Friday, May 10, 2024

The Shame of America

I recall how I felt the first time I read the book Night by Elie Wiesel.  The first English translation of this book was published in 1960 and there can be no doubt that it has changed the way many people in the world think.  His short and soul-rending story of how he and his family faced the Holocaust effectively illustrates to us that there is evil in this world, that evil is oftentimes powerful and intoxicating, and left unchallenged…it will consume all that is good in our lives.


I recall the first thought that came to my mind upon completing the book… “How could people allow this to happen? And then, in my lifetime, I have seen the same horrendous chapters of true evil play out in the killing fields of Cambodia…the senseless Rwandan genocide…the terrible treatment of the Uyghurs in China…and untold other episodes that somehow flew (and fly) beneath the radar of the good people and their leaders who inhabit this planet Earth.  It happens because people don’t care enough to pay attention to the world outside of their yards.  It happens because it is someone else’s problem.  It happens because we have become desensitized to the ruthless and Machiavellian methods of true evil.  And most important of all…it happens because we have chosen weak, unprincipled, immoral cowards to be our leaders.  Joe Biden is the most recent.


When his record of public service is considered and his vice-presidential and presidential terms in the White House are reflected upon, the inescapable conclusion of why Joe Biden has forsaken the nation of Israel in its war with Hamas is this: This man is so lustful of the power he holds that he allows himself to be enthralled with any logic, no matter how absurd, that he can use to rationalize a foreign policy decision that will conceivably help him win a second term as president.  In my opinion, this is why Joe Biden has deserted one of America’s strongest allies; one of history’s most courageous and stoic countries, and a people who are fighting every moment of their lives to simply survive.  For a few votes in Michigan and other Muslim-centric enclaves across this nation, Joe Biden has given in to that small and craven voice that his mentor, Barack Hussein Obama implanted in the back of his brain. 


Obama was raised with a Muslim/Islamic influence and has clearly chosen that faith to guide his life.  America was founded on the Christian influence and that has never set well with Obama.  There is certainly room for both in our country…but one should not have to bend to the other.  He wanted to change America to suit his ideals…and did a whole lot of damage in the course of trying to implement those changes.  Obama was a coward.  He wanted so badly to do many of the things that Biden has done, but he was afraid that he would be called out on those efforts and his image as The One would be tarnished.  His ego and conceit would not allow him to take that risk, so he never went quite as far with his anti-Semitic feelings as he would have liked. 


Then came President Biden; let’s just call him The Zero.  Obama realized that he now had a useful idiot that he could use…at no real risk to himself…to actually do the things he was afraid to do when he was president.   Without getting his own hands dirty, he had another shot at completing his secret ambition.  Biden has listened to the Obama minions that hold the strings to his marionette existence in the White House and permitted his baser instincts for political survival to overcome the basic, fundamental human understanding of right and wrong.  Those instincts should tell him that Israel is fighting for its very existence; that it has been subjected to medieval and monstrous atrocities that are too terrible to describe; and all that is good and proper in this world screams for America to stand with Israel as it struggles for its future.  Instead, he has somehow rationalized that withholding material, political, and moral support for their cause is justified by his idiotic and false moral equivalency between the barbaric October 7 attacks by Hamas on Israel and Israel’s fully justified effort at self defense; a defense which necessarily involves the eradication of those evil elements that campaign for the end of its being.  He has succumbed to the will of The One. 


Joe Biden is not only an embarrassment to the nation that he leads; he is a dismal failure as a compassionate human being and a decent man.  He is a pathetic shell of a manic, political, bizarre contraption that is motivated by pure and unadulterated self-concerns and has no conscious awareness of not only the harm that he is causing through his stupid commissions…he is equally clueless as to the terrible costs incurred through his incredibly disastrous behavior of failing to lead the forces of good in this world when duty comes calling.  That is his sin of omissions.  If there is any semblance of truth and honor in the writing of this time period’s history, then Joe Biden will be fully exposed as the pathetic and pitiful weakling that he is showing himself to be.  I am ashamed of our president and by extension, of the policy he is dictating for our nation.  He is a truly worthy successor to his benefactor Obama.


By sabotaging the effort of Israel to defend itself against the evil that is Hamas and the radical Islamist elements that support it, Joe Biden is fulfilling the wildest dreams of his mentor Obama.  At the same time, he has sold his soul to the empty and unprincipled universe of political survival at all costs.  The Zero has been effectively propped up by The One, accomplishing what the Constitution prohibited from occurring in an Obama third term through the master puppetry exhibited by him in his control and direction of Joe Biden’s Middle East policy. 


As devastating as this reality is for Israel, which is literally fighting for its very survival, it is also devastating for our country and the Constitution upon which it was built.  If anyone has ever wondered what might occur in a second Biden Administration, this foreign policy malignant malfeasance by an American president should portend to them precisely how much worse it can get.  


What is Israel fighting for?


What has Biden done?


How does a true leader respond to this type of challenge?


Once again…WHY is Israel fighting?


Why are Biden’s actions so wrong?


What must be done to reconcile this Middle East dispute?




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