Monday, April 27, 2020

The Pension Time-Bomb is Closer to BOOM!

I wrote some time ago about the increasingly serious fiscal plights of many pension plans across America.  You can read that post here: .  The plain and simple fact is that many states have exercised terrible fiscal judgment over the last few decades and that has resulted in their state treasuries being on the verge of financial collapse.  The prime (but not the only) component in this bad behavior is their irresponsible approach to exclusively fixed-payment pensions; essentially making promises they knew they could not keep.  And over the last handful of years, we have repeatedly seen groups like state employees, teacher unions, industry unions, and many other such organizations dig in their heels and absolutely refuse to renegotiate their pension plans. 

They do this for two reasons.  First, they are confident that those who are already receiving the pension payments will never give an inch on what they feel they have justifiably earned over the course of their careers.  Secondly, those that are still working and contributing to the pension plans see the great deal their predecessors are currently receiving in retirement and there is no way in Hades that they are giving up on that same dream.  Both of these attitudes are the equivalent of whistling past the graveyard and will not prevent the grim reaper of fiscal reality from making his gruesome presence known in the not-too-distant future.

Simple math and the harsh morning glare of reason dictates that when the funds flowing into a pension fund plus any financial gain from its asset value less its administrative costs do not cover the funds flowing out of a pension fund in the form of retiree payments, there will be a shortfall and the fund is unsustainable.  That unsustainability will by necessity result in one of two likelihoods.  Either those receiving pensions will continue receiving funds at the same rate while those working members contributing to the fund increase their portions to cover the shortfall…or…both those currently receiving pension payments and those who will receive them in the future will in fact receive not the full payment, but pennies on the dollar based on the capacity of the fund.  Of course, this dynamic can be avoided if structural changes are made to the fund to make it fiscally sustainable.  For that to happen, somebody in the system has to take a financial hit.  And that, my friends, is where the problems lie.  Nobody wants to take that hit.

The result is that the economically-shaky pension funds continue to rattle down the road; pensioners continue to trek to the bank with their overly-generous retirement checks; and current workers continue to make contributions at unrealistically-low rates and look forward to the false promises of a comfortable retirement.  The whole machine is hurtling down a hill with inadequate steering, worn out brakes, an incompetent driver, and an impenetrable wall waiting at the bottom of the incline.  It does not take an accountant to see how this story ends.

And now, under the cover of federal coronavirus relief funding, many of these same state pension guardians come forth with the notion that suddenly, like completely out of left field and no doubt due to this terrible and unavoidable global pandemic, their pension funds are on the verge of collapse and it is the obligation of this nation’s taxpayers to bail out these programs.  Catch that logic; people who will NEVER benefit from these poorly-designed and poorly-managed pension funds will nonetheless prop them up with their tax payments.  And…they will do this while struggling to finance their own retirement and while the insanity that led to this disaster simply continues unabated.  

This shameless attempt to forego any accountability for their reckless management of worker’s pension funds and to seek taxpayer relief for their own fiscal transgressions is pathetic beyond description.  Unfortunately, because many of the beneficiaries are powerful and influential players in our political system; this ruse stands an excellent chance of succeeding.  This particular phase of the coronavirus stimulus legislation might just be the Trojan Horse that states roll through the gates of Congress with a sweet little pension bailout hidden deep inside.

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·       The Gross Domestic Product is a number that expresses the annual worth of the output of a country in local currency; in other words, the market value of all goods and services produced in the United States for one full year.  America’s GDP has been running about $20.5 TRILLION over the last few years. 

·       The tax receipts that our government receives annually to pay for our nation’s business have been running around $3.3 TRILLION

·       The federal spending deficit for FY2018 was $779 BILLION, with total federal spending clocking in at $4.1 TRILLION. 

·       That FY2018 federal spending deficit grew by 17 percent (that is $113 BILLION) compared to FY2017 and is the highest federal deficit in six years (since FY2012).  

·       The current national debt of the United States is approximately $24,000,000,000,000.  That is in TRILLIONS.  

·       Keep in mind that this dynamic is occurring when federal tax receipts are at all time highs and the spending numbers are BEFORE any of the coronavirus stimulus was instituted.

