Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Perpetuating the Treatment; Avoiding the Cure

This is what the Democratic Party does.  Perpetuating the treatment leads to increased dependence on the government.  Avoiding the cure leads to the institutionalizing of that dependence.  That dependence disincentivizes personal accountability, hampers the pursuit of individual liberty, and withers the individual opportunity to gain independence.  The ultimate result of this philosophy is BIG government and small you. 

Does it seem contradictory to you that the Democrats bitch and moan and whine about how the Trump Administration has dealt with the coronavirus pandemic while offering no viable alternatives of their own, sabotaging every single action the President takes to countermand the virus, and  doing everything in their power to extend the shutdown and increase government authority? 

Does it strike you as odd that the Democrats bitch and moan and whine about how poorly the economy is performing while they constantly campaign to increase and lengthen the shutdown stranglehold that is suffocating the efforts of business and industry to survive and return to the record-setting economy we had immediately prior to the onset of the pandemic?

Does the logic escape you when anarchists in the streets openly violate the law, destroy the lifetime and sometimes generational business aspirations of entrepreneurs, demean our country and the ideals upon which it was built…all with the blessings of the Democratic Party while they simultaneously (with a wink or a nod or a cash infusion) support these violent efforts and work to denigrate and defund our police departments nationwide?  American streets are burning; innocent children are being murdered in our cities; police departments are being disparaged beyond description…all this while the Democrats bitch and moan and whine.

And what do you think when the Democrats bitch and moan and whine about Americans owning their own firearms for hunting, recreation, and self-defense; advocate for federal confiscation of those firearms (looking at you, Kamala); and then go home to their gated communities while enjoying the benefits of armed personal security protection?

How much sense does it make when the Democrats bitch and moan and whine about how callous and unfeeling Trump and the Republicans are about the common man and woman and then, while claiming to occupy the pinnacle of Mt. Empathy, parade nothing but the wealthy elite, the liberal upper crust, and the Hollywood tinsel before you during their entire national convention?

What does your gut tell you when the Democrats bitch and moan and whine about a woman’s sacred right to choose and her almighty reproductive rights when they turn around and support every…single…effort and organization that advocates for abortion rights from conception to the point where an infant is halfway out of the womb? Don’t all lives matter?

Don’t you find it a bit insincere when the Democrats bitch and moan and whine about Trump putting women and children in cages at the southern border (but NOT when Obama did it), cry to the heavens about how badly women are treated in today’s America, and find stains of racism in every…single…aspect of life when, in fact, they are the Party of Bill Clinton, Harvey Weinstein, Jeffrey Epstein and oppose real actions to help eliminate child labor and Uyghur concentration camps in China, women/child Mexican slave trade exports into America,  and the creation of real economic opportunities for women and minorities?

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Is it not the height of stupidity when the Democrats bitch and moan and whine about the United States Post Office and its obsolete business model; pass legislation that grants $25 billion to bail them out because of their obsolete business model; and then in the same piece of legislation, statutorily ban the very reforms that might prevent the need for the $25 billion bailout in the first place?

How big of an idiot do the Democrats really think you are when they bitch and moan and whine about the federal fiscal deficit, claim that increased taxation will help to alleviate that deficit in the future, and then spend money hand over fist like there is no tomorrow (Nancy Pelosi… “I’m talking trillions”)?  Do you really believe that increased tax revenues under a Democratic administration would be used for federal deficit reduction?

Isn’t it kind of curious how the Democrats bitch and moan and whine about private health insurance when Obama himself granted waiver after waiver from Obamacare mandates to labor unions so they could keep their Cadillac plans while the rest of us had to get one size fits all health insurance where the single men and the elderly were required to buy policies that covered pregnancies?  Oh yeah…that makes sense.

We hear the Democrats bitch and moan and whine about the equal rights of our female youth and their school safety concerns during this pandemic; but they are just fine with allowing a boy who calls himself a girl to compete with them in sporting events and see no problem with permitting a middle-aged male pervert who dresses like a woman to use the same public restroom as your daughter or grandchild?

California Democrats bitch and moan and whine about peaceful protesters congregating outside abortion clinics but they have no problem at all with homeless people camping, exposing themselves, and defecating on public sidewalks in business districts?

Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff have bitched and moaned and whined for over three years about every…single…thing the Trump Administration has done; but they have no interest whatsoever in investigating Obama’s corruption of the Department of Justice during the worst political scandal in  history.

