Sunday, August 27, 2023

The Summer Rush Ebbs and We Remain So Hard to Please

As a few leaves begin to dry up and fall, there are hints of fall in the air; we are easing into my favorite time of the year in Kentucky.  It has been a good year for rural folk in my part of this world.  We’ve had one of the best gardens in years.  Green beans and tomatoes have been great; squash and cucumbers did just fine; and we even snuck some cantaloupes and watermelons past the critters. 


There has been good pasture all year long and it remains that way as we move into late summer.   A good second-cutting of hay has been realized by most and cattle prices are the best they’ve been in several years.  The corn crop looks real good and the soybeans are alright, but somewhat spotty.  The grain markets look solid at this point in time and I believe the soybeans can deliver a good yield as long as we don’t get an early frost.  With the increased price of inputs we are dealing with these days, it is hard to say that increased market prices will translate directly into increased profits but…time will tell.  Hope springs eternal.


It was a strange year for the fruits.  It looks like we’re going to have a good grape crop in the next few weeks.  We did not have any pears, peaches, plums, or apples due to a late frost this spring.  I just picked the buckeyes this week; they did quite well this year.  The nut crops seem to have done real well and I have seen more turkey and deer than I have in a while.  It seems like there are many more poults than in recent years and I’ve noticed more young bucks than normal. 


Even with the dry spell we are currently in with a string of high temperatures to go with it, everything is holding up nicely.  I suppose the adequate and consistent rains we have received all year long have built up our ground water and even though the humidity has been hard to live with during these hot days, it has put a heavy dew on in the mornings and that moisture has helped us along.  All things considered, we have had a fine year and as folks begin to look towards the fall harvest and winter months ahead, there is much to celebrate and be thankful for in the middle part of Kentucky these days.  God is good.


The contentment we have gained from a bountiful year has apparently not carried over to our political world.  The Democrats seem to have realized that they have no viable presidential option other than to prop Biden up for another run.  The Republicans meanwhile continue to be the party of Trump…the Teflon Don…he of the many indictments.


You know, after the last three presidents we have had…you would think that the last thing in the world voters would desire would be another candidate bringing an excess of drama into the presidency.  But with the Biden Family Enterprise issue continuing to expand and Trump’s insistence on re-litigating the 2020 election, it appears that Americans are much more interested in theatrics and intrigue than they are in good, old-fashioned, competent and boring government that works for the people. 


After the first Republican presidential candidate debate, my conclusion is that of the eight people on the stage, you could acquire a solid President and most of an outstanding Cabinet that could begin the critical mission of setting this country back in order.  But it seems that the conservative critics, even the ones I have high regards for, tend to be distracted by the sound bite, theatric-enhanced, gotcha moments rather than the simple and boring statements of policies and ideas.  Here is what seems to interest them: Who did Christie go after?  Wasn’t Vivek something…good or bad?  Pence is a good man, but there’s no there there.  And DeSantis …he is so scripted and dry; where is his sense of humor? 


It painfully reflects the current state of our journalistic community that two of the primary questions posed by the moderators dealt with the current flavor du jour protest anthem and the burning issue of UFOs.  Combine this in-depth questioning with the sophomoric application of seeking candidate responses by “raising your hands” and you wonder who is planning these debates anyway.  We are electing a President; not a fraternity or sorority leader.  We are seeking good government and solid policy ideals; not flimsy notions that sound good but have no value in real practice.  

We don’t need characters and flamboyant personalities; we need reliable, intelligent, and reasonable leaders who will tell us the truth and tackle the difficult issues that plague our nation.  Let’s hope this campaign gets better real soon.


On to the news……..


Our national education system continues to dumb itself down in an effort to maximize diversity, equity, and inclusion while minimizing practical and fundamental learning of necessary skills and abilities.  We are doing our children an historical disservice by allowing this ineptitude to continue.


Our children would be far better served with increased emphasis on reading, writing, and arithmetic and less emphasis on stuff like this next link.  These numbers are shocking and notice how they started spiking with the entrance of the Biden Administration.  In the view of many liberals, gender affirming surgery on children is akin to a bad tattoo on a binge drinking night out.  It is NOT the same.  A long sleeve or high collar will not rectify a young life being destroyed.


The Republicans are beginning in earnest the process of selecting their next presidential candidate.  Eight contestants showed up for their first debate and one deemed it beneath himself to compete for the nomination.  Opinions regarding the recent debate vary, but one thing is for certain:  Any ONE of these people would be a great improvement over our current Chief Executive.


Let’s consider the Republican process…


Love him or hate him…there is only one Donald Trump:


This is a serious lady:


The Democrats appear to be sticking with Biden,

but can he survive closer inspection…


The partisan, “Democrat Bought and Paid For”, corrupt and incompetent Department of Justice (DOJ) clown show continues its 3-ring circus act in our nation’s capitol.  How much longer can this travesty of government continue?


The DOJ is ignoring this kind of behavior…


While them and their acolytes are obsessing with

all things Donald Trump…


American Voters: Do not be fooled!  The upcoming election is not about Biden or Trump or whoever else might be on the ballot.  It is about the Democrats continuing their autocratic rule and quest for absolute control over your lives.  Look around you; is THIS what you want from our government and for our country?


The Democrats hold radical liberal ideas and want to

force them on YOU…they do not hesitate to lie about them…


They are not climate advocates; they are climate IDIOTS


They use disinformation and censorship in an attempt

to retain power and control the citizenry…


They are destroying our economy and along with it,

the American dream…


THIS is the current state of our nation.  The stakes surrounding the next general election could not be higher.


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