      As the numbers reflect, we as a nation are spending essentially everything (and more) that we make each year while our monstrous debt continues to accrue interest and multiply in astronomical terms.  Look at these numbers…so many zeros…is it any wonder that our elected officials lose track of how much money they are spending?

Now comes the coronavirus pandemic and the federal effort to offset its punitive fiscal effects on our nation and its people.  Under the guise of a national emergency, called a war by some, our government has ginned up the printing presses and has thus far spent $2 TRILLION in one stimulus package and $480 BILLION in the recent follow-up bill.  And don’t be misled by Governors who are screaming that the feds are not doing all they need to do; these two spending packages were in addition to previous actions and expenditures taken to address the viral outbreak: . And hold on tight…there appears to be a good deal of sentiment in WDC to pass even more stimulus legislation with an ever-increasing cost on the federal debt. 

To put this in perspective, imagine that you and your family are receiving a total family income of $75,000 per year.  You get notified that your work-week will be cut down drastically; which results in a reduced or totally lost paycheck. You have debts like everyone else; a car payment or two, a mortgage, perhaps a second mortgage, education expenses for the kids, utilities, insurance, and groceries…a lot of bills.  Now after paying your bills, it would be ideal if you could set-aside a bit of your income in savings for the future or for rainy day catastrophes; but that is extremely hard to manage and the plain fact is that most people are not doing it.  Instead, and if you are operating like our federal government, you are spending almost $100,000 per year; or about 25 percent MORE than you actually receive in income. 

Now here is the rub…you do this while not paying one…red…cent on your outstanding debt.  Nothing goes to principal repayment on the car or the mortgage.  You are simply digging your financial hole deeper and deeper with the certainty that one day; the debt will have to be addressed.  If you are John Q. Citizen, the likely result is bankruptcy.  You don’t have a money tree in the back yard; but the government does. 

If you are the United States of America, the solution is…you print more money.  You kick the debt can down the road.  While you pass out stimulus checks to every Tom, Dick and Harry and spend money on federal programs like drunken sailors, you are saddling future generations of Americans with the consequences of your irresponsible and extravagant fiscal habits.  When we see parents do this to their children; we call it a tragedy.  When our government does it; we call it business as usual. 

Consider this… In recent years, our government has been receiving RECORD HIGH tax receipts from its citizens to fund itself.  But instead of taking this increased revenue and trying to apply it in some responsible fashion towards decreasing our federal debt and annual spending deficit; our elected officials have simply spent the additional revenue and more on federal programs too numerous to count.  And now…with the global pandemic paralyzing our economy and chopping down federal tax receipts to a fraction of what they have been; do you think they might consider re-priortizing spending?  Do they cut back in some areas in order to increase in others that have more pressing needs?  No!  They continue the profligate spending habits they have become addicted to and add on top of that the oceans of cash dedicated to the pandemic stimulus effort.  Instead of trying to contain the fire and save the building; they are instead pouring fuel on the fire and increasing the blaze.

It is bad enough that our elected officials, both Republican and Democrat, pay no heed to our federal debt and continue to load up this ticking fiscal time bomb.  But if, as it appears quite likely they will do, they bail out these even more irresponsible (yes…as incredible as it seems…that is possible) state governments and their unicorn pension plans; then we will have reached a point of federal fiscal ineptitude that is simply beyond comprehension.  At some point, a reckoning will arrive. 

If there is any semblance of financial reason to be found in our WDC governmental complex, that reckoning will begin to dawn soon.  Uncle Sam may not have to declare bankruptcy like John Q; but at some point, all mechanical devices wear out and chickens will come home to roost.  The United States cannot continue to endlessly print money to cover for its insatiable generosity in federal programs spending and assume, without any reasonable basis whatsoever, that future generations will figure out some way to balance the ledger.

In the mid-1980’s, the government cut off new employee entry into their Civil Service Retirement Plan (CSRS); this was the pension plan for federal employees.  They did this for two reasons.  First, they recognized that the Plan was not fiscally sustainable and had to be structurally revised if it was to continue.  Secondly, many in government wanted to tap into the large pool of federal employee retirement contributions in order to prop up the Social Security Administration.  You see, prior to that point, federal employees in the CSRS did not contribute to nor draw from the Social Security system.  The addition of new federal employees to the Social Security pool of contributors no doubt helped to stabilize the system. 

