Sunday, August 13, 2023

Donald Trump and the DOJ: Two Bad Jokes

Unfortunately, the joke is on us…and they both continue to dominate the headlines.  Let’s look at Trump first.  Simply put…a man who has an affair with a porn star while his wife is home with an infant child; a man who continues to hoard classified documents even after law enforcement tells him to stop; a man who attempts to pervert our Constitution in order to overturn an election he has lost; and finally…a man who pays his foolishly-incurred legal bills with campaign contributions made to him by his supporters…THIS is not the man who should be president of our nation.


One can understandably admire Trump’s gunslinger skills…his abilities to turn attacks into counter-attacks…the way he redirects criticisms, both illegitimate and legitimate, back at his opponents.  These aspects of Trump make him a formidable political opponent; but they do not translate that well to the qualities we should desire in our Chief Executive.  Whether or not Trump’s accusations about the election being stolen from him are righteous, it is crystal clear that the man is obsessed with that notion.  It is equally reasonable to assume that if he were to be re-elected president, he would spend an extraordinary amount of time and resource on that issue in a disruptive and wasteful fashion.  Our next president needs to be super-focused on straightening out the colossal problems created by our current Administration.


Just as shameful is our filthy Department of Justice (DOJ), led by political hack Attorney General Merrick Garland.  While throwing every little nook and cranny of the law…and even creating several that don’t exist…against Trump, who happens to be the leading political opponent of his boss, Garland has now thrown off all pretense of ethical service.  He has demonstrated scandalous behavior by choosing partisan Democrat, U.S. Attorney for the District of Delaware David C. Weiss, as Special Counsel for the investigation of Hunter Biden…and whoever else Garland allows/or disallows him to investigate.  You see…Weiss works for Garland…who works for Joe Biden.  For over FOUR YEARS, Weiss has been investigating Hunter Biden’s misadventures.  The record clearly reflects he is doing his dead level best to sweep Biden’s legal transgressions under the rug.  Why do I say this?  Three things confirm this statement.


The first is the fact that his façade of the Hunter Biden investigation has been a joke.  He has essentially had unlimited DOJ power and resources since early in 2019 and has yet to bring a single indictment against Biden.  Not one!  Not only that, but his plodding investigation has permitted the statute of limitations to expire on many of Biden’s potential crimes; all of this while the same DOJ has been moving heaven and earth to indict Donald Trump for highly debatable reasons.   The mainstream media point out repeatedly about how Weiss was appointed by Donald Trump.  The simple fact is that Delaware is one of the bluest states in the nation and its two Senators are the ones who selected Weiss; it was about the best Trump and the Republicans could get out that state.  It speaks volumes that Joe Biden decided to leave him on the job while he fired most of the other Trump appointees early in his term.


Secondly, the patently ridiculous plea deal that the DOJ had offered to Hunter Biden was nothing but a Get Out of Jail Free card.  It was so ludicrous that the Judge presiding over the affair openly mocked it and threw it out.  These corrupted people in our DOJ have no shame.


Third and finally…Garland has now appointed Weiss as Special Counsel to investigate Hunter Bide and more that is yet to be determined.  It is a blatant disregard of the law for Garland to ignore the Special Counsel selection requirement that the appointment be someone outside of the government .  Weiss has been a part of the government since 2018 and has been investigating the Biden case for over four years.  He has demonstrated that he is in the can for the Bidens, fully intends to slow walk the investigation, and is now being rewarded for his performance by being selected as Special Counsel.  What a joke! 


How revealing is it that every time a significant development in the investigation of the Biden Family Enterprises comes out, a new indictment of Donald Trump is announced by the DOJ immediately afterwards.  This Weiss appointment comes immediately after the Comer-led House Oversight Committee reported out more disturbing details about the Biden Family Enterprises and their nefarious operations. 


By selecting Weiss for this position, Garland insures that he and Joe Biden will completely control where the investigation leads.  An additional and significant benefit for Garland and the Biden family is the fact that the existence of the Special Counsel investigation will make it far more difficult for the House Oversight Committee to continue their fruitful examination of the Biden Family Enterprises. 


