Monday, March 7, 2016

So Much For Shelving the Egos....Updated.  I will confess that during, and following, my previous post about Ego Shelving, I felt a lot like a whiner and a thin-skinned Rubio backer.  But...after reading  a lot of reports today specifically about how the Cruz campaign is in open attack mode with the Rubio campaign as its target, all whiner guilt has left my body.  Once again...I can support either Cruz or Kasich as the top of the Republican ticket; they are far preferable to Trump and the Democratic nominee and they both appear to be grounded in conservative principles.  However, the fashion in which the Cruz campaign is handling its recent good news from last week and is continuing to waste its resources on eliminating Rubio rather than Trump is....well....pretty stupid.  This is a bizarre year for politics and I am nothing if not a rank amateur when it comes to political voyeurism.  Having said that, I will state that actions like I see coming from Cruz and his people are testing my ability to support him and he and his people seem to me to be dead set on winning the battle at the expense of losing the war.  For goodness sakes, Ted....grow up.

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