Friday, March 10, 2023

The Worst in Him Brought Out the Worst in Them

If history is written in an unbiased fashion (and that depends on who is writing it), Donald Trump will have to go down as one of the most effective and successful presidents we have ever had.  Russia took Crimea under the Obama Administration and Russia is trying to take Ukraine under the Biden Administration.  In between and under the Trump Administration, generally speaking, the world was at peace.  Russia and North Korea were boxed in.  The terrorist states in the Middle East were being isolated and turned upon by their neighbors.  The Abraham Accords were accomplished and seemed to hold tremendous promise for the future.  Our European allies did not particularly like Trump, but they were moving towards a strengthened and more robust NATO.  The USA was energy independent, people were working, feeling good about their jobs and their prospects, and our southern border was well under control.  Quite simply, there were a lot of good things accomplished and going on under President Donald Trump.


Unfortunately, Donald Trump never matured and grew in office.  He was elected in large part due to his unorthodox and outsider approach to politics and that served him well in many pursuits; but as time passed, his childish ways and egotistical bluster became very tiring.  Even worse, the hatred held for him by the Democrat Party continued to fester and he seemed to relish feeding their beast.  I will always believe that Donald Trump was viewed by many Democrats as the opportunity to get even with the Republicans for their treatment of Bill Clinton.  Unfortunately, once that debt was settled, they kept digging.  They have refused to put the shovel down.   The worst in Donald Trump has brought out the worst in the Democrat Party.   In my opinion, it has also brought out the worst in many Republicans. 


Hatred and bitterness breeds more hatred and bitterness.  And once that cycle is well under way, it is extremely difficult to wind it down.  It is nigh on impossible to end it without incurring some irreparable damage along the way.  We are taking on that damage as a nation today.  For the sake of our country, the best thing for all involved is for Donald Trump and Joe Biden to BOTH ride off into the sunset and enjoy what golden years might remain for them.  Like-minded folks will polish up the accomplishments of both and continue to criticize the many faults found in both.  But there can be little doubt that it is in America’s interest to put the current chapter of partisan political poison in the rear view mirror with this next election cycle and for both national parties to seek new leadership and a new, more responsible, perhaps even civil approach to governing.


Moving on…….  The continuing revelations from the “Twitter Files” are demonstrating to the American people how power and ambition have thoroughly corrupted our government and given rogue ideologues, politicians, and judges the opportunities to trample on our constitutional rights and liberties.  I don’t care what your political affiliation is…if you are not infuriated by the Deep State’s efforts to control media discourse through censorship and misinformation, then you are undoubtedly partisan beyond redemption.  If this rampant and cancerous abuse of power is not remedied, our nation will never be the same and the loss of innocence it will entail will leave us as but a shadow of the ideals penned by our founders.\

One of the areas where this corruption worked its menace was in the way our nation, our government, our culture, and our society reacted to the covid pandemic.  Once again, if history is fair and honest, there should be a lot of people receiving apologies and a lot of people being shamed by the pure hypocrisy, power-tripping autocracy, and plain stupid actions taken under the guise of public safety.   I will always believe that those who will pay the greatest price of all are our children through their loss of education and natural socialization.  That loss can never be recovered.


The events of January 6, 2021 at our nation’s Capitol blighted our country.  The refusal of Donald Trump to choose the path of higher wisdom and concede defeat…even though there were clearly irregularities, illegalities, and inexcusable high jinks involved in his loss…resulted in a riot that again demonstrated how his worst could bring out the worst in his others.  Speaker Pelosi allowed her hatred for Trump to override her good judgment by removing legitimate Republican representation on the January 6 Congressional Committee and thus rendering it a partisan circus.  Tucker Carlson of Fox News is now exposing that circus through his broadcast of heretofore unseen tapes of the unrest.  It is fair to say that Carlson’s presentation is as much of a circus as was the Jan 6 hearings; but BOTH circuses could have been prevented by Pelosi. A fair and balanced bipartisan approach to examining the details of that day would have served our government well; but that did not and will not now occur.  The water in the well has been poisoned.


A Congressional Democrat panel with two token RINOs, who also happened to be avowed Trump-haters…one a lame duck and the other a lame brain…were aided by the Deep State, high tech, and the liberal mainstream media in weaving a well-crafted and deceptive version of that day’s events for the American public.  A relatively-small portion of the protesting crowd behaved in an irresponsible and illegal fashion, staining the entire event for those who participated peacefully and in good faith.  The orchestrated lie and the judicial over-reach that followed are shameful episodes.  The Democrat-sponsored, over-the-top orchestration of this event and the hyperbole that surrounded it is disgusting.  The fact that our Congress botched their one chance to address it in a civil, effective, and bipartisan fashion is inexcusable.


A strong argument can be made that the biggest victims of the January 6 event were the peaceful protestors who were targeted by the Department of Justice and hammered with judicial indignation.  Compare the treatment of these folks with the violent protestors who hit the streets following the George Floyd incident and the Black Lives Matter rallies.  There is a double standard of justice in this nation and it does not only measure out on a “rich or poor” basis.  It is also reflected in a “liberal or conservative” basis.


I will nominate another candidate for the Trump/Biden ride into the sunset; that would be Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.  McConnell is my home state’s senior Senator and even though I have oftentimes been critical of his actions, I have steadfastly defended his accomplishments during the Trump Administration of both placing conservative judges on the bench and keeping Merrick Garland off of it.  The beneficial value of these actions to our nation is incalculable and will last for generations to come.  But it time to turn over Senate leadership to new hands:


I will continue to feature a focus in my writings on national education; it might be the single, most important issue of the day.  Consider these stories…


Donald Trump’s booming national economy was derailed by the covid epidemic.  Standing for re-election, he had addressed the fiscal emergencies hurled upon us by the plague and we were poised to pick up where we had left off…pre-pandemic.  President Joe Biden has destroyed all of that.  His liberal fiscal madness of tax and spend has ruined our national economic health and is plunging our country into a deep fiscal hole.  The most alarming aspect of his monetary clown show is the fact that he and his Administration are oblivious to the detrimental effects his policies are wreaking upon the citizenry.  His recently-proposed federal budget is a perfect example of his Alice in Wonderland approach to federal spending.  If you have any doubts whatsoever about the Democrat Party’s fiscal policy, simply examine Biden’s budget proposal.  It is all right there for your consideration.  Here is an interesting mental exercise: What if the House had remained in Democrat hands…and this budget would have been approved…lock, stock, and barrel????


File this away in the “you cannot make this stuff up” category:


Here are a few articles regarding the continuing follies of the Biden Administration.  It is so sad to acknowledge that there are nearly two more years of this foolishness to come.


Another shining example of Biden-nominated incompetents:


Back to that tax and spend thing….THIS is how the Democrats want to spend your increased taxes:


With Biden and the Democrats, everything is about race.  But that’s just talk.  What does the record show about his walk:


Why should the Director of National Intelligence be worrying about climate change anyway:


And while the liberal climatistas pursue their fantasies, our energy industry is being dismantled:


You know…Biden will probably end up appointing this guy to some federal position of power and influence.  He would fit right in:


We get the government we deserve.  Elections matter.  Every…single…vote…counts.  The consequences of election 2020 have thrown our nation into turmoil.  The consequences of election 2022 have somewhat mitigated that turmoil.  Where do we go from here?

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