Without a doubt, this is the most corrupt and incompetent government that has existed in my lifetime of over 70 years.  Obama still ranks in my book as the worst president I have ever seen, but Biden is becoming an increasingly close second.  His Administration has taken open corruption to levels never before seen.  The hubris of this bunch as they disregard the law, their oaths of office, and simple ethics and morals is despicable. 


And as bad as they are, can anyone doubt that if Donald Trump is elected president, he will spend the entirety of his term settling grudges with his numerous political enemies on both sides of the aisle?  For heaven’s sake, how can we possibly improve the government of this country with the selection of either national party’s currently leading candidate as our next president?  People…we HAVE to do better than that!  Now…let’s check out the news………


Of all the foolishness exhibited by the Biden Administration, it is difficult to look at one area where more damage has been done than the energy sector of our nation.  The liberal worship at the altar of climate change threatens the very existence and independence of our country…and there is no indication that they are slowing down their push.


The liberal infection that has taken over our national education system is showing no sign of abatement.  A radical element with no regard for the fundamental education of our youth is in firm control of academia from kindergarten upward and they show no indication of relinquishing that power.  They are responsible for educational stagnation and incompetence that will haunt our nation for generations to come.  Our youth will pay the price.


Joe Biden thinks his economics ish don’t stink; but everyone is smelling it except him.  Unemployment is down because workplace participation is down and millions of people are not even looking for work.  Inflation is not down; the RATE of inflation is down…for now.  Debt is on a rocket ride heading towards the moon.  The deficit is so lopsided towards spending that nobody even cares anymore.  The Democrats solution to every…single…problem…in America is to spend more money on it.  Inflation is outrunning the gain in pay and it is eating into every single American family’s budget.  Public demand, or the lack thereof, for a product or policy has no meaning to the Biden Administration.  If they think something is good, then they will jam it down our throats…regardless of the consequences.


You better believe that the liberal autocrats in our country want to control and censor the information you send, receive, and digest.  These are people who are convinced that THEY know better what is good for you than YOU know for yourself.  The really scary part of it is that they have the wealth, the power, and the influence to get it done.  By controlling the information available to you, these people strive to make sheep of our citizenry.  Wake up, America…or one day soon our individual freedoms and liberties will be gone.


Obama was the poorest excuse for a president in my lifetime.  He was a pathetically-shallow narcissist who viewed the entire universe in his very own reflection.  He would lie when telling the truth was easier; morals and ethics were entirely disposable if they got in his way; and he had no understanding whatsoever…not to mention possession…of principle and integrity.   Is it any wonder that having been in training under this sad clown of a man for eight years, that Joe Biden turned out to what we are witnessing today?  Obama and Biden were/are both lazy, self-aggrandizing fools in love with themselves.  They took, and are taking, the American people for a ride to enrich themselves and their friends.  They were/are a disgrace to the office of the presidency.


The Department of Justice (DOJ) has taken disgrace to perhaps the lowest levels in recent…perhaps even long-term…memory.  This disgrace is exhibited in the people that serve within the DOJ, the indictments they choose to file, the indictments they choose not to file, the shameful rhetoric that they so casually throw out to the public on a daily basis, and their complete abdication of duty to the American people they are pledged to serve.  Much has been written about them recently and much of it should be read; disgrace of this magnitude should be exposed for what it is and shouted about to the heavens.


There is the instance of Trump Justice via the DOJ…


And then there is the instance of Biden Justice via the DOJ.  Consider what the Bidens were up to…


Parody Alert!!


Consider how the Republicans in the House are investigating these incidents with the Comer-led Oversight Committee…


And just as the House Oversight Committee begins to make headway with their investigation of the Biden Family Enterprises…perhaps even on the verge of subpoenaing Biden family member financial records…what does Garland and the DOJ do?


Hunter Biden investigation: Garland appoints David Weiss as special counsel | Washington Examiner


While the DOJ and Donald Trump continue to engage in a death match, the Republican Party struggles with a presidential nominee…



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