Monday, March 13, 2023

“Nero” Biden Fiddles While America Burns

Joe Biden is a shell of a man that was, on his best days, an unprincipled, shallow, dull, and ethically-challenged life-long politician.  His rhetoric flows in the direction the wind is blowing and his actions are dependent on others whom he believes have his best interests at heart.  The Democrat Party chose this imbecile to run against Donald Trump because they knew they could control him.  They hid him in a basement, magnanimously permitted Trump to be himself and thus self-destruct, jury-rigged a national election, and set him up in the White House to serve as their useful idiot.  America is now suffering the consequences of those actions.


Joe Biden has filled our government with incompetent ideologues whose main concerns in life are various variety selections of woke notions that feature fairy tales, wishful thinking, rainbows, unicorns, and a clear detachment from reality.  Just as we realized after two years of President Trump that he would not mature into a seasoned leader and would continue his egotistical, childish, and boorish behavior…so we can now see clearly that Joe Biden is oblivious (either willfully or naturally) to the damage he has done and continues daily to inflict on this country.  He is surely a modern day Nero; fiddling away in the West Wing while America circles the drain.  The liberal Democrat Party, led by this foolish charlatan, has rendered many of the critical departments, agencies, and institutions of the federal government incapable of responsible operation at a time when the people’s dependence upon them is critically important. 


Russia thumbs its nose at the USA.  Its bald ambition and aggression towards its neighbors is shameless and serves as a source of pride for its tyrannical leadership.  NATO smirks at our flaccid leadership and openly ignores our global standing.  The Middle East has written us off as a player of any consequence in their affairs and Israel has clearly understood that it must learn to survive on its own wiles and strengths.  North Korea is rattling its saber towards its neighbors and China looks down its nose at us, considering us to be an inferior opponent.  The India/Pakistan and Turkey/Syria conflicts continue to simmer in their respective vacuums, while the African continent is consumed with endless ethnic strife and civil wars.  England struggles with the consequences of policies that IT instituted long ago and that WE are instituting today; their problems are simply running ahead of the curve visa vi America.  The countries of South America are left for the communists and socialists to use as their personal petri dishes while the United States simply ignores them altogether.  Canada’s only apparent concern is staying at least two woke steps in front of their southern neighbor.  Mexico continues to rent its government out to the cartels who get rich by exploiting the wide-open American marketplace.


In the shadow of these threats, the Biden Administration directs its Defense and State Departments to concern themselves with pronouns, multi-colored flags, climate change fables, hypocritical actions based on superficial themes of liberal concern, and a general ignorance of the very real reasons why these units of government exist in the first place.  At a time when perhaps the greatest military and geopolitical threats against America are gathering strength, the people we have placed in charge of our government are handing out “Woman of the Year” awards to people with testicles.  


America is being consumed by a vicious and ravenous illegal drug trade that is gushing northward across our southern border.  State governments and populations along our southern border are being overwhelmed with the financial, social, and judicial burdens of Biden Administration open-border policies and there is simply no indication whatsoever that our leaders realize…or even care…that this human misery is rampant. 


Federal spending is absolutely out-of-control, with no pretense by either national party that federal debt will at some point have to be reckoned with.  Joe Biden, his Administration, and the Democrat leadership in Congress are playing with your tax dollars as if they were monopoly money.  There is “no problem too small” and “no price tag too large” to escape the righteous liberal prescription of “throw more money at it”.  And while our federal departments and agencies, along with the liberal elements in our economy and culture, direct our nation’s assets towards their woke recipes for a more enlightened society…our government, our banks, and our economy in general are beginning to crack from the stress of insane fiscal policies.  There is a very real possibility that our national economy is little more than a house of cards, subject to disastrous collapse due to a gust of wind in the form of irrational panic and incompetent management.


Our children are not learning the basic, fundamental elements necessary to manage one’s life in a responsible and independent fashion.  They are ill-equipped to face the challenges that adulthood and financial independence will inevitably foist upon them.  Due to the revisionist histories that are being taught in our public schools, they have no realistic understanding of the forces that have shaped this planet and this nation.  They graduate high school unprepared and pursue meaningless degrees via institutions of higher learning that leave them with colossal debts, false views about humanity, an unrealistic notion about accountability, and a dangerous level of naiveté that puts their very existence in peril. 


While Joe Biden, his Administration clowns, his patronage-appointed lackeys, and all of the clueless voters who have helped place this pathetic collection of individuals in charge of our lives sashay around worrying about every combination of letters in the alphabet except COMMON  SENSE, our country is burning and the fire is getting hotter every day.  The one inescapable lesson that every generation ultimately comes to grips with is that there are consequences to the choices we make and the actions we take.   We are now suffering those consequences.  May God help us find a way out of this mess we have placed ourselves in.


This President is the perfect poster child for the team he has assembled to run this country….INTO THE GROUND:

When you can see the future that lies ahead for you and it is not good, why would you continue on the same path:

Biden’s selected Cabinet Secretaries were not selected for their experience, expertise, or intelligence.  They were selected for their politics, their gender, and their willingness to say anything…NO MATTER HOW IGNORANT…to further the liberal agenda:


Many of our esteemed colleges have been laid low by their foolish, liberal policies.  Much of what occurs at those schools today defies belief:


And when their stupidity is exposed, they simply double down and dig the hole deeper:


Not content with accepting a secure southern border and being able to claim its stability as his own, Joe Biden had to dismantle the stunning success story of the Trump Administration…and for what…PURE POLITICAL SPITE:


There can little doubt that the fiscal policy of the federal government trickles down to the fiscal policy of regional and local banks across the nation.  Unfortunately, the trickle down phenomenon also applies to the sophomoric woke policies of the Biden Administration liberal appointees.  When you mix banking with social consciousness with radical liberalism, you come up with a dangerous and deadly brew…with no regard for simple math.


We are witnessing the erosion of freedoms and liberties that formed the very foundation of this nation; they are under open attack.  The liberal elements in the Democrat Party (which I fear not only lead the Party, but now constitute a majority of it) have inexplicably bought into this effort to stifle dissent with liberal thought, control the information flowing to/from/and between individual citizens, and to actually reframe reality into a form they find conducive to their agenda.


It is truly a sad time when satire comes so very close to reality:


Perhaps you are thinking…we will simply turn out the Democrats and put the Republicans back in charge of the government.  Don’t forget that it takes superior candidates to win elections:


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