Tuesday, July 30, 2024

A Short Note to Close Out a Chaotic Month

I have posted more often than usual this month and this will be one final shot at relevance; I am a notoriously bad shot.  I know full well that quantity does not translate into quality, so rest assured…that is not my aim.  There are two quick thoughts I want to share regarding this month’s big political stories.


First off, I must confess to a rising level of anger and frustration towards Donald Trump.   I sincerely offer my congratulations and good wishes on his narrow escape from the bullet and his physical and mental recovery; he certainly appears to be progressing well.  My ill feelings stem from the fact that he made what in my opinion was a very poor choice in his Veep selection.  J.D. Vance may turn out to be a wonderfully positive surprise for the Republican presidential ticket; he may set the world on fire with stirring rhetoric and campaign charisma.   That would truly please me to no end.


However, I fear this will not be the case.  I suspect that he was a last second, gut reaction selection made by the Donald…perhaps with the prodding of certain family members.  The Vance rollout has been far less than impressive and his political record, such as it is, does not appear to be one that will greatly impress the Republican faithful nor the undecided voter.  At best, he is a neutral pick for the ticket.  At worst, he will be a drag.  I am afraid that to a large degree, Trump will have to carry him.  Hopefully, the Veep pick will not matter to a great degree.


This race is far too critical for our nation to watch Trump make (what appears to be) a frivolous choice like this when so many better options are available.  This lack of discipline and forethought is troubling when one considers the long and arduous road that will lead to this November’s election.   I fear the election may be sufficiently close that a poor choice like this might come back in a haunting fashion. 


As I contemplate what lies ahead in this campaign, I surely hope the Republican Party does not live to rue its choice of Trump as a candidate, and candidate Trump does not regret his choice of Vance as a partner.  If these selections end up being lost opportunities in the long run, it will be a sad, sad day for our country.  Kamala Harris is that much of a threat.


My second closing observation is in regards to the coronation of queen Kamala.  She has been the unofficial nominee for about eight days or so and the progressive cabal with all of its allies seems to be maintaining their high level of enthusiasm and praise they are so lavishly foisting upon her.  My gut tells me that at some point, the blush must fall from the rose and all will see Harris for what she has always been and is.  In any reasonable universe, that would be a kiss of political death.  But every day that goes by without that sheet being pulled back is another day fraught with a lingering fear that they …just …might …pull …this …off.


The stakes in this election are so very high…the premium for political victory by the opposing elements is so precious…that we must all expect extraordinary measures to be taken in an effort to achieve victory.  I will freely admit that my confidence in the common sense quotient of the average American voter is pretty shaken and I harbor a great fear that somehow, someway, the Democrats will figure out a way to hang onto the levers of power they now possess and will be granted another four years to remake this nation.  That would be a tragedy beyond description.


I realize that there will be ebb and flow to this presidential campaign and what exists today will be totally different tomorrow…and it will undoubtedly morph multiple times beyond that.  I fervently hope that Donald Trump is a much smarter version than he was the last time he ran for president; that this time around, his discipline is greater and his ego is more manageable.  I also hope that the Republican Party has finally broken its old habit of bringing knives to gunfights with the Democrats.  This is one fight they surely need to win.

Friday, July 26, 2024

How Do You Solve a Problem Like Kamala?

 Even though it will not be official until the passage of the Democrat National Convention, it appears that Kamala Harris will be the Democrat Party’s presidential nominee this year.  Once the Democrat Party’s (and their allies) flush of unbridled enthusiasm from the dumping of Biden and the christening of Harris passes, a hard reality might very well set in. 


It would be foolish to ignore the reality that with sufficient and consolidated effort, the facts of history can be shaped and distorted to reflect something other than what actually occurred.  Winston Churchill famously said that “history is written by the victors”.  I would put a caveat on that by adding…or those who do the writing.  A great effort is currently underway to reinvent Kamala Harris into something much greater and larger and wiser than she actually is…or was.  That effort should be doomed to failure by the existence of video, print, and screen grabs.  Her history is not that old; her history is well recorded; and her history will be difficult to paper over.


If in fact Harris is chosen as the Democrat presidential nominee, look for two things to happen.  The first is the undeniable pattern of Harris’s inability to handle good opportunity and short-term success.  When looking back over her political career, it is obvious that the greater her political opportunity or success becomes, the more prone she is to screw it up royally.  Kamala is gonna be Kamala.  The best example of this trend is when she opposed President Biden for the Democrat presidential nomination back in 2020. 


