Sunday, January 24, 2021

Just “Who” Are We?

June, 1971.  I graduated high school in 1971.  In early summer of that year a song written by Pete Townshend and performed by the Who was released to the public.  Many younger people will think that this song was later written as an intro to a television show.  Not.  The television show stole the hook from the song.  Your cell phone, your laptop, or your PC sound system will not do justice to this song.  It must be played LOUD for adequate appreciation.  Townshend’s creative work with the synthesizer ushered in a new and exciting musical influence.  What was lost in all the noise, however, was the fact that the lyrics to the song were a scathing indictment of governmental bureaucracy; a ringing condemnation of “business as usual”.

Listen to the song and revel in the sound; it is good stuff.  If you are young and this is your first in-depth exposure to the Who, dig deeper.  But apart from enjoying the room-rattling bass from John Entwistle, the crashing percussion of Keith Moon, the in-your-face guitar of Pete Townshend, and the screaming voice of Roger Daltrey…pay attention to the lyrics.  Pay particular attention to the last nine words of the lyrics:

Now having set the stage for this blog, let’s see how things are progressing in America with the new kids in town…..

First let’s address the old business; otherwise known as “impeachment”.    Someone please explain to me why it makes any sense whatsoever to impeach a President who is no longer President.  Why, with all the troubles facing our nation at this time does our Congress need to persist in flogging the dead political carcass of Donald Trump?  With the exception of his most ardent supporters, everyone agrees that the best thing that can happen at this point is for him to simply fade away.  For a proper addressing of his irresponsible behavior, a far better response to Trump’s rhetorical escapade would be Congressional censure:

And while I do not fault the Biden Administration for publicly staying above the impeachment fray, their “unity” rhetoric is blatantly out of touch with their “radical” actions.  Biden can control Pelosi no more than Trump could.  But he should be able to control his own messaging.

The mainstream media and liberal elite have their champion in the White House and how do they feel about it?

But exactly who is this empty shell of a man that they have placed in charge of our country?

It is apparently the fundamental belief of the Democratic Party that minority Americans are inferior creatures who must become wards of the state in order to survive in our society.  What other explanation could explain policy ideas like these?

This man had it right.  He lived a life that is a testament to courage and principle.  Along with a remarkable gift of clarity, his words reflected that courage and principle.

Instead of facing our nation’s history straight on, dealing honestly with our sins and our achievements; many so-called advocates these days simply wish to rewrite history.  They irresponsibly and capriciously airbrush away the details that do not synchronize with their agendas and if that is insufficient, they simply lie about what actually happened.  Consider the saga of The 1619 Project as compared to the 1776 Commission Report.  Take note: This issue is all about what they are teaching our kids in schools across America.

Here is the liberal story on the birth of our nation:

Another more introspective view of this project:

And in response to the 1619 venture, there was the 1776 Commission:

Why was the 1776 Commission formed and why was its report necessary?  Here is an explanation from one of its members:

This is important stuff; history matters.  It matters that we get history right.  We must know from whence we came.  Philosopher George Santayana said “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it”.  One more analysis, please:

The storyline that our children learn will shape the hearts and minds of future leaders.  For far too long, conservatives have conceded the realm of education, all of education, to the liberal contingent of our society.  This is a large part of the explanation as to why media, literature, intelligentsia, medicine, and high-brow politics are saturated with the milquetoast attitudes of this nation’s elite and privileged.  It is time to draw the line and adhere to the truth.  Read both versions of America’s history carefully and then decide: who got it right?

President Biden's and the Democrat’s obsession with race and gender identities is insatiable.   Carefully consider the unintended consequences of his recently-signed executive order:

We are rapidly approaching a time where the distinction between truth and parody will be indiscernible.  Consider this from the Babylon Bee: Biden Unveils Skin Color Chart To Determine Who Gets Federal Aid | The Babylon Bee

Don’t miss the next post….Just Google centerlineright

Is it not amazing how one day we are discovering that Donald Trump left the nation in a terrible corornavirus crisis by his actions and his inactions and then the very next day, there are incredible steps being taken that immediately call for the reopening of business and education all across our blue states of America?  And to think….all we had to do to achieve this miraculous improvement was swear Joe Biden in as President.

Is it just possible that Trump was right about this pandemic in the first place?

Circling back around to citizen, NOT PRESIDENT, Trump being impeached for inciting an insurrection (contrary to Chuck Schumer’s carnal thoughts), the details of exactly what might have transpired that particular day in WDC continue to crystallize.   Please explain once again....How do  you incite something that is pre-planned?

We started with the Who; let us close with the Who.  Here is one of my favorite songs from the band and when compared to the one up above, it really illustrates how creative and diverse the group was.  It is also a soundtrack feature to what I consider to be the best Adam Sandler movie ever made; which also features one of the many times that Don Cheadle exhibited his remarkable talent:

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