Wednesday, March 22, 2023

“May” is on the Rise…While “Shall” is Declining

I retired after 30 years of federal employment as a low-level office manager.  While I am far from being an expert on government affairs, that 30 years did teach me quite a lot about how our government works.  One of the things that always fascinated, instructed, and infuriated me was the yawning gap between the literal content of legislation passed by the Legislative branch and signed into law by our President and precisely how that legislation was actually implemented by the Departments and Agencies of the federal government.  It always was…and continues to be…one of those things that make you go “hmmm?”


The erosion of our Legislative branch’s influence on governing...due to the explosion we have witnessed in the Executive branch’s abuse of power and the Judicial branch’s rogue idealism projected onto largely due to the fact that Congress simply does not write what it means.  They leave too much wobble in the wheel.  When legislation is passed and the directions and rules are set forth for the administrators to roll it out, the people who command and control our Departments and Agencies use that legislation as a guide.  That legislation will use both the terms shall and may.  Shall is a clear directive to the civil service contingent of our government that they should administer this legislation according to the text associated with it…as it is written.  If the Judicial branch is asked to rule on the matter of how it is administered, they will consider the use of the word shall as a clear directive to adhere to the details of the legislation.  If the legislation is clearly written, there should be little debate about how it should be performed.


If the word may is used in the legislation, there is a clear understanding that the government official ultimately in charge of administering the legislation…typically a patronage appointee of the Executive branch…can use their discretion while delivering the product.   That discretion will be a result of how they are told by their superiors…the people who got them their jobthe Executive branch…to think and act.  This opportunity to inject personal interpretation into exactly what the legislation means leads to actions that are tinged by politics and agenda-seeking idealism; oftentimes resulting in a federal program that has little resemblance to the legislation that created it.  It allows the Executive branch to, in many cases, brazenly ignore what Congress was trying to do and twist it into a delivery vehicle for their own policy initiatives.  It is a case where the Legislative branch willfully and irresponsibly yields its authority to the Executive branch.  It is happening far too often and the Executive branch has embraced it.


The staffs in Congress that write the legislation are not stupid.  They are intelligent and skilled people who are very good with word composition and well understand how to write a document that says what it means.  Sometimes the lack of detail in legislation is intentional due to compromise or necessary practical flexibility designed to meet varied circumstances.  Other times, legislation is left open to interpretation because Congress is unwilling to do the heavy lifting involved in researching, debating, and writing a clear document that specifically describes their intent.  It is instead a rushed, incomplete, shallow, and arbitrary fill-in-the-blanks document intended to deliver a political message as opposed to a federal action. 


And then there are times when the Executive branch simply ignores the legislation content and willfully strays from its intended purpose.  In this case, the ultimate remedy lies with the Judicial branch ruling on the legality of the Executive branch action.  The problem here is that if the Executive branch is brazen enough to simply ignore the clear intent of Congress and take its own and different direction, it typically takes years for the rogue Executive actions to work their way through the court system.  By the time the irresponsible Executive action is ruled upon, the Executive branch version of the legislation has become part and parcel of our government and is practically impossible to unwind. 


This perversion of our nation’s government and constitution has increasingly led us to a place where autocratic executive actions by the president create results that have no clear connection to what Congress intended in the first place.  In a very real sense, it has tilted the balance of power from the Legislative branch to the Executive branch and has eroded the ability of voters to influence their government through local elections.  It has moved our nation to a point where many times, our President appears more like a King than a Chief Executive. 


If our nation’s government is ever going to regain its function according to the constitutional blueprint laid out by our founders, the Congress must reassert its authority and standing as an equal partner to the Executive branch.  It must use its power to write clear, distinct, and considered legislation and it must use its oversight authorities to monitor and address the incidence of Executive branch over-reach and abuse of power.  Senators and Representatives are our true connections to government because they are closer to us.  They come from our home states and our communities.  They should be our true advocates in Washington, DC because they are one of us.  They are elected by their neighbors; not by the nation.  These are the people who should be deciding how our government functions and what it addresses.  The President should simply be the person implementing those ideals.  Congress must get back to using SHALL and refrain from using MAY.  The Constitution has given them the power necessary to do their job; but if they continue to equivocate and allow the Executive branch to walk over them, this and every future President will continue to usurp their rightful place in our government.  Now…on to the happenings of today…………


America’s economic health is in a serious condition.  No one seems to have a good handle on inflation or interest rates, the various statistics involving employment and wages make no sense at all, our government is taxing and spending at record levels, and our financial institutions (both federal and private) seem to be focused on everything other than the mathematics that provide a solid fiscal foundation.  How do you manage your budget in times like these?  Where do you put your money in times like these?  I used to laugh when my brother-in-law told me to be “paid up, prayed up, and have a full clip”.  I’m not laughing anymore.


When government and business and educators forget why they exist and what their functions are, trouble ensues…


Banks had better stick to balance sheets and stay away from social experimentation…


Who’s watching the watchmen???


America’s educational system continues to swirl out of control as radicals create new and insane policies, concerned parents battle to gain input into their local schools, government and administrators encourage wokeness, and fundamental principles of learning are being ignored.  The residents are in charge of the asylum.


Leave it to the Bee to bring some levity to this mess:


This is acceptable…


While this is not…


The trend of censorship is not just surging at Stanford…look around a bit…it is becoming pervasive and insidious…


Suppression of civil dissent and protest is apparently only acceptable if the government and the liberal community find it agreeable


Thanks to Mitch McConnell, Merrick Garland lost out on his chance to seed mischief at the Supreme Court of the United States.  He now spends his time running a circus at the Department of Justice (DOJ).  When it comes to the DOJ and federal law enforcement, the ish runs downhill from there.  Instituting their system of dual justice systems (one for Republicans and one for Democrats), the Democrats continue to pursue their white whale (Trump) while ignoring the rotting corpse of the corrupt Biden Family Enterprise.


Do you think this is a good time to have a President that is owned by China:


Election mania is upon us:


Biden’s open border policy continues to spiral out of control:


Climatistas and the Green Revolutionaries still advocate lunacy:


A potpourri of articles that reflect our society and culture:


A tragic chapter in American history:


Chasing the liberal dream:


An interesting concept:


The truth can sometimes be painful:


It is always a good time to read Victor David Hanson:


Karma continues to be a bitch:


Closing out with a couple of good tunes….enjoy:



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