Friday, July 26, 2024

How Do You Solve a Problem Like Kamala?

 Even though it will not be official until the passage of the Democrat National Convention, it appears that Kamala Harris will be the Democrat Party’s presidential nominee this year.  Once the Democrat Party’s (and their allies) flush of unbridled enthusiasm from the dumping of Biden and the christening of Harris passes, a hard reality might very well set in. 


It would be foolish to ignore the reality that with sufficient and consolidated effort, the facts of history can be shaped and distorted to reflect something other than what actually occurred.  Winston Churchill famously said that “history is written by the victors”.  I would put a caveat on that by adding…or those who do the writing.  A great effort is currently underway to reinvent Kamala Harris into something much greater and larger and wiser than she actually is…or was.  That effort should be doomed to failure by the existence of video, print, and screen grabs.  Her history is not that old; her history is well recorded; and her history will be difficult to paper over.


If in fact Harris is chosen as the Democrat presidential nominee, look for two things to happen.  The first is the undeniable pattern of Harris’s inability to handle good opportunity and short-term success.  When looking back over her political career, it is obvious that the greater her political opportunity or success becomes, the more prone she is to screw it up royally.  Kamala is gonna be Kamala.  The best example of this trend is when she opposed President Biden for the Democrat presidential nomination back in 2020. 


A solid argument can be made that no candidate was better positioned to win that nomination than Kamala Harris.  The early buzz was exceedingly positive about her chances and those who supported her were filled with an abundance of optimism and enthusiasm (sound familiar??).  But the record shows that the longer she campaigned and exposed herself as a living, breathing, and speaking candidate; the more the luster surrounding her candidacy dimmed.  Bottom line: She won’t be able to hide in the basement under covid cover like Biden did.  She will have to stand on her feet, think for herself, speak to the public, and manage a campaign.


And if the past is any indication, these are not skills and abilities that reside comfortably in Harris’s wheelhouse.  In the past, the better  things looked for her candidacy, the worse she became as a candidate.  She has always been susceptible to the classic failure of a person positioned for great things falling prey to the reading of their own headlines.  Her head has gotten too large, she becomes ego-centric, she cannot manage her campaign staff (or her current White House staff for that matter), and her efforts become chaotic and fail.  She inevitably falls prey to her own arrogance.  This most recent effort might be the exception and perhaps she has learned something over the years; but there is little reason to expect a new and improved Kamala Harris in her (likely) upcoming presidential campaign. 


When considering Harris’s potential as a presidential candidate, I believe it is instructive to note the reactions to her ambitions from James Carville and the Obamas.  Carville (a long-standing and faithful Democrat Party operative) has been very prominent in the news over the past few days warning the Democrats and their friends about being overly exuberant regarding Harris’s apparent selection.   Equally revealing is the fact that after essentially all Democrat Party leaders have jumped aboard Harris’s campaign train, the Obamas were late to the party.  Their lame endorsement was not only belated, but it came in the dark…very early in the morning on an internet social media post. This feeble effort must be placed in the same category as backhanded compliments.  Carville and the Obamas are all about one principle: Gaining power and using that power to remain in power.  I believe they realize that Harris is a deeply flawed candidate and is clearly not the strongest one that could be fielded by the Democrat Party. 


The second thing I am interested in watching centers on the actions of President Biden over the next few months (assuming that he remains in office through his term).  Although the full story of his withdrawal from the nomination process is yet to be fully disclosed, there can be little doubt that he was stabbed in the back by his political friends and thrown out unceremoniously into the street.  Even though it made good political sense for the Democrats to do this and Biden himself is largely to blame for the event, it cannot be easy for him to sit with his group alone in the White House while his vice-president, the one that he chose, is running around the country gaining all the attention, and acting more like a president than he is.  You gotta believe there are some seeds of resentment sprouting in the dark and lonely West Wing corridors.  It will be intriguing to see how much enthusiasm Joe Biden manages to churn up for the Harris campaign and, beyond that…might he even relish the prospect of a monumental failure on the part of Harris and those who deposed him?


Donald Trump’s life…and the lives of his entire family and all of his associates…have been taken apart piece by piece over the last several years.  It is difficult to imagine there being any skeletons left in those many closets.  It will be fascinating to see how the life of Kamala Harris and her group stands up under similar scrutiny.


Now, onto the news surrounding the last several…and very eventful…days.


There are many reasons to suspect that Barak Obama is the puppet master behind what has been the Biden Administration.  Not content with having established himself as the worst and most corrupt president in my lifetime, he has seemed intent on using Joe Biden as his useful idiot in implementing a third Obama term.  Obama is a stain on the American presidency and if history is ever written accurately, it will support that notion.


The Democrat Party came for their king and they apparently got their king.  If Donald Trump is elected president this fall, it will be sweet indeed.  Just as Trump swept into office competing against what might very well be the weakest Democrat presidential candidate in my lifetime, his potential upcoming victory would reflect the Democrat Party’s failure to capitalize on his own flawed status as a candidate and would represent a monumental mishandling of a great political opportunity.  


This presidential election process has been a race to the bottom by both national political parties as far as candidate selection is concerned.  It is quite entertaining to see how Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have become the flies in the Democrat ointment that would have finally put the stake through the heart of Donald Trump.  Chickens do come home to roost.


And now we come to the focal point of this post…Kamala Harris, the Democrat heiress apparent.  America must prepare itself for the sale of a lifetime…the repackaging of Kamala into the greatest idea since buttons on shirts.  It is now time to begin the actual inspection of Harris and her political record; but that will be difficult to do with the smokescreen that is being thrown up by the progressive mainstream media.  Do you suppose the American voters are gullible enough to actually swallow their bile?  They…just…might…be.


Re: my previous mention of the last time Harris ran for president:


The mainstream media truly has no shame; they have sold their soul to the Democrat Party:


In her first high profile brush with foreign policy, Kamala Harris fails miserably and dishonorably.  This is not how an American President should behave…


There is much to consider when looking upon the current process of electing a new President.


The Democrat Party’s (and their progressive allies) lawfare campaign against Donald Trump continues to…joyfully…implode:


The upcoming presidential election will take our nation down one of two paths.  One will be the election of a Democrat candidate who will most certainly continue the efforts of the Obama/Biden Administrations in taking America down a leftward-woken path that leads to chaos, autocratic government control and intervention into our private lives, gross governmental incompetence, federal fiscal instability, increased detachment from our constitutional foundation, a further deepening of the racial and class divisions that currently exist throughout our culture and society, a worsening and weak national economy, further politicization and corruption of our government, and a diminishment of our country on the international stage.  The other will be an uncertain…but preferable…return to the previous administration practices of Donald Trump.  We can only hope and pray that if he is successful in his campaign efforts, he will be a better and wiser version of that which we have seen before; and that his administration policies are equally successful this time around. 


We should never forget that no matter how dark the days might seem in America, our nation and its constitution (if adhered to) possess a strength that can withstand any challenge that might arise.  In the mid-90’s, under a bipartisan effort by Democrats and Republicans, our nation actually implemented a balanced federal budget.  If our government can somehow figure out a way to once again become functional and dedicated to their prescribed mission, great things can once again be achieved.  Heck…we might even figure out some way to shrink it:



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