It is beyond shame the way Democrats bitch and moan and whine about intolerance while demonstrating no tolerance whatsoever for anyone or anything that does not agree with their agenda.

Don’t you just get sick and tired of listening to their constant bitching and moaning and whining?  My friend, the Democratic National Committee is no longer the “DNC”.  They are now the “BMW”.  They will perpetually complain about how the Republicans govern; but they offer no viable alternatives.  They have little or no interest in solving the fundamental issues of social racial disparities, chronic crime in our urban centers, and the perilous fiscal challenges faced by several states due their profligate retirement systems.  They are not pursuing cures for these problems.  They want to take your tax dollars and purchase band aids by the billions to patch over the symptoms, while ignoring the obvious hemorrhaging that threatens to bleed our country dry and destroy its foundation. 

They want to be your nanny; not your mentor.  They want to be our caretaker; not our enabler.  They want you to be dependent on them; not dependent on yourself.  They seek a nation of autocratic, centralized government with an intensely vertical political system; rather than a union of independent states where democracy thrives at the local level.  The Democratic Party today wants our nation to be European-Lite; not America First. 

Look…the Republicans do not have a corner on the patriotism market and Donald Trump is no Abraham Lincoln.  But the plain and simple truth is that one party in America today holds much closer the ideals and principles upon which this country was founded.  One party in America today, in its imperfect and sometimes hypocritical way, seeks to implement a government that offers equal opportunity as a pathway to equality, which rewards ambition with prosperity, and attempts to grant independence and personal liberty to those who are willing to be held accountable. That party in the year 2020 is the Republican Party.  So ask yourself…do you want the perpetual treatment or do you want the cure?

Friday, August 21, 2020

Democrats, Mail, Coronavirus Madness, and Senate Illusions of Grandeur

I will confess to not watching one…single…moment of the Democratic National Convention (DNC/ aka: Obama, the Sequel).  Life is too short to have your stomach turned, your anger boiled, your deepest fears enhanced, and your frustration level shoved through the roof all at the same time.  I read somewhere that the best way to know exactly what the Democrats are up to is to pay attention to what they are accusing the Republicans of doing; that is what they are doing.  I believe there is some fire in that smoke. 

Considering the list of Convention speakers, foremost amongst the keynote klowns was Obama.  After eight years of a failed presidency that put race relations in America back 20 years, essentially destroyed America’s standing in international affairs, decimated our Justice Department through corruption and agenda-driven idealism, and dumbed down our economy to a state of subsistence…he has the gall to deliver the speech he gave on Wednesday night of the Democratic Convention (I did not hear it, but I read it).  This is the man who orchestrated the politicization of the Internal Revenue Service and whose party used government agencies and personnel to spy on and sabotage political opponents; even his duly-elected successor.  Read about Obama’s damage here: http://centerlineright.blogspot.com/2020/07/buffet-at-centerlineright-cafe.html .  The man is absolutely shameless.  If a person could buy him for what he is worth and sell him for what he thinks he’s worth, they would be set for life.

The man has no principles other than those that serve his self-aggrandization.  Can you imagine what might have been if the pandemic had occurred during Obama’s terms in office?  No doubt, he and his band of merry Democrats would have seized the opportunity to exert full blown executive control on the basis of emergency action.  The federal government would have taken extraordinary control of our everyday lives and the current shutdown environment would have seemed like a fraternity party in comparison.  The subsequent result would have been a recession that rivaled the great depression and would have inexorably shoved our nation ever closer to total government dependence.   In other words, it would have served his agenda well.  As the Democrats always say…never let a crisis go to waste. 

And today, after colossal failure at the Chief Executive level, he critiques Trump as divisive, narcissistic, ineffective, political, and lazy.  Did he write this speech about himself?  And his wife, the Beyonce wannabe who promoted that particular performer as a role model for young black girls, stands up and lectures our nation on morals and dignity?  Really?  I will grudgingly admit this much, however.  Even a broken clock is correct twice a day and Obama nailed Trump pretty accurately with these words… “I did hope, for the sake of our country, that Donald Trump might show some interest in taking the job seriously; that he might come to feel the weight of the office and discover some reverence for the democracy that had been placed in his care.  But he never did.  For close to four years now, he’s shown…no interest in treating the presidency as anything but one more reality show that he can use to get the attention he craves.  Donald Trump hasn’t grown into the job because he can’t.  These words are not that different from much that I have written in this blog about Donald Trump.  But in this particular instance, the problem with Obama’s words is not their veracity, but rather their source.  Once again, Obama’s accusations towards another are more accurately reflective of him.

