Sunday, January 17, 2021

Do You Feel Like I Do?

Henry David Thoreau wrote “most men lead lives of quiet desperation”.  He could just as easily inserted “people” for “men”, but the point remains prescient.  People all across our planet are living lives full of turmoil, frustration, violence, pressure, and contradiction.  Is this really any different than the way it has always been?  Perhaps not; but it certainly seems like the effects of these circumstances have been ratcheted up considerably.  The world has shrunk, technology has exploded, and the privacy in which we have always held our desperation at bay has become weakened, exploited, and less effective.  Our so-called desperation is much closer to the surface than it has ever been.  Our fuses have become significantly shorter.

Add to this recipe the regrettable state of our political environment and we have a volatile mix of emotion, anger, malice, and bad behavior.  My personal desperation of late has centered on the power shift that has occurred in Washington D.C., moving the Democrats into control of our government and placing the philosophy of the liberal elements into the flavor du jour category of societal and cultural influence.  Elections have consequences and this is what we have chosen.

I do not dislike the Democratic Party because it is made up of Democrats.  The Democrats I know are not that much different than the Republicans I know.  But the Democratic Party is not at all like the Democrats I know.  The Republican Party might be just as foolish as the Democratic Party, but at least their policies stay out of my face.  The Democratic Party not only insists on getting in my face; that want in my head, in my home, in my wallet, in my church, and in my conscience.  I happen to appreciate my freedom and resent their intrusion.

I tell myself that it is time to move on from November and that all things will pass.  I remind myself that our nation has survived many troubling times before and this will be no different.  I acknowledge the fallibility of thinking that one’s personal concepts about how America should exist are not absolute in their correctness.  Excessive certitude is a prescription for misery.  I am trying to come to terms with the very real fact that there are smarter and better ideals out there than those my conservative mind harbors.  I think back to the re-election of Obama and how disillusioned I was with that verdict; only to be amazed and overjoyed at the subsequent rejection of the Democratic Party and the ascension of Donald Trump. 

I am heartsick at the shift in our country’s government.  That term is a very good description because it is an aching in my very soul.  I would like to think that my funk is not a partisan thing, but rather a philosophical thing.  Perhaps I am fooling myself and the reason for my low limb attitude is simply the fact that I hate losing and having my arse handed to me.  Whatever the case may be, the fact remains that in my own life of quiet desperation, the desperation level that lies slightly below the surface is alarmingly insistent.  It infects my view and opinion of nearly everything I come into contact with.  I despise myself for being this way, but the disquiet hovers over my life like an overcast day and is unrelenting.  In spite of my rational voice screaming at me to grow up, get over it, and move on with my life…I truly fear for the effects that this leftward political shift will have on my children and grandchildren.

Inwardly, I counter this uneasiness with a voice of reason that says “they will overreach, go well over the top with their agenda, and people will push back and eventually reject their ideals”.  I believe that his voice is wise and will eventually prove to be correct.  Unfortunately, there is a span of time between now and when that limit on tolerance is reached and that span of time is going to be a long, wearisome, and troublesome process.  The die is cast.  Now let us take a spin around the block and search for a clue about what may lie ahead…

The worst political scandal in my lifetime, and perhaps ever in our nation, will now likely fade into oblivion with the influx of Democrats into the Department of Justice.  Let the whitewash begin…

It is incredible how the atmospherics surrounding Democrats, the mainstream media, Wall Street, Democrat Governors, and the entertainment industry have experienced a 180 degree shift in the last few days.  The essential need for Resistance has been replaced with the critical requirement for Unity.  The performance of a national economy that was being suffocated by dilatory pandemic shutdown practices is now a bundle of pent-up energy just waiting to be magically released by new and progressive promises.  In spite of covid case spikes all across our nation, blue state governments are trumpeting the call for reopening lest their economies be snuffed out.  I have to expect that the next shoe to fall will be the relabeling for mask-refusal changing from an act of treason to an act of adventurism and bravery.  I discussed the Democrat’s hypocrisy at length in my last post; but it is such a shameful force that it must be showcased at least once or twice more…

Don’t miss the next post….Just Google centerlineright

The recent unruly events in our nation’s Capitol have certainly dominated the headlines for the last few days.  I suppose you can take an event of this type and spin it anyway you like by addressing it from a particular aspect.  But to view this recent activity without comparative mention of the violent and destructive protests that have occurred all across our nation over the last couple of years is beyond irresponsible.  Here is some closer examination of exactly what went down in WDC on that fateful day…

Looking ahead to the future of legislative sausage-making…just how difficult will it be for Chuck Schumer to control a 50/50 Senate with Ms. Harris looking over his shoulder?

Talk about the fox guarding the henhouse…how stupid does Pelosi think we all are when she pulls a stunt like this?  Nancy Pelosi must be the most clueless person in this universe…

Do you think that even after winning control of Congress and the White House, the Democrats might focus on something other than Donald Trump?  Not likely.   What in the world will these folks do with their time and our money when Donald Trump is no longer around?  On second thought, let’s not dwell on that question…

At the risk of prolonging the pain, here is one more thoughtful reflection on the past election.  History is determined by those who write the history.  How will this history be written?

And to wrap up this post, here are a couple of very interesting items about the future of the conservative cause in education and the future in general…

Bonus: Credit to Peter Frampton for the title; he is in the house….

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