Wednesday, March 1, 2023

So Many Stories…and Messages for the Kids

After addressing some current events in this piece, I want to close it out with some good music that carries messages for our children.  Perhaps the words in the featured songs might in some way help to prepare our kids for the craziness that is illustrated by the preceding articles.  If ever our youth needed to be clear-headed, it is today.


If we are going to mention youth, what better place to begin than education.  The ideological battle continues between those liberal forces that want to program the next generation to become soldiers for their woke causes and their avowed opponents…the teachers, administrators, and parents who are increasingly pushing back against the madness that is pervading our educational system.


When we consider what we have witnessed from the Biden Administration thus far, it should be no surprise that the wokeness revolution has seeped into all aspects of our society, culture, and government…including education.  I am still astonished at how liberal Joe Biden has become upon assuming the Presidency.  There was nothing in his past to indicate that he would become the poster child for this wave of liberal lunacy.  The only logical explanation for it is that he is so shallow, so pliant, so untethered by principle or ethics, and of such a malleable character that his handlers have been able to essentially use him as an empty vessel and fill him with the poisonous brew of their radical agenda.  He is the useful idiot who has filled our government with other not-so-useful idiots.


Here is a prime example of how Biden’s chosen idiots run their respective Departments:

 And here is another one:

And he continues to hire these incompetents:


When Biden opposed President Trump for the White House, this nation was at a fiscal crossroads.  The free-market policies of Donald Trump had reinvigorated the American economy in a way not seen since President Reagan.  Even after absorbing the dark cloud consequences of the pandemic, Trump had this nation poised to regain its vital economic health and rebound from our national business shutdown.  Incredibly, America was a net energy exporter.  But then Biden was elected.  Since that time, a new brand of economics has ruled our nation.  It has involved many things, but foremost among them is the explosion of federal spending.   In just over two years, the Biden Administration has frittered away all of the significant and impressive economic accomplishments realized under Trump.  It is hard to accept that given two more years of this fiscal tomfoolery, any type of return to common sense economic policies will be a long time off in the future…at best.


Paul Krugman is one of the Democrat’s mouthpieces in the media.   He faithfully carries their water and reflects their “why worry about tomorrow” economic philosophy.


Let’s give some credit to elected officials who have the courage to address real problems with real solutions:


And how do you suppose all of this Democrat spending will be paid for: .  Yeah sure…he’s only going to tax the billionaires.  Where have we heard that before?


When it comes to foreign policy, Biden has clearly reverted back to the spineless and unprincipled leadership demonstrated throughout the Obama Administration years.  He is one colossal blowhard when he’s talking tough about China or Russia; but his actions reveal him to be the wuss that he is.  Somehow…in some way…China owns this man.  America is adrift in the global sea with a clueless captain at the helm.


The rot that lies within the Biden Family Business cabal continues to fester.  It has seeped into the Department of Justice and shows signs of creeping into other areas of our government.  When one considers the huge amounts of money that flowed from China into Biden family interests, it is hard not to suspect that something was being bought and paid for.  It is not yet clear exactly what that something is.  And…as long as Attorney General Merrick Garland and the Deep State are running interference for the Bidens, things are not going to get much clearer anytime soon.


More of this would go a long way towards explaining things:


The unholy alliance that has formed between Biden’s politicized Department of Justice, the mainstream media, and high tech poses an unprecedented threat to the rights and liberties of America’s citizens.  Story after story after story have been coordinated and calculated to mislead the public and an individual’s ability to exercise legitimate dissent from the “popular opinion” is becoming increasingly marginalized.  The distorted myth of the January 6 protests and the legal fallout from it is a case in point.  The unrestrained quest for power to control news and the free exchange of information by this group continues to expand and with two more years to pursue their goals, our freedoms as individual citizens are endangered as never before.


We always welcome a satiric jewel from the Bee:


It is difficult not to cast a glance or two at the upcoming elections.  This vein of entertainment promises to be a high-yielding venture over the foreseeable future.


Here is one sure fire way to improve government.  Shrink it!


As I watch my children raising their children, I am struck by how my approach to counseling my grandchildren differs from how I counseled my children.  Perhaps I have more time now than I did then; I am more patient and reflective.  Perhaps I have learned some things by screwing up so many times.  I think my counsel is somewhat improved over what it was; but the demand for it has decreased significantly.  We want so much for our kids.  We want to shelter them from all the pain and danger.  We want them to succeed and do great things.  But most of all, we want them to be happy…truly happy.  If only words could convey the lessons we have learned by surviving lo these many years on the planet.  But many times…they cannot.  Some things simply have to be lived…to be experienced…in order to appreciate them.  Here is a group of songs with lyrics that don’t just sound nice, they extend important messages to our youth as they grow and mature.  Sometimes the addition of music to the message makes it a bit more effective. 


Our hopes and dreams for them are boundless…


We try our best to provide a foundation for life and living…


We try our best to prepare them for the inevitable hurts that lie ahead…


It is so hard…so painful…to come to grips with the fact that dying is part of living…


Most important of all, they have to remember they can always come home.  They are always loved and our forgiveness is eternal…


Children…live your lives fully.  Don’t litter your past with regrets along the way.  Celebrate the people you love, the opportunities you meet, and the lives you affect…


And whether you are a father or a son, husband or wife…tell the ones you love that you love them…don’t wait too long or burn those bridges…



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