democrat Party, the high-tech industry, and the mainstream media.  It is most likely the biggest political scam in history.  Take just a few minutes and listen.  It is difficult to believe that this stuff actually happened…and even more incredible that essentially no one is being held accountable for their part in it:


Karma is a bitch:


Democrats are still chasing their great…white…whale:


Here are a few quick hits on articles that demonstrate the sheer lunacy of our current Administration in WDC and our society/culture in general.  What are we doing to ourselves?


In many American cities, crime is running rampant and criminals are running free.  In my humble opinion, here is an idea that is long overdue:


Speaking of the “UFO business”,  file this one away in the satirical “reality bites” category:


Taking a sweep across the political landscape…the race for 2024 is on and we all need to be paying attention.  The next presidential choice we make will be extremely consequential.


Is there any chance at all that this type of strategy still works?


Nikki Haley has created quite a stir with her presidential bid announcement.  Some like her, some don’t…judge for yourself:


I spend a lot of time heaping well-deserved derision on Joe Biden and his Administration.  I stand by every word I have written.  But on those rare occasions when Biden deserves credit, I want to step up and give it to him.  Here is one of those times.  If you want to take a broad view and not dig too deep beneath the surface, I support this Administration’s support for Ukraine in their war against Russian aggression.  It has always been, and remains, my position that when free nations are attacked by aggressors, America should support them in their struggle for freedom and liberty.  That support should of a material and geo-political nature; not in the sense of shipping American troops to the battlefield. 


Even though Biden has been mealy-mouthed and foolish in his rhetoric involving Ukraine support and much of that material support has been delayed for no good reason, the United States has belatedly stepped up and given Ukraine all the support it could expect from us.  Now Biden has performed a meaningful act that is long overdue; he has personally visited Ukraine and has visually demonstrated for the world that America stands behind them.  Kudos to Joe Biden for athis courageous act.  This is a fine demonstration of leadership.  We can only hope that Biden allows this act to speak for itself on the merits and doesn’t wring all the juice from it by using it as a political prop for self-advancement.


And a good way to close out this piece is some commentary by Jim Geraghty on Biden’s Ukraine trip and John Fetterman’s bizarre Senate experience.  Common sense paired with high intelligence is a rare commodity these days in the journalistic community; Geraghty has a plentiful supply of both.





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