Saturday, May 8, 2021

A Rose by Any Other Name

Bill Shakespeare was onto something when he included this particular wordplay in Romeo and Juliet.  Perhaps if he was around today, he might find an appropriate place for it in his commentary about the Biden Administration.  With their useful idiot friends in the mainstream media, the President and his Press Secretary Circle Back Psaki are playing a game of Three Card Monte with the American public.  The problem is that in their game, there is no money card.

In the Democrat’s Land of Oz, their Fantasy Land of Unicorns and Rainbows, their Alice in Wonderland where up is down and in is out, and their Bizarro World where the exact opposite of reality is perception...we are being led around like a herd of mindless sheep and assumed to be the brainless zombies that we most often appear to be.  With their journalistic firewall firmly in place and the public narrative always written according to their script, Biden and his Democrats are oblivious to the ambivalence of their actions and shameless in their preposterous language.  They care very little about what we think.  They take our acquiescence for granted.

Having successfully floated their trial balloon in relabeling global warming as climate change; the liberal community is now freely applying its rhetorical sleight of hand to any particular cause du jour that happens to cross their mind.   In their minds, they have happened upon a very effective device for gaining and remaining in political control.  Whether outright lie or simple deception, Biden folks believe that if something is repeated faithfully and often enough, it becomes the truth.  For example, notice how they have dropped the terms equality and fairness and substituted for them the term equity:

You may have thought you understood what was traditionally meant by the term infrastructure.  But we are now given to understand that our concept of roads and bridges and power lines and pipelines and airports was far too limited.  It is remarkable how broadly the word is currently being described by the Democrats:

And then there is the new term “allowance” that is being bandied about by the Democrats.  It can apparently cover a lot of acreage; particularly when we are talking about government giveaway programs:

The President’s deceitful trickery also extends to how he fashions the Show Me the Money Circus that he features in his Three Ring White House.  Unlike private citizens, private sector business, most state governments, and the dictates of common economic sense…the Biden Administration figures the cost of a particular new program based on an 8-year period and the provisions that fund that particular program over a 15-year period.  I do believe that we could all benefit greatly from that type of math in our personal budgets.

Biden’s Treasury Secretary knows that the out-of-control federal spending madness that has overrun Washington, D.C. runs the risk of a vicious inflation cycle.  But she also knows who hired her and what the Democratic storyline must be.  If on rare occasions she slips up a bit and allows reality to take control of her speaking, she must be forgiven.  The pretense of complete and utter foolishness must be difficult to maintain on a 24/7 basis.

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The nonsensical logic of our President’s policies will continue to run head-on into that wall of common sense and reality.  To what degree can this incongruity be covered up?

On top of this daily dosage of double talk that flows from our Executive Branch, we have the additional layer of liberal fake news, biased journalism, and blatant misinformation that is designed to add credence to the illogical dissonance being disseminated by the President and his illogical warriors.  If indeed, and according to the Washington Post, “Democracy Dies in the Darkness”, then the blatant censorship being openly practiced by some sectors of our media is ominous indeed.

Liberal control of the media and their demonstrable willingness to wield it in partisan fashion is an alarming trend.  But an even more threatening “Shades of Obama” trend is developing in the Biden Department of Justice.  The political weaponization of our nation’s premier law enforcement agency truly puts our constitutional democracy at risk.

This is the current state of affairs that we find in our nation today.  It is the government we selected and the government we deserve.  It is in place, at a minimum, until the next course correction date of November, 2022.  Until then, this is the sad vision in our crystal ball:


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