Sunday, May 23, 2021

When Winning is Not Enough

When you consider the margin of Joe Biden’s 2020 election victory in the five key states that finally decided the contest, it was a historically close win.  Close perhaps, but a win nonetheless.  No one should be surprised that given the partisan venom that flowed so freely through both national parties; there was a good deal of spiking the football and end zone dancing that took place post-election.  As it should be…to the victor go the spoils.

But one would think that after a few days, perhaps a few weeks, certainly after a few months, the afterglow of that hard-fought triumph would fade and a new focus would manifest itself; perhaps a focus on how to govern this nation in the best way possible.  It would be wise to develop a plan that builds upon the good things in place and to correct the bad things in place.  While implementing a new political philosophy grounded in Party agenda distinctions; it would also be honorable and magnanimous to acknowledge the accomplishments of a predecessor while changing the policy directions.  This approach was apparently not suitable for Joe Biden and his incoming Administration.  They are determined to scorch the earth and turn everything Trump on its head.

Just this week at a public ceremony with North Korean officials, President Biden took some cheap shots at President Trump.  You know…when you have screwed as much stuff up as Biden has in about four months; it is not a good look to be reminding people of how things were before you took office.  He is a truly small man.

Now I do not subscribe to the notion that the election was stolen by Biden and the Democrats.  But my choice to not subscribe lies not in the total dismissal of the notion.  Rather, it lies in the realization that (a) Trump and the Republicans knew damn well in advance what was coming and let Biden and the Democrats get away with it, and (b) even though I am convinced that election irregularities occurred under the blanket of pandemic measures (ballot stuffing), they are impossible to quantify and the cows are already out of the barn. 

The two extremes in this election debate need to come to terms with reality.  Those who continue to argue that the election was stolen need to move on to the present and concern themselves with November of 2022.  Those who attack, demonize, and ridicule the people who claim that election cheating actually took place need to publicly acknowledge that yes…there was some hinky election shit going on. It is a good idea for everyone to find out what lies beneath the November of 2020 rocks that are being turned over.

Enough of that; here is a quick lightening round of current events………

A simple and honest definition of racism is “discrimination or prejudice based on race”.  Call it what you might, most people equate race with skin color.  If that is true, then discrimination against people with white skin is the same as discrimination against people with black skin is the same as discrimination against people with brown skin is the same as discrimination against people with yellow skin.  Why is it that our President and the Democrats want to limit the definition of racism to the discrimination against people with black skin?

Whether we are Republican or Democrat, we all are disgusted when an elected or appointed politician uses their office or position to gain personal wealth, influence, or profit.  The Obama Administration took this practice to new heights.  Now it appears that the Biden Administration is pursuing that top spot.\

I suppose that pipelines won’t matter much when everyone in America is cruising around in their electric vehicles (heh); but still, it is strange how a pipeline in America that provides energy independence and good-paying jobs is a bad idea when a pipeline from Russia (our global opponent) to our supposed ally France is a good idea.  Does this make sense to you?  We can only imagine the journalistic hair fire had this occurred under President Trump.

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Shortly before leaving the presidency, President Trump’s Administration helped to orchestrate historic peace agreements between Israel and several Arab Middle Eastern countries.  Iran was on the verge of collapse both in terms of economy and influence.  A new future of free trade and co-existence between Israel and its Arab neighbors appeared possible.  In four months, President Biden’s Administration has blown this situation all to hell.  Let’s start with Circle Back Psaki’s detachment from reality and denial of the historic record; then end up this Middle East discussion with a view from a Democratic Congresswoman whose thoughts apparently represent the Democratic Party.

The only way the idiotic destruction of our nation, society, culture, and government can continue is if the Republican Party allows the Democratic Party to continue with its practical control of WDC.  As long as Donald Trump continues to dangle the possibility of running once again for President, it makes it nigh on impossible for the Republicans to begin the process of selecting their nominee for the next presidential election.  The sooner Donald Trump shuts up and (hopefully) announces his decision not to seek the Republican presidential nomination, the sooner the Republican Party can get on with the process of finding a worthy candidate to put this nation back on the rails from which the Democrats have removed it.

