Sunday, May 23, 2021

When Winning is Not Enough

When you consider the margin of Joe Biden’s 2020 election victory in the five key states that finally decided the contest, it was a historically close win.  Close perhaps, but a win nonetheless.  No one should be surprised that given the partisan venom that flowed so freely through both national parties; there was a good deal of spiking the football and end zone dancing that took place post-election.  As it should be…to the victor go the spoils.

But one would think that after a few days, perhaps a few weeks, certainly after a few months, the afterglow of that hard-fought triumph would fade and a new focus would manifest itself; perhaps a focus on how to govern this nation in the best way possible.  It would be wise to develop a plan that builds upon the good things in place and to correct the bad things in place.  While implementing a new political philosophy grounded in Party agenda distinctions; it would also be honorable and magnanimous to acknowledge the accomplishments of a predecessor while changing the policy directions.  This approach was apparently not suitable for Joe Biden and his incoming Administration.  They are determined to scorch the earth and turn everything Trump on its head.

Just this week at a public ceremony with North Korean officials, President Biden took some cheap shots at President Trump.  You know…when you have screwed as much stuff up as Biden has in about four months; it is not a good look to be reminding people of how things were before you took office.  He is a truly small man.

Now I do not subscribe to the notion that the election was stolen by Biden and the Democrats.  But my choice to not subscribe lies not in the total dismissal of the notion.  Rather, it lies in the realization that (a) Trump and the Republicans knew damn well in advance what was coming and let Biden and the Democrats get away with it, and (b) even though I am convinced that election irregularities occurred under the blanket of pandemic measures (ballot stuffing), they are impossible to quantify and the cows are already out of the barn. 

The two extremes in this election debate need to come to terms with reality.  Those who continue to argue that the election was stolen need to move on to the present and concern themselves with November of 2022.  Those who attack, demonize, and ridicule the people who claim that election cheating actually took place need to publicly acknowledge that yes…there was some hinky election shit going on. It is a good idea for everyone to find out what lies beneath the November of 2020 rocks that are being turned over.

Enough of that; here is a quick lightening round of current events………

A simple and honest definition of racism is “discrimination or prejudice based on race”.  Call it what you might, most people equate race with skin color.  If that is true, then discrimination against people with white skin is the same as discrimination against people with black skin is the same as discrimination against people with brown skin is the same as discrimination against people with yellow skin.  Why is it that our President and the Democrats want to limit the definition of racism to the discrimination against people with black skin?

Whether we are Republican or Democrat, we all are disgusted when an elected or appointed politician uses their office or position to gain personal wealth, influence, or profit.  The Obama Administration took this practice to new heights.  Now it appears that the Biden Administration is pursuing that top spot.\

I suppose that pipelines won’t matter much when everyone in America is cruising around in their electric vehicles (heh); but still, it is strange how a pipeline in America that provides energy independence and good-paying jobs is a bad idea when a pipeline from Russia (our global opponent) to our supposed ally France is a good idea.  Does this make sense to you?  We can only imagine the journalistic hair fire had this occurred under President Trump.

Don’t miss the next post….Just Google centerlineright

Shortly before leaving the presidency, President Trump’s Administration helped to orchestrate historic peace agreements between Israel and several Arab Middle Eastern countries.  Iran was on the verge of collapse both in terms of economy and influence.  A new future of free trade and co-existence between Israel and its Arab neighbors appeared possible.  In four months, President Biden’s Administration has blown this situation all to hell.  Let’s start with Circle Back Psaki’s detachment from reality and denial of the historic record; then end up this Middle East discussion with a view from a Democratic Congresswoman whose thoughts apparently represent the Democratic Party.

The only way the idiotic destruction of our nation, society, culture, and government can continue is if the Republican Party allows the Democratic Party to continue with its practical control of WDC.  As long as Donald Trump continues to dangle the possibility of running once again for President, it makes it nigh on impossible for the Republicans to begin the process of selecting their nominee for the next presidential election.  The sooner Donald Trump shuts up and (hopefully) announces his decision not to seek the Republican presidential nomination, the sooner the Republican Party can get on with the process of finding a worthy candidate to put this nation back on the rails from which the Democrats have removed it.

My wife is a Trump-loving Republican who is terribly offended when I diss our ex-President for any reason.  She is convinced that come the mid-term elections in 2022, the country will be so sick of Democratic control in WDC that they will put both houses of Congress in Republican hands.  I caution her never to underestimate the ability of the Republican Party is snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.  Trump did it in 2020.   The article below is a perfect example of how Republicans always seem to bring knives to their gunfights with Democrats.   Can anyone who follows politics to any extent at all imagine this type of thing happening to the Democrats with either Chuck Schumer or Nancy Pelosi in charge?

It is comforting to know that liberal lunacy has its limits.  It is well into spring in Kentucky with the beginning of summer right around the corner; outstanding porch weather.  Good planting weather has allowed most farmers to get their corn seed in the ground and also get a jump on their soybean planting.  Hay is being laid down all over the county with no concerns about getting it wet.  Spring calving is well underway in the cattle herds and prices are up just a tad.  In our garden, we have green beans, lima beans, cucumbers, and squash all coming through the ground and the tomato plants are looking just fine.  We quit raising sweet corn in our garden a few years back because the coons simply whipped us.  The night before we were set to pick corn, they would conduct a midnight raid and trash the patch.  Typically, the same thing happens with our cherry tree.  Just as the cherries begin to ripen, the blackbirds will swoop in and pick the tree clean in about a day.  This year we flipped the script on those birds.  We managed to get the cherries picked a bit before schedule and got a pretty good yield.  There may be some in the bunch that aren’t quite ripe, but a bit of sugar should solve that problem.  Besides, a slightly tart taste in jelly and preserves is not entirely a bad thing.  Thank you, Lord…for all of your many blessings.

Tomorrow is the birthday of Minnesota native son Bob Dylan.  His catalog of music no doubt places him among the icons of music.  As for myself, I have always been sufficiently shallow so that if I did not like the vocals, I would discount the lyrics.  For me, Dylan's genius was clearly in the lyrics; but I never warmed up to his twangy voice.  

It is difficult to list someone whose width and depth in the music industry approaches that of Dylan.  His songs have been covered about as many times as there are stars in the heavens.  I will choose one here to celebrate his birthday; one that might be considered appropriate for these times.  I have heard it said that Hendrix garbles the lyrics on this song.  Given the content of the lyrics, I wonder if perhaps Dylan might have intended for them to be garbled.  Listen to the Hendrix epic version and then, if you wish, read the printed lyrics.












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