Saturday, May 15, 2021

Swirling Above the Drain

In America’s haste to rid itself of a President so full of himself that he was intolerable, it has installed a bunch of idiots to run our country.  They are putting our nation and our way of life in peril.  President Biden inherited a country that was slowly waking up from a year long pandemic slumber with all manner of potential bursting at the seams.  In the name of demolishing all things Trumpian, he has frittered away nearly all of the positive things he inherited.  Oblivious to the consequences of this idiocy, he and his collection of  insecure attention seekers, clowns, ideologues, incompetents, radicals, and partisan hacks are merrily parading down the garden path, being showered with rose petals by their adoring media servants, and running our government into the ground.

President Trump had successfully brought the border crisis he inherited from the Obama Administration under control, was well on the way to constructing several sections of effective border wall, had introduced to Congress (unsuccessfully) comprehensive border reform, had coordinated multi-national responses to the issue, and had brought illegal alien border crossing numbers into a manageable range.  Bending to his liberal puppet-masters, President Biden not only obliterated Trump’s successful border policies in a matter of weeks, but amazingly blamed Trump for the very real crisis that Biden himself has created.

After President Trump successfully put the world’s worst sponsor of terrorism (Iran) in a box, effectively isolated it in the international community, and economically brought it to its knees…the Biden Administration now wants to reinstate the ridiculous JCPOA, lift the sanctions that have worked so efficiently, and revitalize the most evil terrorist influence on the planet.  What could possibly go work with this approach?

With a national economy primed for a post-pandemic surge, President Biden and his Democrat ilk in Congress threw BILLIONS of taxpayer dollars towards an effort to restart an economy that was already well on its way to restarting.  Instead of fueling economic recovery, they have ignited rampant workforce non-participation, rekindled the ashes of despicable inflation, and taken irresponsible federal deficit spending to astronomical new heights.  The Biden Administration is undertaking social experimentation under the guise of economic policy and managing to screw up both areas of our culture simultaneously.

Don’t miss the next post….Just Google centerlineright

And to put a perfect face on this clown show Administration, they routinely bring out their spokesperson Circle Back Psaki.  Her arrogance and her contempt for anyone who dares to find fault with her cozy little club simply drips from her public persona.  She is undoubtedly the perfect poster image for the Democratic Liberal Lunacy that is sweeping through our nation these days.  In the first link below, pay close attention to how the media stooge posing the “question” is actually playing the straight role in the comedy routine.

Of all the foolishness exhibited by the Biden Administration, nothing is more brazenly shameless than their inexplicable inability to offer the Trump Administration any credit whatsoever for helping to formulate and deliver the covid vaccine that has helped to largely extinguish the terrible pandemic of the last year.  Notwithstanding the lies they continually tell, the facts are that Biden himself had received the vaccine before he was inaugurated as President and our nation was well on its way towards vaccinating the public against the terrible plague before he ever took office.

So let us take stock of our new President’s performance thus far…He has stopped doing the things that were working.  He takes credit for accomplishments he had nothing to do with.  He fiddles while the Middle East and our national economy are burning.  He continues to appoint radical and ideological flamethrowers to positions of power and authority in our government.  And while he goes about creating crisis in our government; he constantly espouses that no crisis exists.  Here are three good, professional summaries of how things are going with our new President.  We got the government we deserve.

And what is life without a bit of humoreven if it is in the form of memes?

Not content with allowing the Joe Biden and his Democrats to publicly beclown themselves alone, the Republicans insist of getting in on the act.

FWIW footnote: I ran into a very good friend of mine at the gas pump this morning.  He is a lifelong Democrat, a devout Catholic, and one of the most conservative people I know.  I know, I know….he is a walking enigma.  That being said, his reaction to the current state of affairs in America is quite striking to me.  After expressing wonder and disillusionment at all the idiocy flowing out of WDC these days, he made no effort whatsoever to defend his President or his Party.  He didn’t even speak his name.  Instead, he remarked that the WDC idiocy goes back 2 or 3 years, obviously shifting some of the blame to Trump.  Good luck with that one, Democrats.  November of 2020 is in the rear view mirror and getting smaller every day.


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