Sunday, May 2, 2021

What Color is the Sky in Your Universe?

I suppose it all depends on your politics; certainly not on reality.  For example, consider the different ways President Biden’s recent speech to Congress was reported.

As a famous TV Judge says pretty often, “Who you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes?”  Keep in mind…this is the guy they are gushing about:

Speaking of common sense…it is certainly in short supply these days, especially in Washington, D.C.  For instance, why do you suppose any reasonable person would be in any hurry to repay their student loans when all of the Democrats, including our President, drone on constantly about “student loan forgiveness”?  It should not be a great mystery to anyone that student loan debt repayment is not going so well:

Here is another head scratcher.  If your community is like mine, just about every other business you pass has a “Help Wanted” sign posted out front.  With all of these available jobs, you would think that the unemployment rate would be 2 to 3 percent.  But the national unemployment rate for March was 6 percent.  That is 2.5 percent HIGHER than the pre-pandemic rate in February of 2020.  The labor force participation rate was 61.5 percent in March.  That is 3.3 percent LOWER than it was in February of 2020.  I suppose the common sense question might be: Why in the world would anyone be rushing out to get a job when the government is mailing out $1,000 checks on a regular basis?  Consider this:

You would think that with so many people now having received their Covid vaccine shots, the masking/shutdown/social distancing madness would somehow be subsiding more than it is.  Common sense would seem to tell you that, wouldn’t it?  Do you suppose that there are some people out there who have somehow profited from the pandemic…somehow benefited from the pandemic…somehow made a career from the pandemic…that simply do not want it to end?  Who could these people possibly be:

Don’t miss the next post….Just Google centerlineright

Every ten years, America conducts a national census; one was just completed for 2020.  A little research on the subject will offer an amazing array of impacts from this recalculation of American demographics; the ripple effects of the census data throughout the administrations of federal programs are extensive.  Here are a couple of interesting articles regarding that recent recalculation and its integrity.  Heaven forbid that something like this be tainted by politics.

The Biden Administration and the Democrat Party continue to see racism in all things; it is omnipresent.  For people who claim to abhor discrimination; they often advocate discrimination as a remedy.  For people who want to de-emphasize gender and racial distinction; they seem to be obsessed with gender and racial distinctions.  Is there any chance that their motivations are agenda-driven rather than morally-driven?

Joe Biden is the product of strange times.  He is a strange man.  Here is an interesting take on his moment in time:

And speaking of strange times…Are you at all like me in wondering quite often whether the whole world has gone crazy and you are sane or perhaps you have gone crazy and the whole world is sane?  Exactly what is normal these days:

I will close with one thing I am certain is not “rational”; even if it might be considered “normal” these days.  I am talking about the rank irresponsibility of both national political parties and their complete stupidity in federal spending habits.  Neither has the integrity, the courage, or the common sense to honestly address the rampant deficit spending habits of our federal government.  Our elected officials continue to place the economic well-being of future generations in jeopardy by spending tax dollars like drunken sailors.  And on those rare occasions when they are questioned about this, they respond like this:

My wife and I have been blessed with good lives; but we have had some hard times financially.  I can recall June of 1980 when the misery index (the annual inflation rate plus the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate) under President Jimmy Carter hit 21.98 percent.  All of our debt was on promissory notes with adjustable interest rates; few people locked rates in back then.  Under Carter, inflation peaked at 14.76 percent.   Jimmy Carter was the worst President in my lifetime….until Barack Hussein Obama came along.  And now his Vice-President is running the show.

There are entire generations of Americans today who have absolutely no concept of the economic pain that inflation at these levels can deliver.  Yet our President and his spendaholic lapdogs in Congress are speeding merrily down the spending hill with no brakes on their federal jalopy.  We should all hope and pray that what appears to be happening is just an illusion…I fear it is not:














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