My wife is a Trump-loving Republican who is terribly offended when I diss our ex-President for any reason.  She is convinced that come the mid-term elections in 2022, the country will be so sick of Democratic control in WDC that they will put both houses of Congress in Republican hands.  I caution her never to underestimate the ability of the Republican Party is snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.  Trump did it in 2020.   The article below is a perfect example of how Republicans always seem to bring knives to their gunfights with Democrats.   Can anyone who follows politics to any extent at all imagine this type of thing happening to the Democrats with either Chuck Schumer or Nancy Pelosi in charge?

It is comforting to know that liberal lunacy has its limits.  It is well into spring in Kentucky with the beginning of summer right around the corner; outstanding porch weather.  Good planting weather has allowed most farmers to get their corn seed in the ground and also get a jump on their soybean planting.  Hay is being laid down all over the county with no concerns about getting it wet.  Spring calving is well underway in the cattle herds and prices are up just a tad.  In our garden, we have green beans, lima beans, cucumbers, and squash all coming through the ground and the tomato plants are looking just fine.  We quit raising sweet corn in our garden a few years back because the coons simply whipped us.  The night before we were set to pick corn, they would conduct a midnight raid and trash the patch.  Typically, the same thing happens with our cherry tree.  Just as the cherries begin to ripen, the blackbirds will swoop in and pick the tree clean in about a day.  This year we flipped the script on those birds.  We managed to get the cherries picked a bit before schedule and got a pretty good yield.  There may be some in the bunch that aren’t quite ripe, but a bit of sugar should solve that problem.  Besides, a slightly tart taste in jelly and preserves is not entirely a bad thing.  Thank you, Lord…for all of your many blessings.

Tomorrow is the birthday of Minnesota native son Bob Dylan.  His catalog of music no doubt places him among the icons of music.  As for myself, I have always been sufficiently shallow so that if I did not like the vocals, I would discount the lyrics.  For me, Dylan's genius was clearly in the lyrics; but I never warmed up to his twangy voice.  

It is difficult to list someone whose width and depth in the music industry approaches that of Dylan.  His songs have been covered about as many times as there are stars in the heavens.  I will choose one here to celebrate his birthday; one that might be considered appropriate for these times.  I have heard it said that Hendrix garbles the lyrics on this song.  Given the content of the lyrics, I wonder if perhaps Dylan might have intended for them to be garbled.  Listen to the Hendrix epic version and then, if you wish, read the printed lyrics.












Monday, May 17, 2021

Abortion: The Moment Has Finally Arrived

The Mississippi case of Dobbs versus Jackson Women’s Health Organization will be considered by the Supreme Court of the United States.  If normal timelines prevail, the case will be argued in the fall of 2021 with a decision being announced in the spring of 2022.  In January of 1973, the SCOTUS ruled on Roe versus Wade and decided by a 7-2 margin, in a general sense, that the due process clause of the fourteenth amendment to the Constitution provided that a pregnant woman, through her right to privacy, could choose whether or not to have an abortion.

Prior to Roe versus Wade, each state had its own law pertaining to abortion rights.  Since that decision, Pro-Life opponents of abortion have argued that there is absolutely no right to an abortion found in the constitution, it was a bad judicial decision based on whole cloth, and each state should retain the right to establish its own abortion laws.  Pro-Choice proponents of abortion have argued that the decision was sound, it is now established SCOTUS precedent that should not be overturned, and there should be federal law governing abortion rights.

Since 1973, many abortion cases have found their way through America’s court system; but no single case has both risen to the level of the SCOTUS and clearly addressed the fundamental constitutional right premise of Roe versus Wade.  This particular Mississippi case might very well meet both of those points directly.

First off, it is important to understand precisely the legal question that will be considered by the SCOTUS.  This critical point will be blurred tremendously by the opposing abortion forces in an effort to gain support for their preferred position.  But if we can focus on that fundamental issue up front, it will make the balance of the unfolding drama easier to understand.  Here are three articles that set the table for the upcoming case.

