Friday, March 25, 2016

A Stroll Up on the Ridge.

A Stroll Up on the Ridge.  Nothing too heavy, just a few notes about the world we live in….

NCAA college basketball tournament is simply not the same without the Kentucky Wildcats playing.  Oh well…..

No comment on the presidential primaries; the Crook vs. the Socialist continues its judicial watch and the TV Reality Star vs. the Preacher continues its…not certain what “its” is.

Goofball president in Cuba watching baseball games and posing in front of Che; my lord, how clueless is this idiot.  Dancing while Americans are killed by terrorists in Brussels and telling South American students they need to choose between capitalism and communism based on what they think works for them.  Can January of 2017 come soon enough?

Obamacare continues to implode.  While granting mandate exemptions to some of the biggest corporations in the world, there is no tolerance for the Little Sisters of the Poor.  How many more tentacles will this administration be able to imbed in our society before they are run out of town?

NASCAR, the NFL, and the NCAA must meet on a regular basis.  They all seem to adhere to the “good ole boy” school of administration where they are bound by no logic, no consistency, no accountability, and above all else…no damn shame. 

ISIS must be thoroughly overwhelmed; so many targets and so little time.  Do you think there is any symbolism in the fact that the European Union is headquartered in Brussels?  Do you think they are more concerned with the EU than with the USA?  Do you think they avoid certain states in our country because they know that some people will actually shoot back at them? 

Could it possibly be that having a Supreme Court split 50/50 is a good thing?  Having oftentimes heard that the best government is the government that governs least, perhaps keeping these founts of all wisdom and knowledge out of our bedrooms, doctors’ offices, bank accounts, and churches might not be such a bad thing.  Having to live with some of the lower court decisions won’t be easy, but at least they come with a potential expiration date.  I wonder…do you suppose we could get Obama to leave early for Hawaii and see how that works out?

Batman vs. Superman is sure generating a lot of buzz.  Hard for me to see how they can stretch this theory out for a movie length.  I mean, it seems like Batman will need something like a Northern Iowa/TA&M miracle to even stay in the same town as Superman.

Just speculating here (at least, I sure hope so), but perhaps we can look to Kentucky to see how a Trump presidency might play out.  Kentucky Republican Governor Bevan came to office in spite of his party, beholden to no one, and is shaking things up in an unconventional manner.  The regular players apparently do not know exactly how to deal with Mr. Bevan.  If Trump ascends to the presidency, this Kentucky scenario might prove to be a sneak preview of what to expect from him in WDC.

I am curious about this “negative interest rate” policy in Japan and Sweden.  I’ve been thinking for some time that this banking deal was turned on its head, but it looks like we are finally and simply going to be calling it what it is.  There is that old Golden Rule…Them that’s got the gold, makes the rules.

Are we now living in the Golden Age of television or what?  I can get over 20 stations of HD on free antenna TV here in Kentucky.  For a very reasonable price, I can get satellite TV with recent movies, TV series, and independent films and full on-demand amenities.  ROKU offers a universe of free options for your viewing pleasure and the quality of TV production is right up there with the big screen.  You know…the major sports leagues, along with the college venues, have got to be wondering how they are going to continue filling these huge arenas and stadiums.

A couple of ongoing debates in sports that I am finding fascinating: Is Curry as good as the NBA greats of yesterday and how much spontaneous celebration should be allowed in MLB.  Neither question has a clear answer and when you can find some talking heads that you respect, the discussion is really something you can sink your teeth into.  Gives some of the more intelligent people in sports broadcasting a chance to shine.

Well…that is a fine walk through the weeds.  It is now time to plant potatoes, remember the Resurrection, gather the family together for the weekend, and dwell on how blessed we all are…in spite of the circus that surrounds us.  

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