Balance is a term that holds many and varied applications in our lives. I suppose the first relevance of the term for most of us would the physical aspect of balance. Premier athletes are blessed with extraordinary balance that is both natural and earned. Some animals, such as cats, have an innate physical balance ability that oftentimes defies reason. It is also painfully true that as the human creature ages, its sense of balance is eroded and as we ease into the latter stages of our lives, that lack of balance can become a serious concern. After playing some basketball this afternoon with my 13-year old grandson, I can attest to that fact. But if we allow ourselves to expand beyond the physical connotation of balance; we can readily recognize that balance is a vital ingredient in a successful life or enterprise that has broad applications to many aspects.
our world, there exists a balance between eternal conflicts. There is the age-old struggle of good vs.
evil. There is the cultural and societal
challenge of rich vs. poor. There is the
eternal friction between the young vs. the old and the battles of the sexes. There is the complex question of balancing a
career with a family. At some point, and
no matter the spiritual context in which we frame it, we must all deal with the
struggle of reconciling God’s will with our own free will.
is full of conflicts; they are simply unavoidable. The secret to dealing practically and
effectively with these conflicts is learning to achieve some form of balance between the conflicting forces. Good
Lord…aren’t we all looking for some kind of balance in our life? When we deal with balance, it is fair to say
that one size does not fit all; we must each find the formula for calming our
own troubled waters. Perhaps one of the
catalysts for the world’s problems in current times is the fact that many
people, several of them people of power and influence, would like to dictate exactly how balance should play
out in our lives.
is no doubt that there are some areas where balance must be prescribed and
enforced by a higher authority; because a lack of this application would result
in chaos. The realm of justice, law
enforcement, and civil order are some of these.
Each of us cannot reasonably be permitted to behave in tune to our own
personal sense of right and wrong. There
are laws that should apply equally to all for the betterment of the whole. Conversely, there are other areas where there
must be room for each of us to find our private level of balance. Our right of expression and opinion regarding
ideals, policies, and agendas fall naturally into this category. But even here, where individual freedoms must
be addressed, there should remain an essential balance between individual
rights and the rights of the whole. We
must always preserve the God-given rights recognized in the founding of our
great nation; but simultaneously maintain a limit on the extent to which one
person’s exercise of their rights might infringe on that same exercise by their
neighbors. Balance…a noble and marvelous goal to pursue; a monumental and
frustrating challenge to achieve.
all the problems that currently exist in our government, I strongly believe
that chief among them is the fact that we…collectively as a nation…have lost
the constitutional balance that was so wisely prescribed for our three branches
of government. Our Legislative Branch
has become lazy, careless, distracted, and essentially dysfunctional; thus
allowing their constitutional authorities to erode and migrate over to the
other two branches of government. They
had the power; they did not use it; they lost it. They left a void and it was filled.
Executive Branch, fueled by autocratic dreams possessed by monstrous egos and
arrogance, has been more than ready to accept these neglected legislative
authorities and fill in the void with extra-constitutional executive
actions. Presidents of both parties, and
their radical appointees, have taken advantage of the Chevron Phenomenon and made an art form out of distorting
legislation or, worse case scenario, ignoring it altogether and creating their
own rules. Under the Biden
Administration, this process is best described as “governing on the fly”. The
Legislative Branch, too disparate and divided to effectively counter this
usurpation of their power, have become sniveling creatures of whining complaints
about someone else doing their job… in a way that they simply do not agree
with…because they proved incapable of doing it themselves. The Legislative Branch of our government has
become quite impotent. Their loss of
potency has transferred largely to the Executive Branch.