As is quite obvious, I have difficulty containing my contempt for Barack Hussein Obama II.  It is the primary motivation that spurs me to oppose the election of Joe Biden as President.  As I mentioned earlier in a link above, I fear that a Biden victory this November will simply usher in a repeat of Obama’s sad chapter in American history.  And even worse, the next chapter will be more accelerated, less subtle, and far more effective at achieving its agenda-driven aims.

The best thing for undecided voters to have done this week was to watch the Democratic National Convention.  Filter out the hypocrisy, the venomous hate for all things Trump, the ridiculous claims about how they would handle things better (as if they had no power whatsoever and had never been in the White House), the Hollywood glam that was so conspicuous, and then simply listen to what their specific policies are.  What?  You didn’t hear them speak about that?  They were sure full of criticism about what had been done; but were pretty damn vague on what they would have done.

Allow me to fill in the blanks…with their own words.  Here is what they will do if they win.  In a previous post, I mentioned the joint committees set up by Biden and Sanders to formulate a blueprint for governing in the case that Biden was elected.  Here is the result of that collaboration: https://joebiden.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/UNITY-TASK-FORCE-RECOMMENDATIONS.pdf .  Read it carefully and pay particular attention to the signatures attached to each part of the report.  Do some research on these folks and get a true feel for what they believe in and promote.  And then, understand completely that this is what a Joe Biden presidency would look like.  Ask yourselves why, with four nights of exclusive television and media coverage of their national convention, they failed to promote these policies they use to promote enthusiasm in the left  wing of their party?

As I have stated before, this upcoming election is not about Trump versus Biden.  If it were that simple, a coin flip might be appropriate.  It is far more impactful and critical than the simple comparison of these two politicians.  It is about the ideals and agendas that reside with the Democratic Party and the Republican Party.  It is about the future of our country.  Think carefully about your choice.

The latest hoax being promoted by the Democratic Party and their allies, the mainstream media, is the controversy surrounding the U.S. Post Office (USPS) and mail-in voting.  But like most things in today’s world, the words and images that you hear and see do not accurately address the issues at the heart of the matter.  There are really two different issues in play here.  First, there is the question of whether or not the USPS is equipped to effectively handle the extraordinary task of an increased level in mail-in voting.  The clear answer is…YES, of course.  The actual numbers involved in this proposition support the notion that the uptick in mail volume that new levels of mail-in voting will usher in is in fact a modest increase in the daily volume routinely handled by the USPS.  The Christmas Holidays pose a greater challenge to the USPS than would an increase in mail-in voting.  There is clear and intentional intent by Democrats, the media, and the postal unions to conflate the subjects of USPS mail-handling capabilities and the wisdom of mass mail-in voting.  These are two clear and distinct issues that really have no influence on each other.

The second issue in play here is the efficacy of the USPS as a government entity.  As a retired federal employee, I spent a career in envy admiring the benefits package that postal employees enjoyed.   Through the effective efforts of their labor unions, they maintained a unique autonomy amongst government entities that allowed them to have overly-generous benefits packages as compared to other federal employees.  This fact, coupled with poor management and the evolution of technology in their industry, has led us to a point where the USPS is a bloated, inefficient, dinosaur in an industry that requires a nimble, innovative, and business-driven approach to success and survival.  They must reform or perish.

So don’t be misled by the confusion of mail-in voting with the status of the USPS business model.  Here are some very good articles on this matter that help to shed some light on the real issues at hand:

Don’t miss the next post….Just Google centerlineright

Next up, here are a few comments about the ongoing pandemic.  Now I am not a scientist or a medical professional; the closest I’ve come to doctoring is taking care of my farm animals, my children, and my grandchildren.  I have, however, survived 67 years on this earth.  Through the grace of God I have managed to overcome a lifetime of challenges not dissimilar to what most people face.  I have managed to find sources I trust and respect when I need to augment my personal observations and notions about issues that impact me and my family.  I have come to understand that personal accountability is way undervalued in our world and I need to pay great attention to what I can see with my own eyes and how those observations jive with my life experiences.  Does what people say make any sense?

