Sunday, January 10, 2021

The Show Has Arrived

After several reincarnations and numerous comeback attempts at new days of glory, a renovated classic has risen up before us.  In this instance, we don’t even need to change the name; all we have to do is change the characters.  Not the character of the characters, just the characters themselves.  And in celebration of our wokeness, we will take the bold step of replacing one of the primary male characters with a female.   Welcome, my friends, to the new and progressive version of The Three Stooges, starring Chuck, Nancy, and Joe.

It is not yet certain which new character will assume which previous actor’s role; time will reveal the answer to that question.  It might even prove to be the case that the new actors, being the multi-talented individuals that they are, will be so adept at the capacity and breadth of their predecessors that they will each be capable of illustrating the abilities of all three.  The hilarious possibilities are endless; but sadly, so is the potential for tragedy.  It was always the case in the original versions that even though mayhem and injuries were plentiful; no one ever seemed to incur permanent damage.  This time around, I fear the consequences of the inane actions will be far more serious.

So as we wait in anticipation for the pratfalls, the comedy of misdirection, the famous slaps upon the head, and all the collateral dysfunction that their misadventures will produce; we can only speculate about whether or not this reinvention of an old storyline will be gloriously successful…or fade away into oblivion like most that have preceded it.  You know…it is so difficult to top the original when following legends.  But with this bunch of ambitious and unintended comedians, the sky may truly be the limit.  Enjoy the show.

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The bald-faced hypocrisy of both national political parties in our nation is nothing short of breath-taking; always has been and always will be.  The excesses of the one followed by the same excesses of the other always creates the conundrum of criticizing the very same behavior that you yourself have been guilty of.  Our political class depends on the chronically-short memory of American citizenry and really do not lose much sleep over the thought that their past sins will come back to haunt them.  And when that actually happens?  Well, in that case you simply throw the sacrificial victim under the old Party bus and keep on rolling.

The liberal contingent that has so recently vanquished the conservative corps from WDC thrones of power is pushing this dependence on lost recollections to the very limit.  Their calls for unity, after four plus years of exquisite disunity from their very hands, must be met with reactions of extreme incredulity from any reasonable person.  And their attempts at historical revision and past event airbrushing?  Well, let us consider how well these efforts might withstand the miracle of modern technology…

Of course, we are nothing if we are not capable of laughing at…perhaps not ourselves, but at our fearless and so very hypocritical leaders:

How many times have we seen a U.S. Senator of either party appear before the media bright lights as a hero who has gone against the overwhelming pressure of his or her own party to vote with the opposing party…..but only after they knew that their vote would be of no consequence to the eventual outcome?  It is so amusing to watch a Senate roll call vote when they pass over a certain Senator’s vote, pushing it to the very end of the roll call so that this certain Senator will know whether or not they can get by with being a champion of conscience, a voice of reason, a true representative of the people.  The truth is that they are simply too chickenshit scared to buck their party unless they know their vote won’t matter.

It is sad to see how our departing President has employed this same practice during his final days in office.  Here is his national address following Congressional action to certify Joe Biden’s election victory:

He is saying all the right things and using all the right tones and addressing all the proper concerns.  The problem is that he is doing it all after he knew that his vote would not matter.  This is the message that should have been delivered after it had become apparent to any sane person that his efforts to overturn the election results were doomed to failure.  I do not fault him or his advocates for contesting the election results in the valid avenues provided by the Constitution.  And to go one step further, I certainly believe that sufficient evidence of election shenanigans exists to warrant some type of formal examination to determine exactly what transpired in the 2020 presidential election and how those events should influence future reforms to better insure the integrity of the process. 

But by delaying his statesmanship as he did, waiting until after the post-election turmoil had wrought its damage and it had become obvious he had no realistic recourse, he too took the chickenshit way out.  So once again, we see the consummate politician banking on the average American to hear only the words they speak today…and forget all about what they may have said yesterday.  Donald Trump was dealt a bad hand and he oftentimes played it quite poorly.  And he was certainly playing the game with some sharks that knew the game better than him and jimmied the rules to take the pot.  But when the time came to fold his hand and walk away from the table with some dignity, he instead chose to keep bluffing and raising the stakes until…there was no way to leave the game gracefully.  It is sad to witness.