The Pro-Choice position of President Biden, the Democratic Party, and most, not all, pro-abortion folks is pretty well expressed in these two articles.

The Pro-Life position of most, not all, anti-abortion folks is pretty well summed up in this article.

A little over two years ago, I posted the following piece on the subject of abortion.  I stand by these words.

Whatever its outcome may be and notwithstanding the turmoil and anger that this case will no doubt bring forth, I believe it is important for the SCOTUS to speak to this issue with a clear, decisive voice. Since January of 1973, abortion has torn this country apart.  The conclusion of this case will not heal those wounds and will certainly not prevent the sincere difference of opinion regarding abortion from continuing forward.  It should, however, restore some clarity to our understanding of the fundamental rights that are set forth…or not set forth…in our constitution.  It should also serve to better define the federalist nature of our nation and how that nature will proceed into the future.

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Swirling Above the Drain

In America’s haste to rid itself of a President so full of himself that he was intolerable, it has installed a bunch of idiots to run our country.  They are putting our nation and our way of life in peril.  President Biden inherited a country that was slowly waking up from a year long pandemic slumber with all manner of potential bursting at the seams.  In the name of demolishing all things Trumpian, he has frittered away nearly all of the positive things he inherited.  Oblivious to the consequences of this idiocy, he and his collection of  insecure attention seekers, clowns, ideologues, incompetents, radicals, and partisan hacks are merrily parading down the garden path, being showered with rose petals by their adoring media servants, and running our government into the ground.

President Trump had successfully brought the border crisis he inherited from the Obama Administration under control, was well on the way to constructing several sections of effective border wall, had introduced to Congress (unsuccessfully) comprehensive border reform, had coordinated multi-national responses to the issue, and had brought illegal alien border crossing numbers into a manageable range.  Bending to his liberal puppet-masters, President Biden not only obliterated Trump’s successful border policies in a matter of weeks, but amazingly blamed Trump for the very real crisis that Biden himself has created.

After President Trump successfully put the world’s worst sponsor of terrorism (Iran) in a box, effectively isolated it in the international community, and economically brought it to its knees…the Biden Administration now wants to reinstate the ridiculous JCPOA, lift the sanctions that have worked so efficiently, and revitalize the most evil terrorist influence on the planet.  What could possibly go work with this approach?

With a national economy primed for a post-pandemic surge, President Biden and his Democrat ilk in Congress threw BILLIONS of taxpayer dollars towards an effort to restart an economy that was already well on its way to restarting.  Instead of fueling economic recovery, they have ignited rampant workforce non-participation, rekindled the ashes of despicable inflation, and taken irresponsible federal deficit spending to astronomical new heights.  The Biden Administration is undertaking social experimentation under the guise of economic policy and managing to screw up both areas of our culture simultaneously.

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And to put a perfect face on this clown show Administration, they routinely bring out their spokesperson Circle Back Psaki.  Her arrogance and her contempt for anyone who dares to find fault with her cozy little club simply drips from her public persona.  She is undoubtedly the perfect poster image for the Democratic Liberal Lunacy that is sweeping through our nation these days.  In the first link below, pay close attention to how the media stooge posing the “question” is actually playing the straight role in the comedy routine.

Of all the foolishness exhibited by the Biden Administration, nothing is more brazenly shameless than their inexplicable inability to offer the Trump Administration any credit whatsoever for helping to formulate and deliver the covid vaccine that has helped to largely extinguish the terrible pandemic of the last year.  Notwithstanding the lies they continually tell, the facts are that Biden himself had received the vaccine before he was inaugurated as President and our nation was well on its way towards vaccinating the public against the terrible plague before he ever took office.

So let us take stock of our new President’s performance thus far…He has stopped doing the things that were working.  He takes credit for accomplishments he had nothing to do with.  He fiddles while the Middle East and our national economy are burning.  He continues to appoint radical and ideological flamethrowers to positions of power and authority in our government.  And while he goes about creating crisis in our government; he constantly espouses that no crisis exists.  Here are three good, professional summaries of how things are going with our new President.  We got the government we deserve.

And what is life without a bit of humoreven if it is in the form of memes?