Over the last several weeks, and after reading statistic after statistic and advice after advice from all of the pandemic experts out there, a troubling thought has formed in my mind.  Is it possible…just possible…that at the beginning of the coronavirus epidemic, had we taken the Sweden approach and simply continued with our lives and had our responses centered on personal accountability and not reliance on governmental edicts; the net effects of this plague would have been basically the same without all of the terrible costs that shutdown efforts have placed on our economy, our society, and our culture?  Perhaps we would have the same number of infections and the same number of deaths; just compressed into a smaller time frame and not stretched out over a longer period? Am I the only one who has considered this proposition?  I doubt it.

Here are a couple of very good articles that bring out interesting perspectives on how we as a nation have reacted to this adversity:

I am feeling a bit (not really very much) guilty about my harshness in discussing the Democratic Party and their notions about how our country and our government should operate.  I included a disclaimer earlier about Trump’s fallibilities and Obama’s insincere missives in his direction.  I will close today’s blog with a similar shot at the Republican Majority in the U.S. Senate.  For all my criticisms of her, I will acknowledge that Nancy Pelosi has a laser focus on achieving her political aims in the House.  Oh, she is clearly very fond of herself, despises Donald Trump and all associated with him, and is far more motivated by political power than by effective policy; but she always brings that trusty pistol to the knife fight.  She is intent on winning.

As a registered Independent, my support for the Republican Party is pretty much limited to their ideals and their agenda.  In many respects, especially their approach to fiscal governance, I do not see a lot of space between the Democrats and the Republicans.  In the case of the U.S. Senate, the Republicans have been in charge for several years.  There are two observations I will venture about their extended leadership of the Senate.  First is the fact that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell should go down in history as having had more impact on America than Donald Trump.  His consistent, concerted, and effective efforts to appoint exceptional federal judges to the courts across our nation have been above and beyond anyone’s expectation. 

To any person of a conservative bent, a primary concern about the direction of our country has been the tendency of our Judicial Branch to create law instead of adjudicating law.  The explosion in the number of rogue federal judges and the impact their irresponsible actions have on the American way of life is inestimable.  The placement of textual, constitution-driven, conservative Judges in our court systems is the only solution to the dangerous liberal tilt that has been increasingly present in our justice system.  We have Mitch McConnell to thank for the incredible progress made in this area.  If he does nothing else for the balance of his political career, his efforts in this area should be considered monumental.

Unfortunately, while admirably succeeding in judgeship placements, the Senate has utterly failed in its function as a legislative body.  Without going through a list of their actions motivated not by statesmanship but by ego and visions of nobility, I will simply state that the Republicans in the U.S. Senate have utterly failed their country, their party, and their President. 

Just this week, the Senate Intelligence Committee released their so-called final report on the infamous Trump/Russia Collusion non-affair.  Read about it here: https://jonathanturley.org/2020/08/19/senate-intelligence-report-is-long-on-pages-and-short-on-intelligence/ .  The plain truth is that this is all old news to anyone who has been paying attention over the last three and a half years.  This lukewarm bowl of mush report is pretty thin gruel for a body that has awesome powers to oversee, regulate, and investigate the Justice Department (DOJ) of our government.  While Obama and his cronies were corrupting the DOJ, where was the Senate?  While Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff were conducting their collusion hoax circus in the House, where were the balancing measures that should have been presented in the Senate?  Why did Republican Senators allow their personal, and understandable, dislike for Donald Trump to override their obligations to expose corruption in the Executive Branch; their obligation to respond to the reprehensible actions in the House; their responsibility to defend the proper authority of the Executive Branch as it relates to the Legislative Branch; and their political requirement to loyally, within reason, support the recognized leader of their national Party? 

Out of overriding concerns of self-preservation, Senate Republicans have always treated Donald Trump with coolness, detachment, and subtle contempt.  This late-to-the-party report dealing with the worst political scandal in American history is emblematic of how pathetic our politicians can be.  I have often said and will now repeat…the U.S. Senate is the closest thing this nation has to royalty.  Every single one of them believes they would be a better president than the one in office…whoever that might be.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

We Get the Government We Deserve

Or, to put it another way…elections have consequences.  Donald Trump is no prize.  I have written often about his character flaws.  But to trot out the obvious disclaimer once again: We do not elect a President because he/she might be a saint (they are not…any of them).  We do not elect them because they have a “gee golly wow” story that sends “thrills” down the media legs.  We tried that with Obama and that was a colossal failure.  We elect them because of a judgment we make, EACH OF US, about how they might lead this nation.  The policies and ideals that they promote should earn trust and we then vote for a “direction” that we would like to see our country follow.  This election is not about Trump versus Biden.  This election is about Republican ideals versus Democrat ideals.  This election is about that direction.