Don’t miss the next post….Just Google centerlineright

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There is a wind of uncertainty in the air today.  Over the last several months, conservative advocates have openly speculated about how a liberal takeover of our government might usher in an unbridled wave of censorship; perhaps even a state of socialism-lite.  This loss of liberty, they warned, would begin with Congress passing new administrative rules that would silence the minority voice in our legislative process.  That is happening today.  Simultaneously, this purge would emanate from liberal high tech company chiefs who have been granted legal protection by Congress, which they have chosen to abuse through the use of partisan bias.  That is happening today:  And finally, this not so subtle silencing of moderate and conservative voices that disagree with liberal dogma would be expanded and executed by the liberal elite in our country who control, through their wealth and power, tremendous influence over our lives.  That has been happening for some time now.

Were these warnings cries in the dark that became hysteria in the daylight or is there truth in their prophecies?  The liberal community in America has held practical control of our K-through-12 education establishment for years through their involvement with teachers’ unions.  Education’s administrators come from the ranks of teachers.  Liberals have long dominated the voice and actions of the higher education academia community.  The mainstream media in our country has become an unapologetic voice of the Democratic Party and the liberal element; openly supporting their causes and attacking any opposing opinion.  Given the economic success of President Trump’s economic policies, I am still confused as to the apparent and solid support of liberal philosophies by the Wall Street groups. 

All of these powerful and influential people and entities worked diligently to defeat President Donald Trump.  Having accomplished that goal, you would think they would now turn their ambitions towards the future and work out the plans for implementing their liberal agenda.  Instead, we see them continuing their obsession with the total destruction of Donald Trump and the obvious priority of silencing any voice above a whisper that does not align perfectly with their ideals.  Their behavior begs the question: Are they fighting for ideals and policies or are they fighting for personal empowerment and control?

The American liberal intelligentsia lives and works in a bubble; it exists in a universe of sameness.  They are mainly surrounded by people that are homogenous in thought and opinion.  If you are of a different bent and are beautiful, or rich, or powerful…then you might be allowed inside the bubble if you willing to behave like one of them.  Otherwise, you really do not count.  You are irrelevant.  Your life and your opinions are inconsequential.  Even the mere thought that might be sparked in your pitiful mind telling you that you are worthy of any consideration whatsoever is foolish beyond contemplation.  Any voice of dissension is ostracized.  The certitude of their beliefs is continually confirmed by those they surround themselves with.

This liberal segment of our populace is now emboldened beyond their wildest dreams.  Complete control of Congress and the White House is in their grasp.  They are fully unleashed.  Even though they continue to beat on the near-death political carcass of Donald Trump, they must surely realize they have already sufficiently diminished whatever power and influence he might have carried into the foreseeable future.  This governmental control that they have achieved, along with the institutional influence mentioned earlier, has obviously pushed them to a drunken state of euphoria.  Consider this: and this

To the victor go the spoils and our democracy demands that those victors have the opportunity to put their ideals into practice.  But the victor had best be wary of treading on the fundamental liberties of those he has defeated.  Domination in battle earns a certain tolerance and subjugation by those defeated; it does not require complete surrender of personal beliefs and principles.  Those gifts are guaranteed to each and every American by our Constitution; regardless of your status as victor or vanquished.  The liberal hive that has swarmed across our country needs to be very careful as to how far and how hard it pushes its pursuit of an agenda that many, many Americans simply do not embrace or even agree with.  Given sufficient rope, even a wise man will eventually hang himself.

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Our political system is in a terrible state.  The reckless rhetoric and bluster of one side has led to treachery and obstinance from the other.  That treachery and obstinance has then been met with more careless rhetoric and bluster, which in turn has driven the other to new and higher levels of lunacy.  It is depressing to watch the alarming spiraling of this syndrome play out in our nation’s government and spread throughout our very communities.  It is a shameful stain on all of those who participate in it and gain from it.  It is a terrible dishonor to our founding fathers.  We have taken a glorious ideal and perverted it severely.

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Bonus: Scott Johnson at the Powerline blog does a marvelous job of finding musical gems to post on a fairly regular basis.  His discoveries are reliably interesting and whether they are your particular genre or not…they are always enjoyable.  If you like music, you will like Scott’s posts.  This week he featured a new Nashville project from Barry Gibb; the sole surviving member of the Bee Gees.  I graduated high school in 1971 and followed the Bee Gees all the way through their careers.  Their music is a large part of my life’s soundtrack.  Johnson refers to the HBO documentary about the band and I urge you to check it out.  It is a great story about human perseverance and the music industry.  This Nashville project has produced some truly beautiful music; my favorite is Barry’s duet with Alison Krauss on Too Much Heaven.  The Run to Me number with Brandi Carlile is a close second.  Do yourself a favor…watch the documentary and listen to these tracks:


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