Monday, February 12, 2024

Maximum Cluelessness and Justice Perverted

It is painfully clear that our government is as much a reflection of the people who inhabit it as it is the substance of the legislative efforts flowing from its Legislative, Executive, and Judicial branches.  Under the Biden Administration, this reality has become much more painful.  It has become cringe-worthy.


Joe Biden has inserted political appointees into prominent government positions on the basis of their race, their gender, their bank account, their partisan proclivities, their social status, their liberal tendencies, because Obama told him to, and for just about any other reason you can imagine with one exception…their qualifications to perform the job.  I feel very secure in stating that no presidential administration in history has realized a persona of incompetence that can rival this Biden clown car of idiots.


And as a realization of those people selected to run this government, it has become a model of inefficiency and ineffectiveness.  It sports a scatterbrained approach to administration that focuses essentially all resources on issues that are not the primary functions of the departments or agencies it represents.  Not content with whistling past the graveyard and fiddling while “America” burns, this three-ring circus of fools blindly thrashes about like the proverbial bull in the china shop…breaking dishes, destroying property, defecating on the premises, and then leaving the scene of the crime with no consideration, or regret, for the damage wrought.


Let us consider some fundamental aspects of the progressive, liberal thought and policy that rules the Democrat Party today.   Consider the caliber of the people the Biden Administration and the Democrat Party in general has placed in power and how they use that power.  Then let’s take a quick look at how they are spending your tax dollars.  Never forget: These are the people who RUN our government.  They are enthralled with a fairy tale form of naiveté which makes them absolutely confident that more government is the answer to all problems and that THEY know more about how you should live your lives than YOU do.   As long as they maintain their positions of power, wealth, and influence…they are oblivious to the collateral damage that their moronic policies and decisions leave in the wake.


Every American alive today will be somewhat affected…some more than others…by a federal department or agency tied to one of the preceding stories.  This malfeasance runs the gamut from your living room to our national security.   Exasperating that damage is the fact that over recent decades, our government (especially the Executive branch) has been expanding its influence and authority in ways the framers of our Constitution never envisioned.  Perhaps that movement is beginning to be addressed.  There are signs here and there of our courts, selected leaders, and other courageous people reaching the limits of tolerance for this nonsense and pushing back in various ways.


Considering all the madness associated with the Biden Administration, perhaps no area is more frightening or disconcerting than what we have witnessed in the political weaponization of our government.  This perversion began in the Democrat-controlled House with Speaker Pelosi, spread into the media with their unholy promotion of the progressive agenda, and then began to take root in the Department of Justice reflected in a multi-tiered form of law enforcement.  Donald Trump was and is no saint; but the use of our government to attack him in the obsessive ways we have witnessed is an abuse of power beyond recent compare.  This rot must be addressed and soon.  If we become a nation without equal, transparent, and accountable justice…then what will we be?


Simple question: Does it make any sense whatsoever to state that a person is incompetent (due to their age and mental faculties) to be tried for a crime that they willfully committed but, at the same time, they are fully capable of serving as the Chief Executive of our government?  In what universe does this type of logic…or justice…make sense?


How do we begin to fix these problems?  How do we set right again the things that have gone so crooked?  How can we begin to choose people of character to serve in our government and lead our nation?  The Democrats have sold their soul to their progressive devils and the Republicans are enthralled with their MAGA devil; which way will we turn?  Perhaps a good place to begin is in our homes…in our families.


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