It is critical that we look at every candidate with a healthy dose of skepticism.  We might trust; but we should damn sure verify.  We have to appreciate that no matter how remarkable or unremarkable we think a candidate might be; they are only one-third of our government.  They must co-exist and co-execute the operation of our government with the Legislative and Judicial branches.  They will either have a life-long record of accomplishments that indicates leadership ability or they will have a life-long record of political expediency and evidence of going in the direction of the wind.  We must each come to a point where, after examining the resume of the candidate, we either believe them or we do not.

Words matter in this world.  What a person tells you they intend to do if elected is important.  A presidential candidate is the leader of their political party and the platform that the party puts forward following their nominating convention should serve as a roadmap to anyone curious about their agenda.  The candidates are telling us what they believe in and how they intend to implement those beliefs.  It is rather foolish to knowingly vote for a candidate who plainly supports certain policies and then complain when they do all within their power to promote those same policies.

As the election approaches, it is important to study the records of the candidates.  It is important to watch how they handle themselves when they campaign.  It is important to listen to what they say in their speeches, interviews, and debates and then compare those words with their past deeds.  Washington, DC is full of politicians who can “talk the talk”.  What we need in the White House is a President who we elected because we liked the “talk” and we trusted them to “walk the walk”.  Words matter.  Records matter.  Accomplishments matter.  Lack of accomplishments matters.

How a national Party actually governs when it is put in a position of power matters.  It is no mystery how Democrats with consolidated power run the cities of Chicago, New York, Minneapolis, Portland, Seattle, Baltimore, and San Francisco.  Look at life as it exists in the states ruled by Democrat Governors and compare that to life in the states ruled by Republican Governors.  It is no mystery what Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer want to see in Congressional legislation.  Look at how Pelosi runs the House and the legislative products it produces.  It is no mystery what Mitch McConnell wants to see in Congressional legislation.   What you see is what you get.  WE GET THE GOVERNMENT WE DESERVE. 

In a later blog, I will address key aspects of Donald Trump.  I have done so quite often over the last three and a half years.  This piece will deal with the man, and the person selected as his second in command, that the Democratic Party will next week christen as their 2020 Presidential Nominee.  Meet Joe Biden. 

Telling tall tales and stretching the truth a bit is a vice that all of us fall into occasionally.  But being a serial plagiarist is another thing entirely.  https://amgreatness.com/2020/08/08/the-man-who-wasnt-there/ .

Victor Davis Hanson might be a Republican, but he is undoubtedly a gifted journalist with critical insights into the political world.  His introspective take on Joe Biden is quite interesting.  https://amgreatness.com/2020/08/09/who-or-what-exactly-is-running-against-trump/ .

Joe Biden’s basement campaign strategy is working pretty well so far; or so it seems.  The intriguing thing to watch is what will happen if the polls begin to tighten.  https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/biden-can-run-and-hide-decides-to-skip-tough-media-interviews-before-election .

There is an old saying that implies that if a lie is told often enough, it eventually becomes the truth.  It is a devious and Machiavellian practice often employed by the mainstream media, politicians in general, the Democratic Party specifically, and Joe Biden in this particular instance.   https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2020/08/the-slimiest-character-in-american-politics.php .

Trying to frame President Trump and Republicans as racist is dishonest and shameful.  If there is a racist history to be ascribed to either national party, the Democrats clearly lay claim to that dishonor.  Read your history.  Here is an interesting perspective regarding the ongoing discussion of race in America.  https://americanmind.org/essays/how-race-politics-burns-out/ .

Here is a blast from the past; a 2016 article about Kamala Harris and her pursuit of a Senate seat that is extremely well-written and strikingly objective.  https://www.city-journal.org/html/next-obama-14181.html .

Read this document carefully; it is the original Green New Deal.  It is not the Democratic Party’s platform document; but it is unquestionably the source document for it.  Think about how these policy changes would affect you life, your career, your family, and your community.  https://apps.npr.org/documents/document.html?id=5729035-Green-New-Deal-FAQ .