A solid argument can be made that no candidate was better positioned to win that nomination than Kamala Harris.  The early buzz was exceedingly positive about her chances and those who supported her were filled with an abundance of optimism and enthusiasm (sound familiar??).  But the record shows that the longer she campaigned and exposed herself as a living, breathing, and speaking candidate; the more the luster surrounding her candidacy dimmed.  Bottom line: She won’t be able to hide in the basement under covid cover like Biden did.  She will have to stand on her feet, think for herself, speak to the public, and manage a campaign.


And if the past is any indication, these are not skills and abilities that reside comfortably in Harris’s wheelhouse.  In the past, the better  things looked for her candidacy, the worse she became as a candidate.  She has always been susceptible to the classic failure of a person positioned for great things falling prey to the reading of their own headlines.  Her head has gotten too large, she becomes ego-centric, she cannot manage her campaign staff (or her current White House staff for that matter), and her efforts become chaotic and fail.  She inevitably falls prey to her own arrogance.  This most recent effort might be the exception and perhaps she has learned something over the years; but there is little reason to expect a new and improved Kamala Harris in her (likely) upcoming presidential campaign. 


When considering Harris’s potential as a presidential candidate, I believe it is instructive to note the reactions to her ambitions from James Carville and the Obamas.  Carville (a long-standing and faithful Democrat Party operative) has been very prominent in the news over the past few days warning the Democrats and their friends about being overly exuberant regarding Harris’s apparent selection.   Equally revealing is the fact that after essentially all Democrat Party leaders have jumped aboard Harris’s campaign train, the Obamas were late to the party.  Their lame endorsement was not only belated, but it came in the dark…very early in the morning on an internet social media post. This feeble effort must be placed in the same category as backhanded compliments.  Carville and the Obamas are all about one principle: Gaining power and using that power to remain in power.  I believe they realize that Harris is a deeply flawed candidate and is clearly not the strongest one that could be fielded by the Democrat Party. 


The second thing I am interested in watching centers on the actions of President Biden over the next few months (assuming that he remains in office through his term).  Although the full story of his withdrawal from the nomination process is yet to be fully disclosed, there can be little doubt that he was stabbed in the back by his political friends and thrown out unceremoniously into the street.  Even though it made good political sense for the Democrats to do this and Biden himself is largely to blame for the event, it cannot be easy for him to sit with his group alone in the White House while his vice-president, the one that he chose, is running around the country gaining all the attention, and acting more like a president than he is.  You gotta believe there are some seeds of resentment sprouting in the dark and lonely West Wing corridors.  It will be intriguing to see how much enthusiasm Joe Biden manages to churn up for the Harris campaign and, beyond that…might he even relish the prospect of a monumental failure on the part of Harris and those who deposed him?


Donald Trump’s life…and the lives of his entire family and all of his associates…have been taken apart piece by piece over the last several years.  It is difficult to imagine there being any skeletons left in those many closets.  It will be fascinating to see how the life of Kamala Harris and her group stands up under similar scrutiny.


Now, onto the news surrounding the last several…and very eventful…days.


There are many reasons to suspect that Barak Obama is the puppet master behind what has been the Biden Administration.  Not content with having established himself as the worst and most corrupt president in my lifetime, he has seemed intent on using Joe Biden as his useful idiot in implementing a third Obama term.  Obama is a stain on the American presidency and if history is ever written accurately, it will support that notion.








The Democrat Party came for their king and they apparently got their king.  If Donald Trump is elected president this fall, it will be sweet indeed.  Just as Trump swept into office competing against what might very well be the weakest Democrat presidential candidate in my lifetime, his potential upcoming victory would reflect the Democrat Party’s failure to capitalize on his own flawed status as a candidate and would represent a monumental mishandling of a great political opportunity.  


This presidential election process has been a race to the bottom by both national political parties as far as candidate selection is concerned.  It is quite entertaining to see how Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have become the flies in the Democrat ointment that would have finally put the stake through the heart of Donald Trump.  Chickens do come home to roost.










And now we come to the focal point of this post…Kamala Harris, the Democrat heiress apparent.  America must prepare itself for the sale of a lifetime…the repackaging of Kamala into the greatest idea since buttons on shirts.  It is now time to begin the actual inspection of Harris and her political record; but that will be difficult to do with the smokescreen that is being thrown up by the progressive mainstream media.  Do you suppose the American voters are gullible enough to actually swallow their bile?  They…just…might…be.