The government replaced the CSRS with the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS).  While being a solid and reliable retirement system that was immensely fair to federal employees, it shifted the funding obligation more towards the employee and away from the employer.  It required more sacrifice from the individual to fund their own future retirement.  It required that all participants have some skin in the game.  This is the hard decision that many states and organizations need to make regarding their troubled retirement plans.  It requires courage from leaders; it requires sacrifices from members; and it requires common sense and fairness.  And it also requires a firm approach from the government that makes it clear that these unsustainable pension programs must first help themselves by instituting responsible structural changes before they go begging to the federal coffers for a bailout.

Friday, April 24, 2020

MORE of Some of What Makes Life Worth Living

I got a great response from previous posts featuring music.  I love the tunes and apparently, a lot of you do too.  As we hopefully approach the end of the corona lockdown, perhaps a few tunes will ease the quarantine blues.  Here is some more good stuff offered up for your enjoyment.  Find some time to kick back and run through this eclectic playlist…

This one is dedicated to the United States Congress!   Go ahead and spread that dough.  For a lot of bands…this might be over the top.  But…Not…For…This…Band:

He’s still on my bucket list to see live before I check out.  So laid back…so smooth…the great ones make it look so easy:

One who left way too soon…great catalog of hits…be sure to check out the band for some familiar faces:

Great country song…a story we’ve heard before…easy to listen to:

Such a great entertainer…so many hits…what a great song:

Ahead of their time….the Eagles before there was the Eagles:

What a voice…great old song…her life was way too short:

Power to the music, baby...turn it up:

Two great talents…haunting melody…true lyrics:

Great with the band…great by himself…so versatile:

What a feeling…they never seem to last long enough…that highway song:

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BIG sound…go ahead and test your volume:

After all these years…Motown still sounds soooo good:

Gift those roses while you are still alive!  We all wait too long to say it…say it now:

So much talent in this band…so much good music…a great show:

 A man in tune with his instrument…liquid music:

In his younger days…you could see the talent even then:

One part of CSN&Y…when he was just beginning:

What a voice…what a song…what a great way to close it out:

A final tribute, if you will, to those who have fallen prey to the pandemic among us.  Every lost life is a tragedy and represents an ocean of pain and sorrow.  For those who have passed:

Saturday, April 18, 2020

The Democrat’s Tiresome Game of Arbitrary Obstinance

When the President says right; Senate Minority Leader Schumer says left.  When the President says day; House Speaker Pelosi says night.  When the President says dry; Joe Biden says wet.  When the President says straight; the Democratic Party Leadership says crooked.   Schumer does not say this because of a sense of direction; he says it because of political calculation.  Pelosi does not say this because of policy disagreement; she says this because of pure spite and malice.  Biden does not say this because of a weather condition; he says this because….well, who knows why Biden says what he says.  And the Democratic Party does not say this because of basic political disagreement; they say this because of their lust for power and authority.  This is what our nation’s partisan divide has come to.  A senseless, non-productive, dis-incentivizing approach to governing that has been adopted wholesale by the Democrats and their soulless minions in the mainstream media.  Their shtick is becoming painfully tiresome.

Gone are the days when a loyal opposition stance by one national party regarding the other party took a sometimes partisan, sometimes childish, and sometimes debilitating toll on our governmental function.  It ultimately resulted in a compromise situation where the desires of the majority ruled; but the desires of the minority were given consideration.  We are now in the throes of a Democratic mania that demands total and absolute disdain for all things Trump, knee-jerk opposition to literally any proposal that emanates from him or his Administration, and plain disregard for the welfare of our nation if any Trumpian civic initiative can possibly be construed to be constructive or of a positive nature.  The bile and hatred that the Democratic Party and the Mainstream Media hold for this man has possessed them to a point where not only have they lost all sense of political or journalistic ethics; they have also lost all grasp of common sense and reason.