If Joe Biden is elected President this November, it is quite likely that the Democratic Party will simultaneously gain majority status in the U.S. Senate.  If that happens, it is a foregone conclusion that they will hold on to the majority status in the U.S. House of Representatives.  With the clear choice that will have been before the voters in this election year, the Democratic Party will enthusiastically embrace from Day One of the first Biden Administration a full-blown, no holds barred, wide open liberal re-invention of the United States of America. 

They will do this in a deliberate, shameless fashion knowing full-well that they have a license to do so.  They will know this because they will have won a national election during which they made no substantive pretense about exactly what their intentions would be in the event of victory.  They are not shouting it from the mountaintops (at least not the candidates nor the Party leaders); but they subtly acknowledge it with a wink and a nod.  No doubt, they are practicing a good deal of strategic subterfuge; but the facts are there for anyone who is paying attention and wants to know.  WE GET THE GOVERNMENT WE DESERVE.

Don’t miss the next post….Just Google centerlineright

During this campaign season, Joe Biden and the Democratic Party are practicing the strategy of “plausible deniability”.  They are not fools.  They get the fact that if they openly announce their intentions to implement a left-wing government in America, it will be extremely difficult to get enough votes from Independents, moderate Democrats (yeah…I know…you thought they were extinct.  They’re out there, just real quiet), and disaffected RINO Republicans to win this election.  They need your votes to gain the power.  But once the power is in hand, you will either toe the Party line or become demonized.  If you doubt this, pay attention to how the liberal movement treats black conservatives and conservative women.  How do they treat race hustler Al Sharpton compared to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas?  How do they treat VP-select Kamala Harris compared to the way they treated VP-select Sarah Palin? 

The Democratic Party is today driven and controlled by the liberal segment of their Party.  One of the first things Biden did when he became the apparent nominee was to huddle with the Bernie Sanders camp and develop a strategy to (A) get Bernie and his people on board with huge concessions to their leftist policies and (B) do this quietly and behind the scenes so it is not highlighted at the convention and prominently disseminated to the public.  The Biden and Bernie camps formed several committees to formulate a blueprint for change in case they were successful.  Each committee had co-chairs; one selected by each camp.  The product of this unholy alliance should be evident in the Democratic platform document.  Read it.

As we are seeing with the Hide-A-Joe game, his scripted and rare remarks about policy specifics, and the media co-ordination in attempting to label Harris as a moderate, the Democrats are seriously downplaying their agenda.  The real substance of their ideals is there.  But you will have to look for it, read about it, and listen very carefully to what they say if you are truly interested in its content.  AOC is not the nominee and the Democratic platform coming out of their convention may not be word-for-word like the Green New Deal.  But do not be fooled.  Trust your ears and your eyes.  Look at what Democrats in power do; not what they say when they are campaigning for office.  A Mayor or a Governor can do serious damage to our culture, our society, and the way we live our lives.  But those changes are temporary and will eventually pass with the next Mayor of Governor in line. 

A President with a same-party Congress will dramatically change this country; and the potential for those changes to be transient is small indeed.  WE GET THE GOVERNMENT WE DESERVE.  Today’s Democratic Party is a Trojan Horse with a falsely-painted façade of moderation on the outside but a pure left, pure liberal, and outlandishly irresponsible agenda hidden on the inside.  The mainstream media is totally complicit in this deception and they will parade this plug of a horse as a true Triple Crown Winner.  Do not be fooled. 

If this occurs and is successful, it will not be the end of the world.  It will not be the end of America.  Life will go on; the sun will rise in the east every morning and set in the west every afternoon.  But make no mistake about it; things will not be the same.  The ideals and foundations that have held this country together for over 200 years will be shelved in an inglorious fashion.  They will be replaced with a new set of ideals and notions that can today be previewed in the realities faced by New York or California.  But those are simply mild versions of what might come.  They are simply liberal-lite.  With unmitigated control of our government, national transformation will be in high gear, full throttle, and moving at breakneck speed. 

If, in fact, Biden is elected President; then the prerogative is with he and the Democratic Party to move this nation in the direction they support.  They will have earned that right.  But make no mistake about it….the United States of America is a perfect storm that was built on the faith, the courage, the sacrifices, the ideals, the very souls of its founders and defenders.  A constitutional miracle such as the one that we today live in and enjoy the benefits of will not easily re-form once it is unseated as the working model for our democracy.  The changes that Joe Biden and his Party tell you about and the policies they promote, especially the ones they WON’T tell you about, will change America forever.  It will be the type of revolution from which there is no return. 