Re: my previous mention of the last time Harris ran for president: https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/good-riddance-to-kamala-harris/












The mainstream media truly has no shame; they have sold their soul to the Democrat Party: https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2024/07/they-got-the-memo.php










In her first high profile brush with foreign policy, Kamala Harris fails miserably and dishonorably.  This is not how an American President should behave…










There is much to consider when looking upon the current process of electing a new President.














The Democrat Party’s (and their progressive allies) lawfare campaign against Donald Trump continues to…joyfully…implode: https://thefederalist.com/2024/07/26/jack-smiths-anti-trump-deputy-excoriated-for-inappropriate-behavior-at-doj/


The upcoming presidential election will take our nation down one of two paths.  One will be the election of a Democrat candidate who will most certainly continue the efforts of the Obama/Biden Administrations in taking America down a leftward-woken path that leads to chaos, autocratic government control and intervention into our private lives, gross governmental incompetence, federal fiscal instability, increased detachment from our constitutional foundation, a further deepening of the racial and class divisions that currently exist throughout our culture and society, a worsening and weak national economy, further politicization and corruption of our government, and a diminishment of our country on the international stage.  The other will be an uncertain…but preferable…return to the previous administration practices of Donald Trump.  We can only hope and pray that if he is successful in his campaign efforts, he will be a better and wiser version of that which we have seen before; and that his administration policies are equally successful this time around. 


We should never forget that no matter how dark the days might seem in America, our nation and its constitution (if adhered to) possess a strength that can withstand any challenge that might arise.  In the mid-90’s, under a bipartisan effort by Democrats and Republicans, our nation actually implemented a balanced federal budget.  If our government can somehow figure out a way to once again become functional and dedicated to their prescribed mission, great things can once again be achieved.  Heck…we might even figure out some way to shrink it: https://www.cato.org/blog/theres-nothing-absurd-or-dangerous-about-ending-us-department-education



Monday, July 22, 2024

Well…That Just Happened

Here is what “happened”…




Here is what “was”…




Here is what apparently “is” …




And here is what “might be”…




Needless to say…there is much more to come.   Stay tuned.


A short note: I have been posting here under the byline “CenterlineRight” continuously since June of 2012.  Before putting up my initial post, I did my best to research the internet in an attempt to come up with a unique name that would not be confused with someone or something else.  As best as I can determine, I was successful in that effort. 


It has come to my attention that there is a poster on the social media platform “X” that uses the byline “CenterLineRight”.  For the record, I would like to state that I do not do social media at all.  This poster on “X" is in no way associated with me or my blog that can be found on the internet at https://centerlineright.blogspot.com/  

Saturday, July 20, 2024

The State of Play: Republican

The Republicans held their convention this week and as all political conventions are, it was a slobberfest for their nominee Donald Trump.  My MAGA-wife watched most all of the event…four loooonnnng days…on NEWSMAX (what I refer to as Trump TV).  After three days of political stagecraft, the convention climaxed with Donald Trump accepting the nomination on the fourth night and making his pitch not only to the Republicans, but also to the curious few who might not yet be fully committed to a 2024 presidential candidate. 


The common theme being circulated among political observers was that Donald Trump was a changed man after surviving an assassination attempt.  I think this was the motivation for many people to watch his speech and pay attention to its content; at least, it was for me.  I regret to say that based on my observation of his marathon oral exercise, and conceding that the man might be changed inwardly; it appears to me that the failed attempt on his life did little to mitigate his bluster, his ego, his arrogance, and his love affair with himself.  In fact, it might very well have strengthened those unattractive personal traits.


I consider an individual’s personal faith and relationship with God to be a matter best left to the individual and the Almighty.  I myself have always…and continue to struggle with the eternal dynamic of God’s will and that of mankind’s free will.  The degree to which our Lord intervenes in our everyday affairs is simply beyond my understanding and I accept that.  The degree to which I…and everyone else…am responsible for my own words and actions is much easier for me to grasp.  Was it “God’s will” that a bullet narrowly missed killing Donald Trump?  Or was it simply a perfect storm of circumstances where a mentally unbalanced shooter was rushed into taking shots that were poorly aimed and tragically found other random targets?  I do not know the answer to these questions. 


However, as much as I sincerely believe that my God knows all and works His will on this planet’s affairs, I have difficulty believing that He would inject himself directly into America’s political processes.  For my money, that particular area falls into the category of mankind’s free will.  Apparently, Trump does not share my view on this matter.  Now given the fact that he was the person shot at, I will yield the floor to him with no reservation.  But I will reserve the right to retain my own interpretation of what might have occurred.


