Monday, March 14, 2016

Forfeiting Our Future.

Forfeiting Our Future.  In my opinion, the long and shameful trip down the slope of incivility and lack of statesmanship began with President Bill Clinton.  Clinton was a remarkable politician; a gifted orator with sharp instincts.  Though the explanation for his successful executive actions mainly lay in desperation and last resort, he nonetheless presided over a time when the Executive and Legislative Branches of our government achieved some significant accomplishments; not the least among them being a balanced federal budget.  He came into office as a zealot, was sobered up by mid-term rejections, and adjusted his game plan to work with a Republican Congress.  It can be argued who was playing who, who won the most, and who benefited the greatest; but the point is that things got done and government functioned.  But when President Clinton got caught with his hand in the Lewinsky jar, things went south very quickly and the ugly sides of both parties saw their opportunities to rise in prominence.  Clinton simply refused to be held accountable for his moral lapses in the White House and the Republicans in Congress refused to let it go.  Between them, all reserves of good will and good faith that might have been building due to governmental accomplishments were shoved aside to make room for spite, malice, acrimony, and pure, hateful partisanship.  Since that time, the wound has never healed.  It has, on occasion, tried to heal over a bit; but there always seems to be a new rip or tear to peel back the scab and expose the ugly underside of the scar.  The Democrats hated George W. Bush and decided early on that nothing he did could be universally accepted as positive.  The Republicans have been all too willing to return that favor with Obama.  At the end of Obama’s two terms, the terrible cost of these decades’ worth of dysfunction and partisanship is being fully realized and our nation is slouching towards a societal model that is angry, sloven, shameless, and aimless.  Half of our population depends on the sweat of the other half for their existence and they increasingly resent the hell out of that other half for providing it.  The providing half are finding it increasingly maddening to support those who refuse to support themselves while seeing no difference in quality of life between the two groups.  Into this dynamic, we bring our future generations; generations who perpetuate the hard-earned biases and resentments of their respective parents. 

Now comes Presidential Campaign 2016 and the phenomenon known as Donald Trump.  The standard definition of the teflon politician cannot begin to adequately describe the remarkable fact that this man can say essentially anything, anywhere, in any fashion, and not in the least be held accountable for it.  The man has openly bragged that he could shoot a person in the streets and not have it held against him; and he has gone a long ways towards proving this remark to be true.  Now truth be told, neither the Republicans nor the Democrats have put up a candidate that exhibits sufficient promise to dim the glare of Trump.  And, our sitting president has lowered the bar so much that we have come face to face with the fact that the nation will continue to exist (although at a very low tide) with an incompetent and ineffective Executive in the White House.   So perhaps it is the case that people simply don’t worry too much anymore about who they choose as their President.  Perhaps they have given up on our government; given up on the financial underpinnings of this country and the people and businesses that supervise it; given up on our nation’s ability to protect the cause of liberty and freedom anywhere else in the world apart from our own shores; and most important of all, given up on there being better days and times ahead for our children and future generations of Americans.  In specific response to the current discord in the Republican Party and the recent civil unrest at Donald Trump campaign events, Marco Rubio offered the following words:                                              

Now Marco Rubio has very little chance of successfully obtaining the Republican Presidential nomination that he seeks; for whatever reason…superior competition, poor campaign management, poor messaging, lack of preparation…he appears destined to fail in his quest.   But if you will listen to his words and read his emotions in this short interview, I think you can sense a good deal of the frustration that many of us feel about what has happened (and is continuing to happen) to our country.  His heartfelt and obviously sincere message goes well beyond the machinations of the Republican Primary and can easily be applied to the current sad state of our country.   I don’t know where we will find ourselves twelve months down the road and who will be leading our nation; but I hope and pray that they have at least a portion of the frustration, recognition, and hope that Rubio speaks of.  When you see the chaos and madness (yes, that is NOT too strong a word) and realize that it is no longer a symptom, but rather a condition….God help us.

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