Oh, it may eventually play itself out.  It may, and likely will, eventually become obvious to all involved that the “ideals” of socialism are far more appealing than the “realities:” of socialism.  How can we know this?  We know this because it has been proven true time after time after time across the planet and through the ages.  Insanity is repeating the same thing over and over and expecting different results.  If we do not learn from history, we are condemned to repeat it.  America was born and rose out of a fierce desire for freedom, liberty, equality, and independence.  If that essence of our nation’s soul is ever removed, it will be lost forever.  WE GET THE GOVERNMENT WE DESERVE. 

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Chilling Realization, Bleak Future, and Corona Madness

As the Trump/Russia Hoax builds to its John Durham conclusion, we continue to learn more about the saga through the drips and drabs of leaks and news bits.  Each one brings the sad episode a bit more in focus.  But there is one inescapable conclusion that should give every American pause.  The pathetic legal persecution of Michael Flynn was the Democratic Party’s way to carry their Trump resistance and investigations forward from the campaign into his first term as President; it was their bridge.  Here is a good chronicle of the whole story and how Flynn’s case was the link: http://centerlineright.blogspot.com/2020/05/michael-flynns-case-week-dots-began-to.html .

The infamous January 5, 2017 meeting held at the White House by Obama and his conniving crew is significant.  With President Trump set to assume office in just days, they were desperate to not only cover up what they had been up to; they also sought a passage to the incoming Trump Administration that would allow them to continue their mischief.  That is where the Flynn case comes into play.  Here is the point that I refer to in this post’s title: think about who was present at that meeting?  Let us focus on just one person from this small group of scheming scoundrels who were huddled up in an attempt (in the home of our President, no less) to circumvent the will of the American people and the Constitution itself.  That person is Joe Biden.

The chilling realization is that Vice-President Biden, in spite of his denial, was not only privy to the Flynn investigation but was quite likely a participant in its planning and execution.  Having done all within his considerable power as Vice-President to insure the election of Hillary Clinton and having failed in that attempt, he then throws down with his boss and fellow underlings in an attempt to sabotage the incoming President.  And now…nearly four years hence…he stands before us as the apparent Democratic nominee for President in opposition to the man he so despicably plotted against. 

Once indispensable as Obama’s useful tool; he has now come full circle to serve as the Democratic Party’s useful fool.  If he is successful at last in his quixotic quest for the Presidency, he will inevitably get the old Obama band back together and once again pursue the vile corruption of the government that has rewarded him so well for all of his adult life.  Perhaps old Slow Joe is not that slow after all.  That, my friends, is the bleak future to which I refer.

And in recent days, we have confirmation of what has been suspected all along; that the entire three-year-plus cavalcade of irrational hysterics was based on…what?  Only this: https://www.realclearinvestigations.com/articles/2020/07/24/meet_steele_dossiers_primary_subsource_fabulist_russian_at_us_think_tank_whose_boozy_past_the_fbi_ignored_124601.html .  And should we be surprised to discover where this infamous source named “Iggy” got his training: https://justthenews.com/accountability/russia-and-ukraine-scandals/revelation-steeles-primary-source-triggers-focus-think .  Think about the costs to our nation of this entire farce.  Consider all the angst; all the venom; all the hatred and spite; all the wasted time and energy from our people and our government… all based on this?

The Department of Justice was politically-weaponized under Obama and his Administration.  Joe Biden was second in command of that group.  The entire premise for the Democratic and Mainstream Media pursuit of President Trump began with the Steele Dossier; a bogus political mishmash that was bought and paid for by the Democratic Party and the Hillary Clinton Campaign.  The hard and cold fact is that the very people at the heart of this escapade, including Obama and Joe Biden, knew with certainty from Day One that it was patently false.  Yet they continued for years to literally rip and tear at the very fabric of our government in hopes of regaining their lost power and influence. They were willing to do all within their substantial power to disrupt our government in their effort to overturn the 2016 Presidential Election and restore themselves to their former positions of authority. 