Judging from Trump’s obsessive use of the word “I” in his speech (memories of Obama) and his exaggerated claims of what he had accomplished as past president and what he might accomplish as a future president, I would have to infer that Trump’s inflated opinion of himself has been somehow validated, increased, and has become even more prominent in his aura of self-awareness.  If Trump was humbled by this horrific event, the effect was at best minor.  I found the only authentic note of humility in his entire speech was acknowledgement of the undeniable fact that each of us should simply be thankful for our lives and take them one day at a time.  To me, Donald Trump remains unchanged from the man he was two months ago…or even four years ago.  Trump is gonna be Trump.


By any measure you might wish to select, Donald Trump has parlayed a privileged youth with an adulthood of entitled opportunities into some pretty impressive accomplishments.  His personal survival instincts have proven to be remarkable and he has clearly demonstrated the courage and strength to have possessed the gift of grace under fire.   But make no mistake about it…anyone who holds the view that Donald Trump…or J.D. Vance for that matter…is a principled conservative is unquestionably destined for one of two fates.  They will either continue to live under the veil of a false illusion…or they will eventually come face to face with one of reality’s rude awakenings.


Just as Trump’s excessively-long and annoyingly-repetitive speech represented (to me) a lost opportunity to strengthen his presidential campaign…I found his selection of J.D. Vance as his vice-presidential running mate to be of the same mistaken variety.  It was not a bad choice; simply a lost opportunity.  Vance has tremendous potential, but clearly does not have the resume to be acting as president.  I can understand how Trump might relate to Vance as a kindred spirit from outside of the political world; but a more seasoned candidate with experience in governmental management would have been a better choice.  A selection in that vein would not have just made good sense; it would have gone a long ways towards settling this election in Trump’s favor.  It goes without saying that there were multiple candidates available that would have fulfilled this promise.


Not that long ago, Donald Trump was a Democrat.  And even though the political views of Vance are now framed within the confines of the Republican Party, the fact is that his populist positions on many issues are not that far removed from traditional (as opposed to modern progressive) liberal Democrat Party views.  I suspect that if “hard and harder” Republican conservatives were honest with themselves; they might suspect that both Vance and Trump share these quasi-liberal views under the guise of Republican populism. 


I do not see this as a bad thing; I have always supported a balance between conservative and traditional liberal political philosophy.  I personally like the Bush term “compassionate conservatism” and view myself as a fiscal conservative that is moderate on social affairs.  However, I suspect quite strongly that the view of many Republicans is that Trump and Vance are much more conservative than they truly are.  Here is some good insight on J.D. Vance: https://amgreatness.com/2024/07/21/the-chosen-one-2/


Notwithstanding the fact that vice-presidents are typically low-impact political players, I imagine that there will be some quite frustrating days ahead for J.D. Vance as he is required to tone down his personal feelings about various Trump Administration policy initiatives.  I like the fact that he could be a voice of disagreement and spur some further introspection on various conservative positions; but unlike him, I won’t have to shut up, sit down, and toe the party line.


Lest I give any reader the wrong impression, I am not the least bit reticent nor uncertain regarding my opinion that Donald Trump is clearly the best choice for president come this November…no matter who his Democrat opponent might be.  I am simply trying to counter what I consider to be a false vision of a new, improved, and somehow more humble Donald Trump perhaps moving into the White House.  He might be wiser based on the treachery he has been forced to deal with over the last decade and he will not doubt be somewhat more introspective based on his advanced age and his brush with death.  But I predict a world of disappointment for anyone who expects a triumphant Donald Trump ascending to the presidency with anything much removed from his past modus operandi as president.  And all things considered, that will be quite an improvement over what we have seen for the last three and a half years.  After all…that is the entire point of elections, isn’t it?


The Republican Party is in a favorable political position for the upcoming general election because it has a better roster of players, top to bottom, as opposed to the Democrats.  Also, it has done a better job of resisting being taken over by the radicals within its own party.  It continues to promote a superior list of policy initiatives as compared to the Democrats.  But let us be real; Donald Trump is not some noble knight on a gallant steed riding in to save this nation.  He enjoys his good prospects because he is opposed by a pathetic and incompetent fool (or someone similarly incompetent).  The Republican Party and Trump are not that good; the Democrat Party and Biden (or his successor) are simply that bad.   It would be a potentially fatal and tragic mistake for the Republicans or Trump to forget these truths. 


Now…onto to a few other news stories of interest….