In the midst of what will historically be labeled as one of the greatest crisis eras in American history, the Democrats and the Media have shamefully coordinated in an effort to either neutralize, minimize, or downright eliminate all efforts made by the Trump Administration to combat the coronovirus pandemic.  A prime example of this attitude is the Democratic blockage of additional funds for the stimulus small business loan program.  Do you think that perhaps I overstate this and am giving in to hyperbole?  If so, do this for me: Tell me ONE thing that any DEMOCRAT in Washington, DC has done to assist the President in his efforts to mitigate this health threat.  Once this nation gets through this terrible chapter, history will record that the means to survive this monumental attack on the very foundations of our society and culture were executed in spite of the Democratic Leadership in WDC; certainly not with their support.  While blue collar Americans worry about feeding their children; Nancy Pelosi is creating bizarre videos of her mega-frig full of fashion ice creams.

Due to his arrogance and ego, it is difficult to embrace President Trump even in his greatest moments of success.  You have to stand behind him in the congratulatory line and the wait is oftentimes insufferable.  But through this time of crisis, our President has steadfastly stood before the American people and led this nation through words and deeds.  He has done this in a stoic and purposeful fashion.  He has done this under the glare of constant judgment and criticism.  He has done this with every Democrat in this country praying for him to fall flat on his face in the effort.  And he has done this while commanding a ship of state through waters that have never before been navigated.  Give the man some credit.

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All things considered…our President has stood tall and led admirably during this true test of national courage and stamina.   This pandemic chapter in U.S. history has yet to be completed; but the end is in sight.  Donald Trump brought this nation back from the abyss of Obama’s delusionary era and restored not only our economy, but also our international consciousness and respect.  He had earnestly begun the arduous task of bringing our government back to a position of effective and efficient operation; once again standing up the principle of accountability through public service.  He was a successful Chief Executive in good times. 

We have now seen him perform during a time of crisis.  We have seen how he leads when there is no established path of recovery.  We have seen him stumble and err; yet correct himself and once again get back on the right path.  We have seen him…albeit reluctantly at times…recognize the wonderful federalist nature of our country and work with the Governors of our states in a unified quest for national stability.  We have, in fact, seen him be a successful Chief Executive in bad times.

Whether the Mainstream Media can overcome its senseless and stupefying resistance to President Trump is yet to be seen; but surely those who grasp the pens that write the record of this episode in American history will reflect on the fact that our President showed up when the chips were down.  They should correctly write that our national salvation was not in the infallible nature of our President; but rather in the innate instinct of all Americans to bind together in a time of threat and survive this unique challenge as a community.  They should recognize the things that were done right and analyze the things that were done wrong.  We will all learn from our mistakes and hopefully do better the next time a pandemic rolls around.  One thing is for certain; our President was not carried along during this battle on the winds of public opinion or group-think mania.  He led in a fashion that was sincere; motivated and ruled by what he thought to be best for ourselves and our families.  He was true to his best instincts.  At this time in the course of events, America was fortunate to have Donald Trump as President.  This was his moment of truth.  This was the Democratic Party Leadership’s moment of shame.

In November, we as a nation will make a choice that will have an inestimable impact on the future of our country.  We will consider an aging Democrat who cannot speak coherently for five minutes; a man whose personal history demonstrates no principles, no substance, and no accomplishment.  A man who during one of America’s most serious health dilemmas, hid away in his basement and lobbed unfounded and cheap criticism at a President who was trying to lead our nation through this crisis.  A man who stands for nothing and simply regurgitates babble designed to gain political traction.  A   man whose ambition has always exceeded his reach and whose capabilities have always trailed his position.  This is what Democrat Joe Biden will offer this country.  If Joe Biden is elected to the Presidency in November, the odds are very good that not only will the Democrats hold the House, they may very likely gain control of the Senate.  Can you imagine the shape of our world two years after Biden, Pelosi, and Schumer run America?