Here is a very good article that addresses the mood of the American voter these days: https://www.firstthings.com/web-exclusives/2020/07/an-angry-nation .  If our nation’s voters put Joe Biden in the White House this November, it will usher in a group of unscrupulous ideologues who will view his election as an open invitation to reinvent this country in their vision.  That vision is a liberal, unprincipled society ruled by a monolithic government entity that will seek total control over its constituents’ thoughts and deeds.  Do not be fooled by the simplicity of the choice that lies before you.  It is NOT Trump versus Biden.  These two men are little more than cardboard cutouts being used to fill in the blank spots on the ballot.  If only this were actually the case, Biden would be a far more effective candidate and Trump would be far more tolerable. 

The consequences of the upcoming Presidential election extend far beyond the foibles of these two sorry politicians.  It is a choice between continuing this nation as it has existed for over 200 years and the creation of a grand new experiment posing as an American version of European socialism.  The wages of Liberal Democratic Government are on full display in the states of Washington, Oregon, Illinois, New York, and California; you get a glimpse of it in Minnesota and Michigan.  High ranking Democratic prosecutors in Minneapolis, St. Louis, and Atlanta have shown us how the liberal approach to law enforcement plays out.  Here is a view behind the curtain at how minorities fare in California’s liberal nirvana: https://www.city-journal.org/california-woke-hypocrisy .  Choose wisely, my fellow voters.  Choose wisely.

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Coronavirus is in our face 24/7 and I am certain that you, like me, are plenty sick and tired of hearing about it.  I believe none of the statistics that I read and hear about the pandemic.  It has been hijacked by politicians and media with personal agendas and any hope of a unified, non-partisan effort to deal with this illness in service to the public interest has been kicked to the curb.  Here is a very good description of what we have been witnessing for the last few months: https://imprimis.hillsdale.edu/four-months-unprecedented-government-malfeasance/ .

I think a good analogy of the prevailing pandemic status is a situation where you are standing on your covered front porch looking at your car parked about 20 feet away.  It is raining and you are going out in dressed-up fashion to an important destination.  You are also running late.  You have no umbrella or newspaper to cover your head.  Your choice is simple.  You can continue to pace around and fret; making your later arrival at the event even more calamitous; or you can bite the bullet and run to the car.  Sometimes in life, you have to get a little wet in order to get the job done.  At some point, you gotta get off the porch.

You think I am being obstinate and foolish when I say I don’t believe the news reports about the virus numbers?  Read this: https://issuesinsights.com/2020/07/27/florida-is-a-case-study-in-media-induced-covid-19-panic/ .   And then read this: https://www.cnsnews.com/index.php/article/national/susan-jones/cdc-covid-involved-deaths-increased-weeks-ending-july-4-and-july-11 .  At some point soon, we will have a vaccine and we will hopefully put this entire global malady behind us.  Perhaps that will usher in a time of thoughtful and deliberate reflection on how we can better prepare for the next pandemic and not be consumed with blaming others for its devastation. 

Pay attention to how different entities are spinning the pandemic to serve their own interests and then consider this: https://www.nationalreview.com/2020/04/armchair-quarterbacks-try-to-rewrite-history-on-coronavirus/ .  And while things seem pretty bad right now, it could be that the most difficult times lie directly ahead of us: https://www.politico.com/news/agenda/2020/07/29/states-congress-covid-nightmare-vaccine-385217 .

Here is a closing note regarding an event where the corona madness comes to an intersection with the magical mystery tour that our SCOTUS Chief Justice has been taking lately.  This, my friends, is truly Alice in Wonderland stuff: https://www.cnsnews.com/article/washington/cnsnewscom-staff/supreme-court-allows-governors-edict-treats-churches-harsher .  Just to relish the ridiculousness a bit more, consider the perspective of a gifted journalist: https://www.nationalreview.com/bench-memos/supreme-court-ok-for-pandemic-order-to-treat-casinos-better-than-churches/ .  For the life of me, I simply cannot understand how Democratic Presidents can consistently select reliably liberal SCOTUS Justices and Republican Presidents can’t seem to find a reliable conservative when a vacancy occurs. 

Bonus Link!  How about an idea that would cut the cost of a college degree by 25 percent?  Check this out: https://www.aei.org/research-products/report/a-three-year-bachelors-degree/ .  Now just who do you think might be opposed to this?

Finding the Eye of the Storm

When dealing with all things Trumpian, one must acclimate oneself to residing in the chaotic environment of a political storm.   And if you ...