Judicial Branch has lost its integrity and its honor through decades of
tolerance for the abuse of power by unscrupulous scoundrels who pose as public
servants while pursuing personal, political, and ill-advised ends. Quite simply, the justice system has been
corrupted by the pathetic quality of the individuals who are administering the
justice system. This malaise extends all
the way from the local county attorneys in the states where we live and work
all the way up to the Attorney General and the Supreme Court of the United
States. Rogue prosecutors and judges at
every rung of the ladder traveling upward have been emboldened by their
increasing abilities to get away with blatant abuse of power and their pursuit
of personal agendas. These arrogant wannabe dictators are appointed for life
and rule from the bench with little or no regard to precedent, existing law, or
common sense. The absurd practices of
unequal justice, judge shopping, and legal mission creep has put our current
justice system in a land of chaos, disorder, and dystopian existence.
is to be done? To regain the
constitutional balance in our government, our elected and appointed officials
must rediscover two essential principles: Order
and Competence. We must return to the
order set forth in our Constitution which
defines how our government is constructed, who is responsible for what, and how
we can deal with the necessary changes as our nation ages. Each Branch of our government needs to step
up and embrace their constitutionally-assigned duties and responsibilities with
professionalism, vigor, enthusiasm, transparency, humility, pride, and
character. They must also learn to
respect the existing limits of authority and realize where their mission ends
and someone else’s begins.
important, we must select the best among us to execute the duties of our
government. They must be selected NOT
because of their politics, their ethnicity, their religion, their wealth, or
their influence. They must be selected
based on their competence; their
proven and measureable abilities to do the job for which they are
selected. That selection should be based
on skills, abilities, integrity, judgment, and commitment. They must be people who are motivated by an
ethic of public service and have a firm grasp on their own limitations and imperfections.
us address some of those imbalances
that were mentioned earlier….
the current landscape of the approaching presidential election, I will venture
the premise that Joe Biden is incapable of winning
this election. However, Donald Trump is
certainly capable of losing this
election. Does Trump possess the
discipline and intelligence to take full advantage of the opportunity set
before him by the paucity of his opposition?
Make no mistake about it…Joe
Biden and the liberal/progressive block of our nation that supports him hold
the potential to draw to an inside straight and beat Trump in this November’s
political poker match. They are
wealthy, influential, desperate, guileful, and…perhaps most important of
all…they are the incumbents in the White House and the Senate. Can an election be bought or wrangled? I don’t know….Can it?
from using your tax dollars to gain votes, Biden continues to spew venom and
hatred that further divides our nation along hysterical lines of race, status,
and income. He consistently plays fast
and loose with the truth and has no reluctance to telling outright lies. He has
no concern for healing our differences and solving our problems; his only
concern is remaining in office.
The Biden Administration’s
political weaponization of the Department of Justice is a tragic and abysmal
indictment of its corruption and lust for power and control. While favored individuals skate through the
legal system with no fear of repercussion for their misdeeds, disfavored
individuals are victimized by the legal system in vicious and extra-legal
And while Joe Biden and his entourage
focus exclusively on how they might retain control of our government…their true
duties and responsibilities are ignored and the functioning of our government
and our institutions are going to hell in a hand basket, both domestically and
There are some indications that
people in general are beginning to come to terms with the idiocy of woke,
progressive ideology and are starting to push back against its lunacy.
many of the forces driving the progressive/liberal madness that is infecting
our nation are simply clueless as to their own stupidity. They exist in idealistic bubbles where they eat,
sleep, work, live, and recreate only with those folks who agree with them and
their fairy tale ideals. Instead of coming face to face with the fallacy
of their agenda, they focus instead on the process…not the substance…of their
aims. They remain in a comfortable,
blissful state of eternal denial. They
are so rigid in their certitude that, in their minds, the only reasons you do
not agree with them is either you are too dumb to understand them…or they are
simply doing an inadequate job of explaining their positions.
If America is going to return to
the ideals that fostered its founding, we must remove the Democrat Party from control
of our nation’s Executive Branch of government. It is not essential, but it would be extremely
beneficial, if we also returned our Legislative Branch to Republican
control. Not because they are righteous
and ingenious…they are not; but
simply because their brand of dysfunction is far preferable to that of the
Democrats. The Republicans can rival the
Democrats any day of the week on the nonsense scale…but at least the
Republicans still retain a rudimentary allegiance to the Constitution that
birthed this nation. The Democrats have
generally disavowed that document. The opportunity to implement this remedy is
rapidly approaching.
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