Unfortunately, this woman is a poster child for the incompetence that is rampant throughout the Biden Administration: https://www.nationalreview.com/2024/07/secret-service-director-kimberly-cheatle-must-resign/


In today’s America, our court system (notably SCOTUS) is the last firewall between the lunacy of the Biden Administration and constitutional order.








Economic policy…here is common sense




And here is madness




Will Americans wake up, pay attention to the actions of those who control our government, and speak definitively with their votes this November?






Will they be given that opportunity? https://amgreatness.com/2024/07/18/can-we-let-the-voters-decide-not-the-fbi-cia-doj-lawyers-prosecutors-and-judges/


Monday, July 15, 2024

The Ground has Shifted and the Democrats Face their Past

I am writing this post on the morning of the opening day of the Republican National Convention.  Following the recent assassination attempt on Trump, this day and the next few will be on overload with political news stories.  Just this morning, Judge Cannon has dismissed the records case against Trump based on Jack Smith’s ineligibility to serve as prosecutor.  It has been reported that Trump will announce his Vice Presidential candidate today.  It appears that the Democrat Party’s bid to remove Biden from the ticket has lost a lot of steam and recent developments have certainly impeded that effort’s momentum.


All things considered, it clearly appears…at least for this moment…that Donald Trump and the Republican Party are leading charmed lives.  By God’s grace, Trump escaped an attempt to kill him.  Biden continues to circle the drain as a pathetic incumbent president who refuses to go quietly into the night.  On the heels of Trump’s debate victory and Biden’s poor performances, both in the debate and his subsequent interviews/press conferences/public announcements, it certainly seems like Trump is destined for the White House and the Republicans are heading into what might develop as a Red Wave election in November. 


There are less than four months until we hold that election, but things can certainly change in a New York minute.  I want to now focus on the events leading up to the Republican Convention and will cover that business in my next post.


The attempt to assassinate Donald Trump has changed the landscape of America’s political environment.  Many questions remain unanswered, but many other things have become crystallized with the occurrence of this event. 










Both national political parties have been grossly irresponsible with their inflammatory rhetoric ever since Trump descended those stairs at Trump Towers and entered the political arena.  But any reasonable person should be able to clearly see that the venom flowing from Democrats…including their leader President Biden…has been at a much higher level and far more vitriolic than that of the Republicans. 








Where does the presidential race stand today and how will these recent events impact it in the coming weeks?   










How sure can we be that Joe Biden will in fact be the Democrat Party presidential nominee?








The mainstream media…oh yes, that bunch of hypocritical, incompetent, and irresponsible biased political hacks…








Are we on the verge of seeing the great Lawfare Assault on Donald Trump crumble to the ground?  That might very well be the case.  The Bragg case conviction in New York has become a joke and a liability for the Democrats; it is simply lying there waiting to be overturned on appeal.  The Florida Mar-a-Lago case has now been dismissed and that fact, along with the recent SCOTUS decision on presidential immunity, will likely sink the Jan 6 case against Trump.  That leaves the Atlanta case, and that one seems to be competing with the Bragg case for Legal Clown Show of the Year.  How sweet is it to see all this bullshit explode in the faces of Joe Biden, his corrupt Administration, and the partisan mainstream media?








Donald Trump and the Republicans must keep the focus on Joe Biden and how his Administration of incompetent fools and associated allies are running this government.  THAT is the argument that should tilt this election. 


















Under any standard you might wish to employ, the Biden Administration has literally destroyed the American economy.  Any cherry-picking, simpleton claims to the contrary are pure nonsense.








I will insert at this point the fact the Republicans also share in the shameful handling of this nation’s budgetary and debt crisis.  Both national parties are spineless cowards when confronted with a serious discussion of these subjects along with essential entitlement reform.




Two quick notes to close out this post…


If the Republican Party is serious about taking control of this government and guiding this nation back to a solid, constitutional foundation, then they must put a humbled and serious Donald Trump in the White House and find a younger and competent replacement for McConnell in the Senate to work with the promising young House Speaker Mike Johnson: https://www.nationalreview.com/2024/07/mike-johnsons-strong-case-for-american-strength/


And no matter how promising current events are for a good Republican election outcome, it would be the largest possible misjudgment to believe that this election is over and that the Democrats won’t do absolutely everything possible to hang onto the White House, their Senate majority, and their deep state presence in our government: https://thefederalist.com/2024/07/10/theres-only-one-reason-democrats-oppose-requiring-proof-of-citizenship-to-vote/



Finding the Eye of the Storm

When dealing with all things Trumpian, one must acclimate oneself to residing in the chaotic environment of a political storm.   And if you ...