Our other option will be to retain the Presidential services of Donald Trump.  I gave up long ago on the hope that Trump might mature and grow in his role as President.  He has not.  But what he HAS done is recognize that our government serves the people and not the other way around.  He understands the value of personal freedoms and a private sector economy, unfettered by heavy-handed restriction and regulation.  He has typically appointed people who support a minimalist government and respect the Constitution upon which the nation was formed.  His re-election would mean four more years of arrogant bloviating from the White House.  But it would also mean a good likelihood of a Republican Senate; one which will insure federal judges that respect the law as it is written.  It will create the possibility of a Republican House; which will in turn create the possibility of constructive and common-sense legislation passed by a functioning government.  It could usher in a Congress that legislates rather than investigates; one that assumes its own duties and allows the Executive and Judicial branches to conduct their own.

This pandemic deal has not completely played out yet.  We are hopefully past the darkest days and are beginning to carefully and thoughtfully work our way back to some semblance of normal.  But American voters should all pay very careful attention to the performance of our national political parties and their leaders during this time of trouble.  Which side practiced partisan politics instead of public service?  Which side chose to sit by and criticize while the other side chose to lead?  Which side pursued private agendas while the public needs went unaddressed?  Which side sowed discord among the nation while the other side tried its best to unify our people?  Which side embraced a broadening role for the government and demonstrated a clear inclination to retain that increased control?  Which side reached out to the private sector for the innovation and creativity required to help us through this battle?  The answers to these questions should inform us as to who might best lead our country into the future.  It is a choice between a group that wants to run our lives for us and a group that respects our freedom to choose for ourselves.  The choice will soon be before us.  We should choose wisely.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Fowl Coming Home

As I have written many times…President Donald Trump is obnoxious, arrogant, and occasionally crude to the point of disgust.  He does and says things that are really inexcusable.  But in my lifetime, no elected official has had more reason to be frustrated than this man.  And there can be no doubt that this frustration is the reason for much, not all, of his abhorrent behavior.  What the Democrats began in the Obama Administration, with either his wink or his nod, and then burrowed into the Trump Administration in order to carry the despicable effort forward is without a doubt the most serious abuse of power in American political history.

Here are two articles that simply put the status of those actions into current context.  Take the time to follow the links in the articles and judge for yourselves how you view this type of unethical civic misbehavior.  IF…THERE…IS…ANY…JUSTICE in this world, many of the scoundrels involved in this escapade will be paying for their actions with serious legal penalties.

First off, listen to what Attorney General Barr has to say about this episode: .  Between DOJ IG Horowitz and Federal Prosecutor Durham, we can only hope that the sheet is pulled all the way back on this atrocity.

The biggest elephant in history has been sitting on the living room couch since this whole thing started.  Only the implicit involvement of the mainstream media has allowed the Democrat Party leadership to perpetuate this farce for so long.  And what lies at the root of this entire circus?  Only this: .

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It would be a terrible mistake for the American people to view this story through the lens of a partisan or ideological glass.  This is a story of corruption that transcends politics and policy philosophy and it must be exposed for what it is.  If this type of malfeasance is allowed to be swept under the rug, then we might as will burn our Constitution on the courthouse square.  This is NOT the way our nation’s government was designed to run.

There are two big problems with what has occurred here.  The first is the fact that a news story based entirely on false information and continually nourished by unfettered partisan passion was permitted to not only severely hamper the legitimate efforts of a duly-elected President to lead this country; but it also ripped open a partisan divide in our entire society that paralyzed a functioning Congress and Executive effort at governing.  It scarred the very essence of our people’s civic opinions and those wounds continue to fester to this day; the cost is inestimable.

But a far greater atrocity than this exists.  False tales about politicians and their misadventures spring up every day and soon fade into the past.  Most are rapidly exposed and forgotten.  Unfortunately, a few linger because they are so very convenient to the political agenda of powerful forces.  This is no different than our common culture, where the mere accusation is oftentimes the equivalent of actual guilt.  False impressions are hard to forget.  We cannot unring a bell or fully remove the breaking news bombshells and juicy gossip from our minds.  We cannot effectively obliterate the false images that are oftentimes planted in our consciousness.

But the people who cooked up this particular story about Donald Trump, the Russians, and the 2016 election knew from the very beginning that this whole deal was nothing but a fabrication and hoax.  Their constant nourishing of this fairy tale extended over a three-year period that split the United States of America in two.  The fact that these people, who were elected and/or appointed to serve in positions of public service and trust, continued to promote this circus while full well knowing the terrible costs of their subterfuge is beyond contempt.  FOR…THREE…YEARS they not only stood by while these lies tortured the very soul of American politics; they continued to throw fuel on the fire to keep it burning. 

