Sunday, February 18, 2024

Shameless Demagoguery, Quick Hits All Around, and a Hard Look at Dollars

Lord knows there have been some travesties over the last decade that showcased the gross hypocrisy of our civic leaders.  Certainly one of them has been the January 6 debacle of creating an “insurrection” out of a “mildly violent protest”.  That sad episode is continuing to play out and we shall wait to see the final chapter.


The other tragedy that has been commandeered by the progressive movement is the death of George Floyd.  I submit for your review a short documentary film and a two-part literary article on this piece of Minneapolis, Minnesota history. 


In both of these events, we see what can happen when the mainstream media chooses to follow its baser instincts rather than its professional ethics.  It will be years and years before we can truly appreciate the damage done to our nation by the dishonest, biased, and self-serving reporting that was part and parcel of these sad chapters in American life.  The cost in human lives, real property, and lost opportunities is beyond estimate.


Now…a few quick hits…..


Our Executive Branch of government has been over-valued, over-filled, and overly-impressed with itself for some time now…spanning years of power enjoyed by both national political parties.  It is corrupt, ineffective, and inefficient.  It needs to be shrunken, emptied of its filth, and carefully considered as to its future.


DEI continues to run amok and it has now thoroughly infected the branch of our government that literally guarantees our safety and freedom.


“THIS” is the federal department that our Congress and our President decided needed an additional $80 billion budget increase and 20,000 new employees.


When you are spending more for administrators than you are for teachers, you know it will eventually lead up to this.


Are the upcoming elections in November going to be a replay of the 2020 clusterfluk or have we learned how to correct and monitor our voting problems?  Doing the same things over and over and expecting different results remains the definition of insanity.


How about we take a good hard look at our economy?  Are times as bad as they seem sometimes?  Is the gap between the “haves” and the “have nots” widening as quickly and dramatically as it appears to be?  Is the American dream disappearing with the struggles of families to build their futures?  Are there really that many people living from paycheck to paycheck with no provision for rainy days or emergencies?  How do we reconcile the contradictions that we can all see in the economic statistics being bandied about?  Perhaps we should turn down the noise and simply look at the numbers.  Ball don’t lie.


One of the problems with our form of government is that when the Supreme Court of the United States must decide whether a specific action by the Legislative Branch or the Executive Branch is constitutionally legal….its determinations simply take too long and are oftentimes too narrow.  And even then, when the Executive Branch is called out for overstepping its bounds and authorities due to inappropriate Executive Action, it simply finds another side street to travel until that particular misadventure works its way through the court system to correction.  Unfortunately… by that time, a whole lot of damage is done.


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