Not content with allowing the Joe Biden and his Democrats to publicly beclown themselves alone, the Republicans insist of getting in on the act.

FWIW footnote: I ran into a very good friend of mine at the gas pump this morning.  He is a lifelong Democrat, a devout Catholic, and one of the most conservative people I know.  I know, I know….he is a walking enigma.  That being said, his reaction to the current state of affairs in America is quite striking to me.  After expressing wonder and disillusionment at all the idiocy flowing out of WDC these days, he made no effort whatsoever to defend his President or his Party.  He didn’t even speak his name.  Instead, he remarked that the WDC idiocy goes back 2 or 3 years, obviously shifting some of the blame to Trump.  Good luck with that one, Democrats.  November of 2020 is in the rear view mirror and getting smaller every day.


Saturday, May 8, 2021

A Rose by Any Other Name

Bill Shakespeare was onto something when he included this particular wordplay in Romeo and Juliet.  Perhaps if he was around today, he might find an appropriate place for it in his commentary about the Biden Administration.  With their useful idiot friends in the mainstream media, the President and his Press Secretary Circle Back Psaki are playing a game of Three Card Monte with the American public.  The problem is that in their game, there is no money card.

In the Democrat’s Land of Oz, their Fantasy Land of Unicorns and Rainbows, their Alice in Wonderland where up is down and in is out, and their Bizarro World where the exact opposite of reality is perception...we are being led around like a herd of mindless sheep and assumed to be the brainless zombies that we most often appear to be.  With their journalistic firewall firmly in place and the public narrative always written according to their script, Biden and his Democrats are oblivious to the ambivalence of their actions and shameless in their preposterous language.  They care very little about what we think.  They take our acquiescence for granted.

Having successfully floated their trial balloon in relabeling global warming as climate change; the liberal community is now freely applying its rhetorical sleight of hand to any particular cause du jour that happens to cross their mind.   In their minds, they have happened upon a very effective device for gaining and remaining in political control.  Whether outright lie or simple deception, Biden folks believe that if something is repeated faithfully and often enough, it becomes the truth.  For example, notice how they have dropped the terms equality and fairness and substituted for them the term equity:

You may have thought you understood what was traditionally meant by the term infrastructure.  But we are now given to understand that our concept of roads and bridges and power lines and pipelines and airports was far too limited.  It is remarkable how broadly the word is currently being described by the Democrats:

And then there is the new term “allowance” that is being bandied about by the Democrats.  It can apparently cover a lot of acreage; particularly when we are talking about government giveaway programs:

The President’s deceitful trickery also extends to how he fashions the Show Me the Money Circus that he features in his Three Ring White House.  Unlike private citizens, private sector business, most state governments, and the dictates of common economic sense…the Biden Administration figures the cost of a particular new program based on an 8-year period and the provisions that fund that particular program over a 15-year period.  I do believe that we could all benefit greatly from that type of math in our personal budgets.

Biden’s Treasury Secretary knows that the out-of-control federal spending madness that has overrun Washington, D.C. runs the risk of a vicious inflation cycle.  But she also knows who hired her and what the Democratic storyline must be.  If on rare occasions she slips up a bit and allows reality to take control of her speaking, she must be forgiven.  The pretense of complete and utter foolishness must be difficult to maintain on a 24/7 basis.

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The nonsensical logic of our President’s policies will continue to run head-on into that wall of common sense and reality.  To what degree can this incongruity be covered up?

On top of this daily dosage of double talk that flows from our Executive Branch, we have the additional layer of liberal fake news, biased journalism, and blatant misinformation that is designed to add credence to the illogical dissonance being disseminated by the President and his illogical warriors.  If indeed, and according to the Washington Post, “Democracy Dies in the Darkness”, then the blatant censorship being openly practiced by some sectors of our media is ominous indeed.

Liberal control of the media and their demonstrable willingness to wield it in partisan fashion is an alarming trend.  But an even more threatening “Shades of Obama” trend is developing in the Biden Department of Justice.  The political weaponization of our nation’s premier law enforcement agency truly puts our constitutional democracy at risk.