If there is not meaningful accounting for these actions to the Department of Justice, then future presidential administrations of both national parties can only take one message from this chapter.  They must conclude that the ends justify the means.  They must feel they can bend or break the rules to achieve their personal/political goals and agendas.  They can assume the right to simply ignore the legitimate choices of the American citizens at the voting booth and run this government as they see fit.  If they so choose, they can literally pursue anything they want in any fashion they choose and do so with the comforting thought that if they are exposed, there will be no consequences.  Is this how our government should operate?  Is either national party worthy of this wholesale power, authority, and trust? 

An Easter Prayer: Almighty God...we thank you for this day and the privilege of this life.  Walk with us each day, through the light and through the darkness.  Keep your hand on our shoulders and help us to prove worthy of your promise...the promise of salvation purchased by the blood of your son Jesus on the cross.  As he was resurrected; may our lives also be lifted up.  Amen.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

College Bubble is Thinning, FBI/FISA Festers and Covid-19 Hysteria

Education simply for the sake of education is a luxury that few people can afford and those that can gain extremely small benefit from it.  Our high school kids today are primed by educators, administrators, and advisers to head off to college post haste in pursuit of the progressive Holy Grail…a college degree.  The problem is that they are wholly unprepared to make an intelligent decision about what kind of degree they want, where they want to go to get it, what subject matter that degree should involve, how they might finance this intellectual pursuit, and most important of all…will the degree actually lead to a job that will feasibly offer a salary sufficient to repay the cost of the education required to get the job.

There are four types of post secondary degrees: associate (2-year), bachelor’s (4-year), master’s, and doctoral.  On average, students take 3.3 years to obtain an associate degree and 5.1 years to obtain a bachelor’s degree.  The average debt for bachelor degree graduates at public colleges is $27,700 and ranges up to $41,000 for private schools.  The average length of time taken by graduates to pay off their student loans is in excess of 20 years.  The elephant in the living room is begging the question: Is a college degree a wise investment for a high school graduate? 

The answer is not the same for all people.  The advent of the cyber age has created an astronomical number of niche opportunities for smart, ambitious, and hard-working young adults to make very good money in the American economy.  We need teachers, doctors, and lawyers.  But we also need electricians, plumbers, and carpenters.  There is honor in all professions and the plain and simple fact is that every high school graduate is not cut out for college.  And even if they are and they choose to pursue that goal; it is not required that you borrow all the money you need to enjoy the status of professional full-time college student.  There are plenty of part-time jobs out there for college students; there is no need to carry a maximum load every semester; there is a marvelous network of affordable junior colleges across America; and of course, you can always work full-time for a period in order to save money for a future college education.  There is also the incredible opportunity presented by U.S. Military services for in-service college and post-service college support. 

The average American bachelor degree holder lives to be about 79 years old.  They will spend the first 43 years of that life saddled with a suffocating student loan that will diminish their economic opportunities.  Education is a wonderful thing and each and every person in our nation should have the opportunity to pursue it to the extent they desire.  But each and every person in our nation does not have a right to go straight out of high school to college without a career plan that maps out what they want to do for a living, how they can accomplish it, and whether or not it makes financial sense in the long run. 

Our education intelligentsia needs to adjust their agenda in a direction that encompasses the full range of post secondary education from vocational to doctoral degree.  They need to let our children know that life is short in the best of terms, is guaranteed to no one, and should be spent doing something you can enjoy and gain a good quality of life doing.  This collegial conspiracy by post secondary professionals is a bubble that is growing larger and more dangerous by the year.  When it finally does burst, a lot of good people will be badly damaged; but our nation’s post secondary educational concepts will then undergo serious analysis that is long overdue.

No matter what your personal opinion might be on the subject, it is undeniable that a constitutional right to abortion was created out of whole cloth.  Read the document; it does not exist.  A similar effort is taking place with a college education.  The liberal move to provide free college for all is nothing but a pretext to establishing it as a fundamental right.  If this effort is successful, the academic community would then be empowered in a permanent sense to perpetuate and expand their overt influence over the young adults of our country. 

