Strange times we are living in, aren’t they? If you are like me, you’re finding it difficult to find any rationality in the world around us. The adults are acting like children…the children are acting like infants. Government is behaving like a circus…and an actual circus would do a better job at running the affairs of state. Faith is ridiculed…while hate is celebrated. Treachery and malice are envied…compassion and humility are viewed as weaknesses. Turmoil is the new normal…tranquility is an elusive dream. We create problems where none exist…we choose to ignore the desperation in the lives of those around us. Our Constitution is brazenly ignored by those who are selected to uphold it as our country is slipping further away from its moorings.
vicious economic cycle of inflation, profligate spending, and the refusal to
hold individuals accountable for their own debts and financial situations has
brought us to the brink of a fiscal cliff…hovering over a long and perilous
drop. Our planet is a literal powder keg
with Russia invading its neighbors, biblical bloodlust running amuck in the
Middle East, and China scheming in plain sight about world domination. The ethical and moral health of our nation,
culture, and society has sunk down to the lowest level I have witnessed in my
lifetime. Our national education system
has been corrupted by these very same perversions of behavior and excesses of
tolerance. Crime is rampant and our
front-line law enforcement personnel are persecuted and ridiculed. They possess insufficient power and authority
to do their jobs and when they are successful, the prosecutorial branch of our
justice system throws them under the bus.
We have lost the ability to stand on principle, we remain silent in the
face of aberrant behavior, and we are either too frightened…too proud…or too
weary to call out evil when it leaps up in our faces. We are becoming passive victims of a world
gone out of control.
have placed ourselves in the position where our solution for a good many of
these problems will rest in the hands of one or the other known quantities of
leadership that have both proven to be unworthy of the office they seek…and
that one of them will surely ascend to.
The cavorting and out-of-control vehicle that is transporting us from
day to day is picking up speed, burning up its brakes on hairpin turns, running
low on fuel…even lower on maintenance, and is essentially unpiloted in its wild
and crazy trip down a steep and treacherous slope…heading towards that cliff I
mentioned earlier. An honest and sober
assessment should tell us that our only hope lies in God and the lessons he set
forth through his Son; but it is sadly the fact that God himself has likely become disgusted
with us and has left us to our own demise.
read up on the news of the day. Keep
your loved ones close by and watch over them carefully. Pay close attention to the threats that
surround you and do your best to prepare for the travails to come. Try your best to create a prayer line of communication
between yourself and the Good Lord. Think
long and hard about what matters and what is trivial in your life; choose
wisely when making personal decisions of consequence. That cliff might be a ways off, but then
again…it might be much closer than we think.
The lawfare political strategy
being implemented by the Democrat Party and its liberal/progressive cabal is a
terrible stain on our nation. While a corpse of a president is propped up
in the White House, his minions have politically-weaponized our government and
justice system against his political rival in a desperate effort to remain in
control of this country. Will this
bald-faced abuse of power and authority be successful or will it be called out
for the corruptive farce that it is? We
will find out come November.
no mistake about it…if the Democrats and their cohorts are successful in their
quest to hold on to the levers of power and influence, their woken, immoral, idiotic, autocratic, and corruptive policies will
continue to infect our nation. There
is some
pushback to be found here and there, but the only true solution can be
found in the voting booths. We will get
the government that we deserve.
Please listen to this is so revealing:
The economic policy choices before
us could not be simpler.
Consider our national economy under President Donald Trump’s term and
then consider what we have experienced under President Joe Biden’s term. Look at the policies; look at the people
implementing those policies; think about the
results of those policies on the lives of you and your family.
Our government…specifically our
economy…is so messed up because of the imbeciles that Biden has chosen to run
it and the policies he has mandated for them to administer. Actually, I believe some of them are on their
own and are simply winging it as they go along. Here is a prime example of how that strategy
is playing out…
And the results of that strategy are
haunting every working American’s financial health…
Joe Biden is an incompetent,
foolish, stupid, and dangerous president.
He is serving as a useful idiot for the legacy Obama cartel that
supplies his daily ration of what to say, what to do, and where to go. The result of this unholy arrangement is a
vacuum of leadership in the Executive Branch of our government, an abuse of
power through executive actions taken by Biden’s “behind the scenes” handlers, and a wobbly path for our nation to
follow while this travesty plays out in the White House.
The question will be set before the
American voters come November. If it is
a fair and transparent election, Donald Trump will prevail. Trump
is not that good…Joe Biden is simply that bad. But the powerful,
influential, and ruthless people who are vested in the presidency of Joe Biden
will do everything within their reach to insure that Biden is re-elected. Surely…surely…the
Republican Party will not once again bring a knife to this political gunfight.
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