This is the current state of affairs that we find in our nation today.  It is the government we selected and the government we deserve.  It is in place, at a minimum, until the next course correction date of November, 2022.  Until then, this is the sad vision in our crystal ball:


Sunday, May 2, 2021

What Color is the Sky in Your Universe?

I suppose it all depends on your politics; certainly not on reality.  For example, consider the different ways President Biden’s recent speech to Congress was reported.

As a famous TV Judge says pretty often, “Who you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes?”  Keep in mind…this is the guy they are gushing about:

Speaking of common sense…it is certainly in short supply these days, especially in Washington, D.C.  For instance, why do you suppose any reasonable person would be in any hurry to repay their student loans when all of the Democrats, including our President, drone on constantly about “student loan forgiveness”?  It should not be a great mystery to anyone that student loan debt repayment is not going so well:

Here is another head scratcher.  If your community is like mine, just about every other business you pass has a “Help Wanted” sign posted out front.  With all of these available jobs, you would think that the unemployment rate would be 2 to 3 percent.  But the national unemployment rate for March was 6 percent.  That is 2.5 percent HIGHER than the pre-pandemic rate in February of 2020.  The labor force participation rate was 61.5 percent in March.  That is 3.3 percent LOWER than it was in February of 2020.  I suppose the common sense question might be: Why in the world would anyone be rushing out to get a job when the government is mailing out $1,000 checks on a regular basis?  Consider this:

You would think that with so many people now having received their Covid vaccine shots, the masking/shutdown/social distancing madness would somehow be subsiding more than it is.  Common sense would seem to tell you that, wouldn’t it?  Do you suppose that there are some people out there who have somehow profited from the pandemic…somehow benefited from the pandemic…somehow made a career from the pandemic…that simply do not want it to end?  Who could these people possibly be:

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Every ten years, America conducts a national census; one was just completed for 2020.  A little research on the subject will offer an amazing array of impacts from this recalculation of American demographics; the ripple effects of the census data throughout the administrations of federal programs are extensive.  Here are a couple of interesting articles regarding that recent recalculation and its integrity.  Heaven forbid that something like this be tainted by politics.

The Biden Administration and the Democrat Party continue to see racism in all things; it is omnipresent.  For people who claim to abhor discrimination; they often advocate discrimination as a remedy.  For people who want to de-emphasize gender and racial distinction; they seem to be obsessed with gender and racial distinctions.  Is there any chance that their motivations are agenda-driven rather than morally-driven?

Joe Biden is the product of strange times.  He is a strange man.  Here is an interesting take on his moment in time:

And speaking of strange times…Are you at all like me in wondering quite often whether the whole world has gone crazy and you are sane or perhaps you have gone crazy and the whole world is sane?  Exactly what is normal these days:

I will close with one thing I am certain is not “rational”; even if it might be considered “normal” these days.  I am talking about the rank irresponsibility of both national political parties and their complete stupidity in federal spending habits.  Neither has the integrity, the courage, or the common sense to honestly address the rampant deficit spending habits of our federal government.  Our elected officials continue to place the economic well-being of future generations in jeopardy by spending tax dollars like drunken sailors.  And on those rare occasions when they are questioned about this, they respond like this:

My wife and I have been blessed with good lives; but we have had some hard times financially.  I can recall June of 1980 when the misery index (the annual inflation rate plus the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate) under President Jimmy Carter hit 21.98 percent.  All of our debt was on promissory notes with adjustable interest rates; few people locked rates in back then.  Under Carter, inflation peaked at 14.76 percent.   Jimmy Carter was the worst President in my lifetime….until Barack Hussein Obama came along.  And now his Vice-President is running the show.

There are entire generations of Americans today who have absolutely no concept of the economic pain that inflation at these levels can deliver.  Yet our President and his spendaholic lapdogs in Congress are speeding merrily down the spending hill with no brakes on their federal jalopy.  We should all hope and pray that what appears to be happening is just an illusion…I fear it is not:














Finding the Eye of the Storm

When dealing with all things Trumpian, one must acclimate oneself to residing in the chaotic environment of a political storm.   And if you ...