A college degree is a worthy goal.  It can be a life-changing process in a very positive fashion.  But like things of real value; it should be earned through hard work and sacrifice.  A college campus should not be the mandatory next step following high school graduation.  It should not be a preferred life style.  It should be a serious place where learning is cherished and respected as a process of self-improvement.  It can be a wonderful opportunity for students to expand their visions and pursue noble ideals.  It can also be an environment of leisure, partying, and a colossal waste of time and money.

Read about how our elected leaders are overly influenced by college administrators and educators, who are fattening themselves on the future indebtedness of those they claim to serve: . 

Read about how many of our institutions of higher learning are simply bastions of liberal group think that strive to perpetuate their own ideals of a perfect world and social order:  .

And finally, in addition to the outrageous escalation of both college administrator and teacher salaries, read about some of the things that have made a college education one of the most over-priced items in the U.S.A.: .

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I have often railed against the recent Department of Justice (DOJ) corruption that was hatched during the Obama administrations and then bled over into the Trump administration.  And even though they are the most recent and perhaps the most egregious perpetrators, the Democrats certainly do not hold an exclusive license to this unholy pursuit.  The Republicans have in years past been more than willing and able to use the power of the government to pursue their political agendas. 

In December of 2019, DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz released a scathing report on FBI activities relating to their Crossfire Hurricane episode involving Carter Page; it is here: .  The findings were so significant that Horowitz promised to take a wider look at other FBI activities to see if these questionable practices were common throughout the Agency.  That subsequent report was released in March and here it is: .  The level of corruption in the FBI and the FISA Court is breath-taking. 

Here is some professional analysis of exactly what is going on in this critical Department and Agency of our government.  Any thoughtful American, regardless of their political standing or ideology, should be outraged by this level of ethical lapse and abuse of power.

And finally, here is a good idea of exactly how this type of problem might be addressed: .

As the coronavirus pandemic continues its seismic trek across all aspects of humankind, the only certainty that is apparent is uncertainty.  When we all get through this thing, a look backwards will be striking in its clarity, its condemnation of those who chose personal agendas rather than public service, and a greater appreciation for many people who stepped up to the plate when the game was on the line.  As intriguing as the global reaction to this pandemic has been; it will undoubtedly pale in comparison to the chapter that will unfold after we get through this world health crisis.  There will be dramatic changes to our world and the way we all live our lives in the future.

Regarding the performance of the media, here is a thought-provoking mental exercise for your consideration: .

Speaking of looking backwards when this thing is over with, there can be little doubt that China is not going to come out of this with any accolades: .

At some point…mid-April, end-of-April, next month???...we will incrementally begin to reopen our nation for business.  What exactly will that entail?  Perhaps something like this: .

The quarantine status down home on my small farm is progressing in a fairly uneventful fashion.  There are far fewer trips to Walmart, restaurants, and nearby shopping centers.  But the livestock are fed, the garden is in the ground, the sun comes up in the east, and it sets in the west every day.  It is truly bizarre that we hear daily of the death toll taken by this pandemic and yet, right below the surface, the essential elements of life continue and the world moves on.  In my past career with government agricultural policy, it was often the case that even though a natural disaster might not be sufficiently widespread to merit national legislation from Congress; it was no less a devastating event if it happened to you. 

For many people, the mitigating actions taken by governments and society against the pandemic are troublesome inconveniences…some more serious than others; but they fall short of life-altering events.  On the other hand, if you lose your business or your job or a life that is dear and precious, that is indeed life-altering.  Uncertain times call for uncertain measures and no single leadership person or governmental entity has a claim to having all the answers to the questions posed by Covid-19. Our world has been rocked by this virulent and mystifying virus that has seemingly come out nowhere to upset our routines, our welfare, and the very order of things that we held to be so certain.   We are clearly not as much in control of things as we thought, not as invulnerable as we had hoped, and not nearly as smart as we thought we were.  Sometimes, humility is a hard medicine to swallow.

Finding the Eye of the Storm

When dealing with all things Trumpian, one must acclimate oneself to residing in the chaotic environment of a political storm.   And if you ...