Sunday, February 4, 2024

Our Southern Border and the Iran Problem

It is extremely difficult to get a fair and accurate assessment of immigration across our southern border.  There are many different classifications of individuals who cross the border.  There are many different terms that are used to describe the process encountered by these individuals when they enter our country.  Like all statistics, it is very relevant to compare different numbers from different time periods in the context of peripheral issues that impact immigration significantly.  The media is full of those who will cherry-pick data to support their personal agendas regarding immigration.  There are, however, some indisputable facts.


Although it was far from an ideal situation, President Trump and his Administration in his final year of 2020 had a fairly firm control on the number of illegal entrants into America across the southern border.  National immigration policy needed at that time, as it does now, a serious overhaul and examination; but for that to occur, the illegal immigration into the USA must be under control and somewhat static so that future options can be considered.  You have to stanch the bleeding before you can address the real injury.  President Trump had brought the border situation to the point where those future options could be discussed.


Joe Biden openly ran for president on a platform promoting an open southern border.  One can play word games with his rhetoric all day long, but to anyone who paid attention it was abundantly clear that he disapproved of President Trump’s approach to border security and openly encouraged increased immigration both controlled and uncontrolled.  Among his very first actions as president was a cessation of many Trump policies relating to immigration; many of them clearly successful and effective.  He has done nothing over the past three-plus years in office to indicate in real terms that his attitude has changed one bit as far as immigration is concerned.  He has allowed/enabled the bleeding to run out of control:


But now that a presidential election is upon us and campaigns are gearing up to full speed, the rhetoric coming from Biden and his appointees has changed in tone.  Through carefully worded messaging, strategic selection of statistical data, and simple obfuscation…Biden is attempting to redefine the absolute and undeniable catastrophe that he and his Administration have created at our southern border.  In any sane world, his denial of culpability for this disaster would be laughable.  In any rational sense, his bald-faced revisions of actual history reflecting his ill-fated policies would be classified as misleading at best…simple lies at worst.  And the cherry on top of this whole escapade has to be his most recent protest of having insufficient presidential authority to address the immigration disaster he himself has created; this from a president who has abused his executive authority perhaps more than any other president before him.


It is a very dangerous thing to underestimate the power of the mainstream media to reshape public opinion in ways that support their personal agendas.  The Republican Party has never grasped this reality and I see no indication that any type of epiphany has occurred to improve their understanding of this fact.  Will Joe Biden and his progressive allies be able to paper over their immigration fiasco by the time people cast votes this November?  Only time will tell.


Just as Biden took his immigration policy training from his pitiful boss Obama (aka the “One”), the single digit also schooled him on how to deal with foreign policy threats to America…Iran in particular.  Not content with sending pallet loads of cash to Iran and giving them a green light to pursue a nuclear weapon, the Obama/Biden policies have quite simply emboldened and enabled Iran and its militant leaders to bankroll terrorism not only in the Middle East, but all across the globe. 


Just as he did in the area of immigration status, Joe Biden inherited a fairly stable situation in the Middle East when he assumed the presidency (read the words of Democrat Joe Lieberman below).  The historic Abraham Accords were beginning to foster a new and pragmatic alignment among Middle Eastern nations and prospects for achieving a lasting peace in the region were beginning to look promising.  But following his poor instincts and petty jealousies, Biden felt the need to demonstrably dispose of anything associated with President Trump…no matter how successful and effective it might have been.


In addition to carelessly tossing away any progress towards peace and reconciliation in the region, Biden proceeded to load up his State Department with the same fools that attended the Obama school of stupid foreign policy.  An era of pandering, appeasement, and apologizing  was resumed and Iran has taken full advantage of it:  I have said it many times, as have many others…these are very dangerous times we living in and we have no leadership in our government.


And the song remains the same…..



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