Saturday, August 5, 2023

Our Mainstream Media is an Absolute Disgrace

The plain, simple, shamefully obvious fact is that our mainstream media has become a public relations appendage of the Democrat Party.  Their partisan bent and pitiful hypocrisy has become standard operating procedure and they show no inclination whatsoever of hiding it.  Instead, they parade about as if it a badge of honor.  They have utterly destroyed a once-honorable and essential element of our nation’s culture and society. 


Three recent episodes in American life have effectively exposed them as charlatans.  The first episode was the Russia Hoax that was perpetrated by Obama administration holdovers in the Deep State against (first) candidate Donald Trump and (then) President Donald Trump.  Their second episode of selling out the public trust was their foolish actions taken while serving as useful idiots in the efforts of public Covid autocratic dictates.  And now comes the third episode; perhaps the most damning and dangerous of them all.  With the details of the corrupt Biden Family Enterprises continuing to leak out on a daily basis, the mainstream media continues to spend essentially all of their time and resources pounding on an ex-president who is currently running for his party’s nomination.   Rather than focusing on the man who is the current President of our country and serves as the Chief Executive of our entire government, they choose to chase their white whale as bounty hunters for the Democrat Party.  This article states it rather clearly:


When it comes to being uniformly informed about current events in an objective and non-partisan fashion, we are typically our own worst enemies.  We all want to receive confirmation on our own personal beliefs and naturally go to those news sources that feed that desire.  We all exist in environmental bubbles that create a comfort zone for us.  There was once a time…not too long ago…when the mainstream media thought it was their obligation and ethical mission to rock our comfort zones…to present to us all the sides of an issue and make us consider opinions that were contrary to our own. 


Unfortunately, those days are past us now.  The mainstream media has sold its collective soul to the political devil and serves as little more than a marketing division for the Democrat Party.  If we as citizens of America today want to get a thorough and accurate picture of current events, then we must take ourselves out of our comfort zones.  We must occasionally abandon our personal beliefs and opinions and venture into internet and commercial news providers that are contrary to our normal routines.  This blog makes a feeble attempt to present a balanced approach to current events; but it is pointless to deny that my sentiments are clearly and stubbornly conservative.  I try to tend towards the middle and occasionally cross over, but I no doubt fail to do that adequately. 


It is a damn shame that the once highly-respected and regarded mainstream media…the so-called Fourth Estate…has given up the effort required to maintain the trust and credibility that it once held and which is critical to informing a responsible citizenry.  The simple truth is that it takes a lot of time and effort for an individual who is dealing with the myriad demands of daily living to inform themselves about the truth that surrounds them.  And the fact is that most folks simply give up in the face of those demands and settle down comfortably in their personal informational bubbles.  To a large extent, this is the reason why we now have an inefficient, incompetent, and very corrupted/corruptible government in our country. 


Where this all leads is anyone’s guess, but I can assure you one certainty: Our government is fundamentally incapable of policing itself.  That is why our founders designed it to be…by the people and for the people.  If the people refuse to step up and do their part, then exactly who is to blame for the mess that ensues?  On to the news……………


First off…why not follow up on the previous theme: The miserable mainstream media and their contemptible behavior.  After all I have written about them, I will add only one more brief observation: They must be the easiest folks on the planet to Christmas shop for.  All you have to do is buy them a mirror so that can admire themselves…even more.


The mainstream media is fixating on one thing and totally ignoring another.  Let us consider the shiny object that is consuming them…Donald Trump’s third indictment.


Actual text of the indictment:


Now…let’s dive into that story that the mainstream media would prefer NOT to discuss; the one that they mostly ignore and on rare occasions simply brush off as business as usual.  Let us now read a bit about how filthily corrupt our current President is…


Devon Archer testifies…Rats leaving a sinking ship?


Can’t say it much better than this:


If any reasonable person has been paying attention to the previous two news topics, they can harbor little doubt that there is a dual justice system existing in America today.  There is one for the rich and powerful and there is another for everyone else.


Beginning with the first Obama Administration, our government and its awesome powers have taken a dangerous turn towards undermining our individual rights, freedoms, and enjoyment of privacy.  If you do not believe that government censorship, invasion of privacy, and efforts towards disinformation are real...then you are naïve beyond description.


There are many people who have benefited from making what is generically referred to as “racism” into a cottage industry.  Those same folks…best described as race hustlers… have seized onto the concepts of diversity and equity in an effort to expand their personal influence and fortunes.  It is tragic that these self-serving and radical pursuits have resulted in tremendous harm to a lot of Americans, a large percentage of them being the ones the actions were “designed” to benefit.  It is even more tragic that much of this inflammatory action and rhetoric comes from people in positions of trust and authority who actually have the potential to speak truth to power and change these situations in a positive way.


Obama and Biden took a bad situation and made it immeasurably worse.  What is that situation? It is the shameful taxing, spending, and fiscal management exhibited by our government since the mid-90s.  It is incredible to recall that at one time…the mid-90s…under Democrat President Bill Clinton and a Republican Congress, this nation actually had a balanced federal budget.  Has that notion now become an unachievable dream?  Has the Democrat philosophy of “tax and spend” become the law of the land in WDC?  Has Congress completely lost touch with the concept of fiscal responsibility?


When we consider the hot mess that our national elections have become, it seems reasonable to say that the problem is not with the product, but rather with the process.  Are we making any headway towards addressing that issue?


Is it foreign policy that will motivate voters next year?


Is it pocketbook issues that will influence voters in 2024?


Who will the Republicans run for President?


I don’t believe this Republican primary is over just yet…


Do you really believe that the Democrats will run Joe Biden again?


Could this be a microcosmic 2023 sneak preview of a macrocosmic 2024?


Fancy Farm showdown: Kentucky serves as litmus test for 2024 strategies - POLITICO

To bring this post full circle, please read this article about the article immediately preceding it...

…this one is in my home state…more on it to come.


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